Attached: netherlands2.jpg (1024x560, 196K)
Do you think that Netherlands is a neoliberal shithole?
Alexander Peterson
Jacob Phillips
Beautiful country. Degen af though. Also, quite multicultural
Jace Martin
I have no fucking idea. But that water looks smelly for sure.
Evan Harris
I mean most big rivers with big cities on them are fucked beyond any way to save them.
Elijah Ward
Does multicultural qualifies as a shithole. I am struggling. I have a chance to escape the gulag, but I hab only three "easy" options. Norway, Netherlands and Czech Republic neither of which look really good to me.
David Anderson
>Does multicultural qualifies as a shithole.
Not necessarily. Zurich is quite multicultural, yet a very nice city.
Joshua Jones
Is it though? Most of Switzerland's muslims are from Balkans. So it's Islam Lite or something.
Joseph Baker
In Amsterdam it’s +10C now, here around -6C.
GDP per capita around 4 times that of Romania.
Yes they must be suffering right now.
Leo Murphy
Yeah, but it is steadily turning into a muslim country. Sharia Law in ten-twenty years?
Colton Gray
There’s no way you are a real Eastern Euro.