Friend tells me he's been evading taxes through his business

>friend tells me he's been evading taxes through his business
>tells me he hates paying taxes and thinks the government is robbing us
>forgets that my son has a mental disorder and relies on people's taxes to pay for his medication

I am beginning to hate this friend of mine ever since he told me he is evading taxes. I am wondering if there is any way to snitch him out to the CRA for tax evasion. Maybe I could wear a wire or something and record him telling me again.

Does anyone here know if there is a reward for turning in tax evaders? I could use some extra cash. I'm tired of all the bad people in life getting away with things meanwhile I get to obey the rules and have no benefit.

Any advice on how to best get revenge here?

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He'll get caught sooner or later but the part that kind of bugs me is
>forgets that my son has a mental disorder and relies on people's taxes to pay for his medication
Nigga aren't you supposed to be paying for your child's medication?

There is no benefit but you could probably just tell your relevant tax authority to probe him.

No one should be obligated to care for someone elses dysfunctional kid. If you can't afford to keep him you should give him up. Or he should be eutanised. I never understand why we keep useless people.

>my son has a mental disorder and relies on people's taxes to pay for his medication

i hate that people think I should have to pay for their defective offspring to exist

do mankind a favor and put your son down

>I never understand why we keep useless people.
That's pretty hypocritical considering taxes pay for your NEETbux

>If you can't afford to keep him you should give him up. Or he should be eutanised. I never understand why we keep useless people.

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I’m not sure who is more foolish, a soverign citizen, or a friend who thinks his friend’s soverign citizenship is a personal attack on his son. Dumb shit like this is the hidden downside of weed.

Your friend also drives on public roads, uses public sewage systems, might have gone to public school, and has probably used some government subsidized programs for his business.

People who don't pay taxes aren't sticking to the man they're giving a big fuck you to everyday people.

>Ancap/randbot scum trying to bait for (you)s

Back to Jow Forums

And I want to leave. I tried to hang but someone found me and now I'm in mental ward.

>t. Dirty fucking socialist

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>guy who can't even kill himself is judging others

Everyone is judging others. I'm pretty sure you suck at something also. But still you are judging me. At least I tried. Somebody just forced me to stop.

I know that they have a program like that in Canada. I don't think you actually get anything out of it unless it's reporting offshore tax evasion.

You're friend is retarded for even telling you this. I do everything I can to pay the least amount of taxes, but I do everything legally. Still, I don't like the idea of tax auditors going through my books so I just don't tell anyone about it.

How exactly is your friend evading taxes through his business? If he's using his business as a way of deducting expenses or splitting his income with family members, that's perfectly legal. If he's using his business to report higher costs, essentially laundering money, that's a different story and is illegal.

Either way, I wouldn't tell on him. That shit is childish. Remind him that while taxes are not always used correctly, they are a good thing to have in a society. Maybe even ask him how he uses his business to pay less taxes. You could register a business for the sole purpose of paying less taxes. I'm sure he would help you "stick it to the man". I have a buddy who registered a business simply to get a loan for his house. Some of these tactics may not be the most ethical, but if they're legal they could be worth knowing more about. Especially for people in your situation who could use the money.

>I'm pretty sure you suck at something also.
Yeah but the thing he sucks at isn't not existing. It literally takes effort to stay alive, and yet here we are.

>How can I make my friend pay for my son's healthcare? He doesn't want to and I'm beginning to hate him for it
I hope this is bait
The worst part is he probably told you this in confidence because he thought you were his friend and you're literally trying to get personally harm him for it

Try to kill yourself. It's the biggest myth that it's easy. People are literally forcing you alive.

>Try to kill yourself.
Nah that's for faggots like you.

That's why you jump from a 30+ story building. They're so easy to get access to. And nobody can stop a body moving at terminal velocity towards the ground. It's scary to take that first step, may result in feelings of regret on your way down, but it's damn near 100% fatal.

I'd suggest making a new thread though. It sounds like you have issues unrelated to tax evasion.

I am so sorry that this happened to your family, no man should have to endure a burden like that. But your friend isn't doing anything to hurt you, you still have your free tax bux and will forever. If the tax dollars we paid really did just go to paying for people that are disabled, especially for no good reason,then we wouldn't see thr hatred of taxation we see. But instead it goes to senators paychecks, arms deals overseas, clogged prison systems, massive foreign intervention. Don't ruin the life of a person you hold or held as a friend because he's mad that he is forced to pay for all of these things at gunpoint. What you described is an awful punishment for some pretty lofty "crimes" your friend has committed that come from a pretty justifiable ethical standpoint. It's not his fault or anyone's that your son is disabled.

it actually fucking is if you plan it out so people can't get to you. For example, survey an area in a national park where people don't go, find a tree with really thick branches, come back with a rope and ladder, use ladder to climb up tree and attach the noose, put noose around neck and then kick off the ladder so it isn't there anymore and there idn't anything to stand on. Boom, dead.

I kinda agree with this one.

However if you believe in change. turn that fucker in. Let him be mad for breaking the law and taxation he doesn’t believe in. Maybe if enough people get upset they will want to change laws, rules and a system they no longer believe in rather than hiding, hoping someone else deal with things.

I say fuck the path of lesser evil. Let’s face the world.
Also, sorry about your son.

Income taxes are legitimately created by the devil.

>aren't you supposed to be paying for your child's medication
>no replies


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You want revenge then?
Mmm... what a world

Or by a government that represent the interest of the people. Creating a system where everyone has an equal chance to thrive. Wich should include more books for you to read.

Doesn't work like that in the first world (unless you want to get private care, which basically means your minor things get taken seriously on weekends).

If everyone had to pay for their own child’s well-being in full your country would descend into nothingness. Population loss first. Intense poverty second. Then population rise and hey, you’re a third world country.

Don't fuck with people with cash and power or you'll be relying on welfare too.
Fucking poor people, your job is to shut up and be humble.

Some people can't afford illnesses because they don't have them in their life plans. And for capitalism to work. There must be poor people and rich people duh. If poor people don't breed who is goin to clean bathrooms for 1k a month you dipshit.
Socialists are going to kill me someday
Get the fuck out commieshit

See what I mean. Good example of why you need to turn him in.

You should read up on, and check out countries that uses a mix of capitalism and socialism.

Yeah turn him in, he gets a $50k bail and cops raid your house to find drugs you sell for cash

Taxes are an evil that should be resisted at every opportunity. The government is a gang you have no choice but to put up with in life, and every step towards dissolving it and transitioning us to a stateless society that does not use force to accomplish its goals is a step that is not only morally permissable but an obligation. OP's child would be better taken care of by a free market healthcare solution and private charity.

OP if you would like to actually discuss the finer points of what you want to turn your friend into our fucked up legal system for I would love to. I am confident that you might reconsider if you feel justified putting somone through that.

taxation is theft
your problems are not anyone elses problems
get your shit together and make more money if youre that worried about it. your child=your responsibility

Some people, god forgot. God forgot to give them their piece of grey matter, the same one between their ears.

Stateless societies are not possible and the idea of abolishing the use of force cements you as a lunatic. There will always be bands of violent barbarians that need eradicating, whether they take the shape of religious cults, drug cartels or belligerent socialist states.