How do we fix anti-Asian racism and Sinophobia in western media Jow Forums?

How do we fix anti-Asian racism and Sinophobia in western media Jow Forums?

It's getting more obvious and retarded each day.

Attached: farsidelanding.jpg (650x480, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

we don't fix it. fuck the chinks

Nigger, you think you can just dig up ancient memes for schizo threads? Grow up.

That doesn't exist you have a severe victim complex, chang.

Reminder that the Soviets landed two rovers in the 1970s and the Chinese landed a rover in 2013

It's not about race, it's about the fact that China has an authoritarian governemnt. If a more free Asian country, like Japan or South Korea, went to the moon, I wouldn't give a shit. Democrats always think everything is about race.

Putting a shopping trolley on the moon just isn't that exciting.

Why fix the only thing they seem to do right?

The US and white countries have NEVER landed on the far side of the moon. This is a feat that only Chinese were able to accomplish. The Chinese have caught up quickly and are slingshotting past the stagnant US and white countries. The Chinese are making huge strides. This is the Chinese century.

Start with accepting the fact that almost everything you know is a lie.

Attached: image.jpg (480x360, 36K)

Keep dreaming, low-t gook.

>Like 50 fuckin years later they do the same shit we did like 6 times.
Why the fuck would that impress anyone?
We're already planning manned colonies on Mars and shit.
Why the fuck would this a big deal?

> what are they up to

free shipping from the Moon

I say this as a white
>Why the fuck would that impress anyone?
Because. No. White. Country. Has. Landed. On. The. Far. Side. Of. The. Moon.

Because the Chinese have graced us with first of their kind high quality photos of the lunar surface.

Because the US and white countries ahave stagnated, what are we doing. The Chinese are doing all this badass things while whites are doing what? Sending a tesla into orbit LMAO. Musk already disposed of 10% of his workplace lol. So much with trying to get to Mars lmao

>How do we fix anti-Asian racism
we increase it.

The hate seems based more in their communism than their ethnicity.

Fuck all Marxists.

>Because. No. White. Country. Has. Landed. On. The. Far. Side. Of. The. Moon

The West was taking pictures of the far side of the moon 60 years ago. In the meantime, we've been busy putting men on the moon and landers on Mars and Venus and probes to interstellar space.

We're doing fine.

Attached: 50-years-of-exploration.jpg (2931x1235, 1.02M)

China is literally a totaltarian dictatorship, of course people are anti-chinese.

Moon landing is fake. Space isn't real. It's time to give up your silly space make-believe and grow up

relax Xi. We know what’s on the far side of the Moon. We mapped it in super hi-rise over a decade ago.

> since the summer of 2009, scores of new images have been created thanks to NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Its laser altimeter and camera are providing some of the most detailed looks of the rugged, airless lunar terrain. This makes it possible to see the moon with unprecedented fidelity.

Attached: image.jpg (64x64, 9K)

you can literally see the laser light reflected back to earth from mirrors hand placed on the moon with your own fucking eyes, shill

Attached: Earth-Moon-Laser-Ranging.png (900x489, 35K)

excuse me nigger, who or what took these pics? care to explain?

p.s. the earth is a sphere, i'm not a flat earth retard. but these images are impossible BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY TO COMMUNICATE DATA 238,000 MILES AWAY WITH NO CARRIER.

made up nonsense.

Attached: ChineseLanderFarSideOfMoon_600.jpg (600x243, 20K)

This looks like it was taken from a helicopter.
From that elevation, the horizon would be almost 200 miles away.
Not to mention the mountain itself is elevated above the horizon.

go away retard. we don't need your flat earth schitzophrenic nonsense here.

>what is a relay satellite in a Lagrange point.

Attached: 1429817902664.jpg (600x375, 26K)

if you think those pics are real, allow me to show you the "LEM", that was made out of pvc piping, cardboard, roofing paper, and duct tape. if you think this is real, you are a fucking idiot.

Attached: 1498688442549.jpg (2349x2373, 435K)

that didn't happen, PHIL.

so you're saying there's a SELFIE ROBOT equipped?

hurry... scramble....

that's what you're doing.... to prove the china things are real.... hurry! they're not. it's a joke, and you are fucking retarded.

i love how the thread dies as soon as i started speaking truth and calling out nasa shills. you're proving my point for me.

It's not even racism because clearly chinks are not human.

This thread was just a few below a one containing multiple WEBMs with chinks being insects.

Attached: bz3NYep.jpg (750x484, 78K)

We kill all of the Asians. No more Asians, no more anti-Asian racism.

There's supposedly a Chink satellite in orbit at L2 which is relaying communications from the supposed lander, it took the supposed picture i'm supposedly picturing.

Attached: changE-5T1-service-module-lunar-far-side-2014-CAS-full-879x485.jpg (879x485, 19K)