This is the future of the GOP

This is the future of the GOP

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>Koshervative hyperzionism incarnate
Maybe you meant "past, present and future"?

Benji has his flaws but he's well spoken, not autistic, and charismatic. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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More like the current absolute state of it.

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No, Ben will only be able to sell his brand of politics to a dwindling pool of dying boomers.

>implying the GOP isn't already kiked to the maximum

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this, tbqh

>Old kikes passing the torch to younger kikes who still act in Israeli interest, but disprove the wage gap

Fucking based

Controlled opposition. Civic nationalism pushing kike who doesn't care about the browning of America. Shapiro and his 'intellecthal darkweb' piece of shit Jew bastards are trying to co-opt populist nationalist movements. Fuck Shapiro

Oh yeah, also, Tucker is more based than Shapiro.

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I was RAPED once.

I was a 16 YEAR OLD VIRGIN LIBERAL and one night I was walking home from the library. FRIGHTENED I took a shortcut down A DARK ALLEY. I heard a SINISTER LAUGH and BEN SHAPIRO jumped out from behind a trash can! "Well well," he sneered, "looks like the INVISIBLE HAND has ensured that my DEMAND is met by your SUPPLY. What a TRIUMPH OF THE FREE MARKET..."

I said capital always accumulates in the hands of the wealthy, but to no avail. He just laughed and whipped out his THROBBING 12 CHAPTER TREATISE. He shoved me roughly against the wall and started filling my ear with STEAMY CITATIONS. I struggled but got SLAPPED IN THE FACE WITH ROCK HARD DATA for my efforts.

MEWLING AND WHIMPERING I tried to check his privilege. He just bellowed, "YOUR RESISTANCE ONLY MAKES MY CONCLUSIONS FIRMER!" I started to explain power theory and he RAMMED MY OWN WORDS DOWN MY THROAT. My premises and spirit broken, I couldn't get a word in edgewise because I was GAGGING ON SLIMY MEATY ARGUMENTS.

It was awful. His HUGE ARGUMENT was TOO BIG to fit inside my TIGHT VIRGIN BRAIN. Some of the founder facts he PULLED OUT only to immediately JAM BACK INSIDE. It seemed to go on forever but finally, FORCING ME OPEN, his PENETRATING ARGUMENT came to a CLIMAX. It was agony as ROUND AFTER ROUND of THICK ROPY FACTS and HOT STICKY LOGIC were PUMPED DEEP INSIDE me.

Weeping, I lay in a PUDDLE OF STINKING NEOCON RHETORIC. I didn't see where he went, but BEN SHAPIRO'S VIRILE IDEAS had been irresistibly PLANTED DEEP INSIDE me. I tried to abort the memory, but NINE MONTHS LATER I was BORN AGAIN CONSERVATIVE.

This is my truth. POUND ME TOO!

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Tucker can win the hearts of conservatives more than Benny. I actually don't mind Ben but at the end of the day he's a Jew first. He cares as much about Israel as he does the USA if not more.

Its interesting that shapiro was smart enough to hop on the BTFO SJW's train and get a name for himself but even a rudimentary scratch beneath the surface reveals he's just a more youthful neocon, same old garbage, younger coat of paint

Terrible voice and cadence.

Tucker goes back to the bowtie and grows Hitler stasche. Literally Makes America Great Again.

Neoconservatism died in 2008 burger.
The corpse just shambled along for 8 years before the entire party was taken over by a new york democrat reality show host. That's how dead Ben Shapiro's ideology is.

He's just not smart enough to realize it.

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The funny part is they're both right. If you actually researched the issue and put more than 3 seconds of thought into both of their arguments, you'd realize it. But you're all retarded and you listen to shills on Jow Forums.
>“We do not exist to serve markets,” Carlson said. “Just the opposite. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having. A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society.”
>Free market-induced innovation led to higher life-expectancies and more prosperity, says Shapiro, adding that it is human mistakes, not the existence of the free market, that causes lack of prosperity.
They're both fucking right, you God damned fucking retards.

>pic related

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>largest fastest growing conservative podcast

He kind of reminds me of Jeb Bush.

>He's just not smart enough to realize it.
He can still make outrage bux criticising the sjws. There's still a good audience for that mixed with neocon politics. He's backed off the Never Trump, so he has some adaptability unlike Bill Kristol.

I disagree. He has lost a lot of respect since he got BTFO by AOC

One minute nu\pol/ hate jews then the next minute they are praising jews like Shaprio Stephen Miller and Kushner

Whole fucking board needs to be nukes

>shambled along for 8 years
11 years

My local radio station picked up that faggot’s show. I should go to their station and..


okay, now THIS is epic

God bless Tuck for cleaning up Fox Talmudvision

Has anyone listened to his new 2 hour podcast? I've been interested to know how good it is before paying for it.

