The future is bright: VOTE LAMBRIGHT 2020

Free speech is under attack on the internet and I’ll propose legislation to bring it back. I personally have been suppressed, harassed, shadowbanned, smear campaigned and bullied. My 11-year twitter account with ten thousand followers suspended, my replacement was suspended, now I have to have four accounts because they are always suppressing my voice. Youtube deleted my account after ten years, I had 1800 videos about my life all unedited, probably the cure for insomnia, but it was my life, and since I said something about questioning some evidence in a crime, they deleted my life. It was very hurtful and it made me work harder to bid for POTUS46. If America doesn’t have free speech online we will cease to be America.

Also fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck spics
Fuck faggots
And most of all
Fuck jannies

Attached: IMG_4369.jpg (1223x758, 191K)

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fuck off wayne

Damn, you look really good in this pose.

Fuck government. I'm burning this shit to the ground Wayne.

Go on and tell us your platform.

A fucking leaf
The future looks bright, if you vote Lambright 2020
What kind of order would there be? Surely anarchy isn't the answer and to start we must remove every kike, nigger, faggot, spic, and janitor from this beautiful country BY ANY AND ALL MEANS NECESSARY. With that part out of the way the future can truly shines bright, but only if you vote LAMBRIGHT.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Vote Lambright 2020

Fuck order. We kill the Jews, pedos and traitors to mankind. Nothing else matters.

I 100% support this. The problem with having no structure is that we would jeopardize our future as a people and weaken our nation thus allowing those same leeches and parasites to come and just fuck our shit up. I believe in small government, not this corporate catastrophe we have in place of an actual governing body. Look forward to a bright future and remember to vote Lambright 2020

MPB hero