
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump hosts Border Security Roundtable 1/11/19
>VP Pence/DHSSec Nielsen speak to US CBP 1/11/19
>TrumpTV "Weekly" Update (Lara) 1/11/19
>TrumpTweet: Oath of Office 1/11/19
>TrumpTweet: From the Southern Border 1/10/19
>Pres Trump on Hannity 1/10/19
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 1/10/19
>Pres Trump departs TX 1/10/19
>Pres Trump meets w/Border Patrol Agents @Border 1/10/19
>Pres Trump Round Table on Border Security 1/10/19
>Pres Trump arrives in McAllen TX 1/10/19
>Pres Trump departs JBAndrews 1/10/19
>Pres Trump speaks before departing WH 1/10/19
>SoS Pompeo speech in Cairo Egypt 1/10/19
>TrumpWave: Crisis of the Soul 1/9/19

OP pastebin:

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new baker needed

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How do i quit the distilled jew?
Want to MAGA but can't sleep without it

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distilled water?

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Take up smoking instead.

Aint you gonna say howdy?

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Miss me yet?

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Jews are white you inbred urban retards

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what kind of doggo is that?

so recently, the bakugan monster jam truck won at Anaheim at its debut event
grave digger threw the race just so that bakugan can become popular and so that (((FELD entertainment))) make more money.

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>Castro declares candidacy
>not even a full day passes and nobody's talking about him
>didn't even get a blurb on my local news
How can one candidacy flop so hard and so fast? What went wrong?

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

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he's irrelevant now that the BETOLUTION has engulfed Texas

I still have collection of them in a jar.



>announcing your candidacy on a Saturday
>especially on a day when nigger collision is in full throttle of the playoffs
what a retard

your kot has a touch of the tism

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My part of California is turning into China but just down the block is Mexico.

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Is there anything Trump could do that could garner posstive media coverage???

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>Want to MAGA but can't sleep without it
yes you can, it might take a week to break the habit
stay awake for a day if you have to, or do more cardio.

no, by virtue of him doing it, the media will paint it as a negative.
even if they were pushing for it just a week prior.

One of the most irritating side effects of quitting drinking or doing drugs, is insomnia. This can last for a few days, or a few months in my case.

Famous in his own mind.

Bomb Syria again.

Trump is literally ending middle eastern wars and the left has a big problem with it, they’re through the rabbit hole

So what you're saying is you need to be nuked?

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I bet if he started a war, he would get Luke-warm coverage.

>but just down the block is Mexico.
no kidding
at the end of the Rams game tonight they started playing mariachi music

He'll have to OK that with Putin first though.

Try having kids, you’ll sleep like a baby when you get 5 minutes of opportunity

He might be the most famous person alive at this point.

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The horror.

Everything is upside down, and the left have become compliant zombies or completely evil.

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Hmm I hope it isn't too hard, I'm not exactly addicted to it since I don't drink during the day, just to help me sleep

When trump hit that syrian airfield the first time, before it was evident that it was a meme strike, the entire media left and right wing, shitlibs and neocons, all got together to congratulate trump on finally becoming the president

The left has gone full bat shit insane
Liberalism is a mental disorder and rots the brain if left untreated, just like syphilis

That was pretty disturbing to watch desu. The media all warming up to him after he sent missiles on Syria. Like he finally became presidential or something.

Certainly the most hatred. Perhaps the most infamous?

>grabbem by the bengis

No, the media would suddenly be anti-war if that was the case


They’re not insane, they never gave a shit about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They hate republicans and Christians (proxy for white people) and want us to suffer and die, they’re very consistent on this one point and nothing else

I remember that.

>Trump is bombing some foreign shithole
>Truely a Presidential moment
>I think we can lay aside all our differences today
>Let’s just hope their rare lots of dead babies and big contracts being drawn up

His own administration had a big problem with it.

That faggot Brian Williams was practically cumming on air over that

Slow night then

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party means more than race because it means the power to redirect wealth. Traditionally the right wing has simply opposed redirection of wealth in general, while the left consider it vital to their survival to get shit from the right and become murderous/frothy when the right threatens "'"their"" publicly-funded survival.

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You should thank Obamacare for providing whatever drugs it is you're on.

