YAS QUEEN Ginsburg “Recovering”


>Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss a second week of oral arguments as she continues to recover from cancer surgery she underwent last month, court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Friday.

>But Ginsburg's recovery is on track, there is no evidence of remaining cancer in her body and no further treatment is planned

If she’s okay, then why is she staying home? I think she’s legitimately going senile. youtu.be/0oBodJHX1Vg

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She has a blood clot in her legs.


People don't get two separate cancerous growths popping up at the same time, and then just magically have no other cancer in them.


Q predicted this


Supreme Court spokesman is starting to look like Baghdad Bob with this shit.

This is ridiculous. This cunt is missing weeks of arguments and thus cannot make a proper ruling, is obviously on her last leg (maybe literally), but half the country (maybe more) sees literally nothing wrong with this.

Based on what Roberts has said, they are going to let her make rulings from home which is complete fucking bullshit but it is what I've come to expect from him.

>no further treatment is planned

This is code for hospice

She needs to STEP DOWN

I anxiously await the leftist tearing of vestments and the knashing of teeth that will follow the announcement that RBG has begun her journey to Hell.

Don't they normally start chemo after surgery?

>If she’s okay, then why is she staying home?

because she looks COMPLETELY different now.

Not on 85 year olds.

Code for they'll need more baby blood.

this cunt is dead.
Its hilarious because leftists aren't talking about this AT ALL. They are terrified and know whats coming.

turned out they had the cure after all desu ne

They were here on Thursday shitting up the board with RBG threads in what seems like a raid to do a sick burn on /pol before the "everything is fine" narrative came out Friday morning.

Looks like we're getting our wall.

Unless she makes a public appearance, she is dead as far as I am concerned.

>no further treatment is planned

At this point treatment would be useless.

Fucking this.

Cancer doesn't "disappear".

Even when it's in remission or cancerous growths have been removed, there is still lifelong monitoring and treatment.

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Judicial Mental health and competence have to be called into question if RBG is taking cancer meds. "Judging under the influence" should be illegal.

She is dead in the next 2 weeks

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Not until we see the body

b-b-but Jow Forums told me she was resigning on Friday at 4pm est

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I can only imagine she's actually much worse than what we think. I wouldn't be surprised if she needs assisted breathing or an oxygen tank but with her broken ribs and lung removal it's only a matter of time before an infection sets into her lungs.
>no further treatment is planned
Any treatment they could give her now would kill her, that is why

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She’s dead and they won’t be able to hide the stench forever. Soon she will “retire” and a month later she will “die.”

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>YAS QUEEN Ginsburg “Recovering”


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She's not dead stupid. Don't get my hopes up


>he doesn't know the special medication exclusive to ((((((((((them))))))))))

Umm, hello stupid? She's working from home. Duh.

Her cancer returned literally 3 weeks or less before Jow Forums was trying to use Meme Magic to kill her. This means her cancer probably returned immediately after Jow Forums started doing that and wasn't diagnosed or announced until 3 weeks later.

Jow Forums did it. The magic is very powerful. This is too much coincidence. Now she will die.

The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed.

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On 85 year old they often wouldn't even attempt surgery, they'd give them palliative chemo and let them pass peacefully.

That's called palliative care. It means further treatment is pointless and we will start the morphine drip and remove the safety.
Free refills


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Who is really handling her care?

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>If she’s okay, then why is she staying home
Because she's 85 and just had surgery you fucking braindead boomer piece of shit?

We already killed her. She’s dead. She has been dead almost two weeks.

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That's exactly what I thought

Not if it's not necessary. My father had lung cancer surgery when he was 40 and didn't need chemo, he was lucky the cancer hadn't spread.

This, the only treatment she’ll be receiving is increasing amounts of morphine.

The Q larpers predicted McCain's death announcement to the minute. Which means he was already dead at the time the 'prediction' was made.
GHW Bush's death was announced 1 minute after midnight on Hecate's Day. Nice timing for religious reasons. He was probably dead for sometime before that.
I suspect that RBG is dead. They are just waiting for an auspicious moment to announce it.
An 85 year old with broken ribs and half a lung amputated is not going to be leaving hospital in a wheel chair two weeks later - she would be moved in an ambulance, if at all. The TMZ footage was probably faked, TMZ is Hollywood after all.
We are more likely to see proof of life for Assange than RBG.

You joke, but I can easily see them keeping her body technically alive and saying that she should be allowed to serve and would have voted this way or that for issues that come up.

She'll be dead by months end and the devil in the black sun will feast on her soul for eternity.

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That's been the last two years.

She needs to FALL DOWN (and be unable to get up)

I believe it

>This is ridiculous.
It's really not. She's going to live for another 20 to 30 years like CNN said.

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unless she's got some super medicine that only government officials have access to, i'm not buying it

is the epic program?

I can't believe it. They're not even trying to be taken seriously anymore.

This. You expect an 85 yr old to recover that quickly?

fucking witch
>Begone, spawn of Satan! ... The power of Christ compels you!

You mean zyklon b?

I also think she’s dead, or brain dead.

They’re transplanting her face to a body double.

More like they are cloning her.

When was her last public appearance op?

> o n e p o s t b y t h i s I D

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