This took me WAY too long to realize this but if we get people to understand that the holocaust wasn't real...

This took me WAY too long to realize this but if we get people to understand that the holocaust wasn't real, it would shatter everything they "know" and they would be instantly redpilled. Automatically disliking the Jews. Automatically rejecting everything they told us. Automatically feeling defensive of white people. The truth of the holohoax will be our biggest tool. Like how it was their biggest tool, when they lied to us. If we could get normies to see the truth white people would break out of the fog and become great once more.

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Then the holocaust might actually happen afterall

We need a way to give people access to the truth besides telling them to com to a Jow Forums holocaust thread.

We'll stop giving a shit about jews and other races. It was make us VERY defensive of white people. "How could they lie about us?! How could they do this to us?"

problem is convincing a normie that the holocaust didnt happen is akin to convincing a religious fundamentalist that god isnt real.

I keep saying germans need to be vindicated before anything's gonna happen..imagine the rage if it suddenly clicked in to everyone ..after that it's just one dot after another connected repeatedly

let's see how long it takes for you to understand that America is the whore of Babylon and the Great Satan. America has killed more whites than jews ever could. America and Britain have spread their cancer to every corner of the world while scapegoating jews.

What holocaust? Oh yeah that boomer kike larp. Nobody believes that shit happened anymore, just playing along until they realize they've been outjewed - but then it'll be too late.

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Right. This is why it is (((illegal))) to question the lolocaust in 13 countries and counting. I believe Italy is the only one that will reverse this position.

The Holocaust is the founding myth of modern neoliberalism. It is the linchpin so to speak, but I'm not sure it will be dismantled in our lifetimes. You just have to do what you can for future generations to continue.

Memes are easy to make and spread on jewbook. Make memes that explain the math. You can't burn 6 million jews with 30 ovens in 3 years.

It's not about convincing. It's about planting seeds of doubt and let that doubt grow and take over their thoughts about how they were lied to so badly.

It's actually liberal universalism. The holocaust is just used as a rationalization and to silence any opposition to it. But if it wasn't for the six million, they would use slavery and colonialism, or simply racism per se.

America and Britain are run by jewish lobbys so fuck you shlomo.

that's a good idea

>6 million
>all gassed
ahh, the fat as fatass burger-for-brains strikes again

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we're asking where did the bodies go though, they must have been burned

Send your mom over you sissy jew faggot. My knob needs polishing.

Don’t tease, a legitimate holocaust would be the best thing for the world.

Hitler went to all that work trying to rid the world of Jews and you're going to take that away from him?

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such a fucking retarded "theory"
the same people who say no jews died in ww2 are the same who are the first to say MUH 25 MILLION UKRANIANS. HOLODOMOR!! like they would give a fuck about some nigger slavs at any other point in their life.

the entire argument is so disingenuous and there's reason the civilized world mocks people who actually believe this nonsense.

>6 million people
>bothering to gas, starve, or poison them to death
>building camps to house them in
>not just shooting them all on sight
kys dumb merchant

"nazi" wtf are you? fine then just forget the 25 million. the fake 6 million is much more important.

Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The existence of that place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums

They think they are redpilled(cringe) but dont understand "redpilling" is just low-effort political indoctrination. They likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Their entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. They probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where they try and help the other person and their mother won't feel the need to smack their ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

amazing how all these people died in ww2 but jews just got off scott free huh? retard.

like i said, it's disingenuous.
make a better argument - the fact that jews think their deaths are more important, the fact that they're the only people with a special little asterisk on the death tolls.
the fact that they do not let the war end and consistently use their deaths as leverage to both enjoy the perks of european ancestry, while still being a "persecuted minority".
the fact that jews actually tortured and killed Germans, and raped German women following the death of Adolf Hitler, and under the direction of Winston Churchill and his kike overlords.

>wtf are you?
i'm a national socialist, but i'm also not retarded.

6 million is obviously an inflated number, but so are ALL allied deaths. if someone died of typhus between 1939 and 1945 there's a good chance they just toss it in the books.
it's a propaganda technique to put as much blame on nazi germany as possible to make sure their ideology is never used again.

Burned and/or buried; there is plenty of evidence of this, and there was good reason to dispose of bodies in such a fashion, at this time.


Oh yeh bruh, I'm totally a G-D fearing kike fagget; kill yourself by the way.

So what is the ground that needs to be covered in order for the seed to grow? IMO, you cant throw someone in the deep end, you have to lead them. That is, let them teach themselves. Give them courage to ask questions and to trust their instincts over the programming. You can only do this with compassion and patience. Seeking truth is necessarily an individual endevour. If your world view foundations rely on your friends, then you risk having the rug taken from under you.

you sound like you believe the holocaust. you should also try to be less rude when you're talking to someone. sorry but it's always annoying when some right winger/nazi/etc thinks being a jerk is cool. save that for leftists.

i don't "believe the holocaust", i simply refuse to acknowledge that jews weren't persecuted, and if you do you are a literal retard.
i'll be as rude as i want when i'm dealing with someone who is subverting any kind of legitimate attempt at resurrecting the idea of national socialism. you probably just don't like what i'm saying, and it's too bad, because it's the truth.
outright holocaust denial is a JEWISH subversion, and if you aren't lowkey some juden rat yourself then you're a dupe, bro.

ive been thinking about it a lot and it makes sense, the holocaust narrative. it happened. lets shift the goalpost guys

They aren't persecuted today and weren't then compared to the evils theyve done. How many jews are on food stamps? Why are there 20x more Jew billionaires than black ones while there's 7x more american blacks than us jews?

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convince people to watch the greatest story never told or at least a condensed version of it. thats what finished the red pilling for me.

the problem is that you're agreeing with me but being a lefty about it. just talk normally. we like that germany didn't like jews and wanted jews out. who says they didn't? we're just talking about killing of any innocent people and how that didn't happen.