80% of generals retire from service into high level positions with defense contractors, did you know that? Mattis didn’t like trump cutting down his money tree

>One of the most irritating side effects of quitting drinking or doing drugs, is insomnia
I smoked weed for 20 years so I wouldn't dream, because every one of my dreams is a nightmare.
I quit and had maybe 3 days of insomnia.
Alcohol gave me about a week of it.
Vicodin/dilaudid gave me ~2 weeks.

If primitive man had a fight to the death with bear grylls who would win

Drop the fucking memeflag or I’m not giving you another (You) for the rest of the night shitdick

It’s D.C. they like the status quo. They like remaining in wars, it gives them jobs. More Importantly, it gives them big contacts and makes them feel big and powerful.

>fight to the death
literally all you'd have to do is flick a lighter and they'd run away terrified.

That's the Thai lady boy

It had more to do with leaving allies in the lurch and trump rage quitting after a simple phone call with Erdogan.

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Famous means "known by many people".
Famous is the word.
Trump is probably the most famous person alive.
And you have no idea how much he loves it. He loves reading his own name. He loves hearing his own name. It might be the main reason he decided to go along with all of this shit even though he didn't need to. Being already rich and all.
Just so that his name would be repeated hundreds of millions of times every day.
And he's getting his way. How does this make you feel?

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I think it was more a matter if actual disagreement. He is probably worried about the power vacuum (which is a real concern). But at some point, you must pull the cord or you will be stuck there FOREVER.

Side effect may include: Hypebole, Delusions of Stupidity, and Impotent Rage.

Arcadia or Rowland heights?

lmao, everyone hates you cunts

Nigger famous/infamous is literally the same thing. Don't play English teacher because you clearly don't know the language

If bear had to use only the environment and no “cheap tricks” he would likely get his ass whooped. Primitive people were tough, and didn’t live long.

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Where my 14 year old boomers at?

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Based on Mattis's resignation letter, Mattis viewed alliances as sort of a medieval honor pledge rather than temporary arrangements for mutual benefit. He didn't or wouldn't see that our allies had consistently left us holding the bag to no benefit since the Cold War ended.

The right wing are the working

The left are the leeches.

>really just leeches

Trump doesn't want the US to end up in the Plain of Jezreel. He is blocking an *agenda*.

I have yet to meet anyone that even cares about Poland, so I guess it is even


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>pretending to care about kurds

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this is from a few months ago but it's always worth spreading.

Trump is a shabbos goy plant used to be the Obama for white people. Misguided hope in a false idol. this is the only candidate you should consider.

Either way, we really don’t belong in Syria. Anytime we pull out, it will create a power vacuum.

I want Brazil to invade Syria just for the "Kurds and Hue" pun.

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Either way, we really don’t belong in Syria. Anytime we pull out, it will create a power vacuum. It will never be a convenient time to leave.

I see the mentally ill faggot is back
Gonna pull another 20 hour shift again?

at least he doesn't have a bible verse whgerein Jesus calls him satan.
(See Luke 10:18 in hebrew)

>rage quitting
He wanted to quit way earlier than that but he got convinced to stay. And then to stay some more. And then some more.
Thankfully it looks like he's finally leaving though.
Pretty much the opposite of rage quitting.


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>right wingers dominate in careers like engineer, ceo and mechanic
>leftwingers dominate in careers like artist, home decorator and unemployed

I lel everytime

Yeah it couldn’t possibly be because the MIC has been raking it in getting blank check contracts from the pentagon to supply ISIS et al with weapons and materiel to keep the forever war going and Mattis was guaranteed an executive or consulting position once he did his part to keep the gravy train track clear of debris

>literally and openly supports israel
>loves non whites
>screeches "muh stormfags" and hates someone who is actually pro white
none of you fags belong here

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I mean, that’s a fair point to be sure. I don’t actually dislike Mattis, but I do disagree with him. If we play that game, we will NEVER leave Syria. Leaving is necessary and the sooner we’re out, the better.

Famous also has connotation of excellence. He is infamous.

His ego has been readily exploited by many. It's a problem.

Ah, lived there 6 years. Less people moving in now though since about 2 years ago when Chinese government cracked down on taking money out of the country but still. Nice place to live in-n-out burger around for some reason too

Same guy or coordinated shills?

>Goes on a thread he hates
>On a board he hates
>On a site he hates
>all for free

I'll take the public text of a primary source over speculation. If Mattis does get a contractor job, then it's worth discussing.

You should check a dictionary.

Stop responding to meme flags

this is some of the most newfag, normalfag and cringy shit I've ever seen, what goes on i this general

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