Does Jow Forums hate mexicans or just indian shitskins

does Jow Forums hate mexicans or just indian shitskins

Attached: 1385927361888.jpg (266x400, 25K)

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pic related is an actual white castizo qt

That's a fuckin Criollo

Castizos are the Olive Skinned kind of white latin lover spics

Attached: 1514177397646.jpg (225x224, 10K)

I don't really hate either, I just want to live in a majority white US.

I love my Mexicans and I love my Mexican food

>Castizo is a Spanish word with a general meaning of "pure"
>The Criollo are Latin Americans who are of full or near full Spanish descent,
I dont see much of a difference really. If a castizo is "pure" then how can they be anything but pure Iberian? I don't see anything about castizos being olive skinned.

They're called "beaniggers".

Why'd you list mexicans twice?

Castizo on the caste system says it's 70 percent to 90 percent white

Stop using semantics

Poos are considerably more human than beaners.