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Tucker and Ben are both well-spoken anti-abortion advocates, so either is a welcome change from the GOP/"right"/trad establishment.

Ben Shapiro is irrelevant and nobody cares about his opinions. Without Israelis spamming his face all over the internet he would be totally irrelevant. You know why your controlled opposition kikes are so unlikable? Because they're puppets with talking points they can't stray outside the boundaries of. Fucking losers.

Trips of kikery

Ben is going to prison.

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Tucker is a socialist. I heard the debate he had with Ben.

A national socialist.

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He's like if you took Obama off the teleprompter and then sped it up.

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No trolling outside of /b/


It's all the same shit and it doesn't work.

...i'm saying his effective. do you disagree?

>all the same shit.
Zionist Genocide of 2019 is gonna be one of the greatest times in all of human history. It's gonna be great.

I wouldn't go that far. He just doesn't think capitalism is GOD.

Effective at what? Being another cucklord kike zionist communist anti-American Jew piece of fast-talking shit?

no thanks. nice try though, mr. shapiro.

a jew makes sense

You like getting daily Torah readings? Or being told that everything good for Israel is what we MUST do? Shapiro is a super shill and it's pure cuckery to pay for it

I know that they would both shill for Israel but I know that Shapiro would do it harder than Tucker ,Anything but a kike in office.

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Tucker got a ZOGBot to say we were in Syria because of Israel. What the fuck are you talking about?

I think I kicked his ass one night outside a NYC club. He cried like a bitch.

>tfw the jews are so pissed off at us they can't understand in their crippled jewish minds why we don't fall for their jewish tricks

Tucker is not a Israel shill at all. He does have to play the corporate news game, but he is able to navigate it to get his opinions across.

He reads the federalist papers frequently and the torah is only weekly. He is not going to stop being rich if I throw him a fuck bucks.

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I don't give a god damn fucking shit about the browning of America you stupid goy. Ideology is what truly matters.

yup. pic related.

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Sounds like you already made up your mind then. Remember, Israel is not our friend.

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It's the funniest thing if you've ever lived near installations of jews just how retarded they are. The whole thing is just keeping the game going on the expectation they'll slide by because they're in the tribe.

That incel is impotent otherwise he may have been laid before. But he has not, hence all the impotent anger.

tfw the goyim know and you can't shut it down

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If he is we're fucked

>literal jewish neocon who doesn't care about ethnicity as long as "muh values"

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Hell no.

Who's backing him? I've never seen more obvious controlled op. Nobody likes him, but he's somehow randomly "popular".

I think little Benji should just move to Israel, he obviously cares about it more than the US.

>Who's backing him?
I mean c'mon, that seems obvious.

Who backs Hew Hewitt? He got to be the "moderator" of one of the presidential debates. I had the misfortune of having my clock radio misdialed for a few days to the newly bought-up neocon radio channel where I woke up to Hew Hewitt's bullshit as if life wasn't bad enough as it is already.

And then he had Ben Shapiro on and that morning I decided to lie in bed for an extra hour to find out more. Benji might as well be a shabbos goy. All he does is recite good goy talking points at high speed. He's like a pet jew.

sorry but Shapiro is being heavily propped up. they are trying to model him as the new William Buckley but that isn't happening.
the Shapiro is just a neocon who slams SJWs, that's literally it. the GOP has pretty much rejected neoconservatism

Tucker is more in line with the future trajectory of the GOP

this is what the two parties will likely look like after realignment. it's a bitter pill but there you have it

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>my worldview is informed by platitudes

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that guy ever laughs? does he ever makes jokes? why is always with bitch face?
why does he talks like a machine? autism?

I used to like his content until he started shilling for israel
People like that should be court martialed for treason

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Look, I don't have a problem if there are some other people who live here. But serious question: what's your ethnic background?


I appreciate your honesty, and I agree with what you said.

I think he's the present of the GOP for sure.

Same here. I used to really think he was smart but then I noticed how much he supported wars and Israel and then I realized how much of a shill he was

I remember when I first found this mutherlikkin board and I thought the Jew posts were all an edgy joke.
I gradually came to the realization that I spent most of my life in pure ignorance

>Benji has his flaws
No he's a fucking kike.


tee hee

Exactly where they belong: In the hands of the Jew, just a their counterparts.

I'm Jewish and this brainlet is just embarrassing. Subtlety is lost on this guy.

What's your last name?

Neocon inbred demonic entity, don't fall for Ben.

Good. He's pro-life and that's the most important thing.