Indian Christian here. Why are all Indians generalized by this meme when it is exclusively a Hindu problem?
>Open defecation has long been an issue in India. Some ancient Hindu texts advised people to relieve themselves far from home, a practice that Gandhi sought to curb.
>“The cause of many of our diseases is the condition of our lavatories and our bad habit of disposing of excreta anywhere and everywhere,” Gandhi wrote in 1925.
>Pouring concrete will not in itself solve India’s problems. Leaders need also to confront the cultural reasons for bad sanitation. Hindu tradition, seen for example in the “Laws of Manu”, a Hindu text some 2,000 years old, encourages defecation in the open, far from home, to avoid ritual impurity.
I'll bite. Merely a playful taunt that stuck. To their credit most Indian posters endured the taunting better than le56%ers endured the sharting. Now poo in loo is on par with leaf burger and bong. It's unfortunate but perhaps Indians should spend less time praying to loo and instead poo in loo
Matthew Taylor
>Why are all Indians generalized by this >According to Government of India's October 2018 estimate, only 5% of the total population have no access to toilets >with the number of people defecating in the open reduced to 150 million, down from 550 million in 2014 That's why. Hundreds of millions of people shitting the goddamn and in the fucking Ganges.
Ethan Carter
>Indian Christian Aren't all of you poor as fuck?
Nathaniel Lee
AFAIK Christians are a tiny minority of India’s population and Muslims while larger are still decidedly a minority. A Hindu problem in India is a problem concerning 800,000,000+ people.
It’s like an ethnic Tibetan or Uyghur citizen of China complaining that he doesn’t eat cats and dogs or use gutter oil.
People generalize particularly on Jow Forums. Sorry Jesuspoo but that’s just how it is
Eli Parker
Who cares, its enough Hindu pajeets to make up over half of the world's street shitters.
Hello pajeet not fake >The bombs, which can be sprayed from water cannons, smell like decomposed bodies and raw sewage. Yup. Try imagining that. What's more, the smell is so strong that it takes days to fade even after multiple showers. All in all, it's supposed to be a pretty effective weapon. As this report in the Hindustan Times says, Israeli security forces have been using these bombs on Palestinian protesters through water cannons since 2008. And it has worked wonders so far.
>Naturally, Indian security forces were pretty hopeful it would work in India too. So the CRPF, which has 60,000 personnel deployed in Kashmir to assist the local police in maintaining law and order and conduct counter-terrorism operations, decided to try out 'Skunk', the stinky bomb.
>"We have used chilli grenades, plastic shell tear smoke, stun grenades, colour-smoke grenades, rubber bullets, dye-marker grenades with skin irritant and multi-tier tear-gas launchers, but they did not yield the desired result," a home ministry official told The Telegraph.
>But turns out, even with the stink bombs, the ministry didn't factor in one opponent: the Great Indian Nose. Most ordinary Indians are surrounded by all kinds of foul smell since the day they are born and spend a lifetime negotiating various odours -- at home, on the streets, on public transport, sometimes even at workplaces. No surprise they have a very high tolerance for stench.
So, blame Hindus, not Indians. Half of the country is not even Hindu.
Take your religion for example. Are Egyptian Christians to blame for Islamic extremism or Muslims?
>Aren't all of you poor as fuck?
Most of India is poor, but that is not the problem here. Many poor Hindus still do not take their poo to the loo even when they have toilets. >People generalize particularly on Jow Forums. Sorry Jesuspoo but that’s just how it is
Yeah, but it becomes a problem when you start seeing these memes in other popular websites as well. If you are going to generalize a group of people, then at least be accurate in your generalization.
Gabriel Martin
It was just a question Mahmoud, but I'm going to assume your butthurt is indicative of that.
Camden Carter
Just so you know, Ahmad, many millions of Indians are Muslim just like you. Or does your Muslim brotherhood not extend to Indian Muslims?
Bentley Wilson
>Most of India is poor, but that is not the problem here. Many poor Hindus still do not take their poo to the loo even when they have toilets
I meant poorer than average, some dude I work with told me all christians in India are converts and poor.
Kayden Nelson
Probably not true for the Christians in Goa, but it is true everywhere else in India like Kerala where my parents are from.
Wyatt Scott
Hii user even i am a catholic how many indian Christians are there in canada also what are you ( goan, East Indian, Anglo Indian, Manglorian , South Indian )
Why are Pakis so antisocial and hostile? It's kind of pathetic, really.
Juan Ross
Language difference goans speak konkani, where as kerela speak Malayalam .Also goans are catholic . Where as in Kerala you will find Orthodox, catholic & protesten Christians
Robert Turner
Thats a big load.
Jonathan Green
I hope China colonizes that entire subcontinent. Indians are sub-subhuman.
Wyatt Wright
I'm only posting memes and factual information, relax... and release.
> Indian Christian Bless you brother. I’m Lebanese catholic, which sect do you belong to?
Oliver Morales
Out here in Pattaya we have special hookers who deal with Indian customers, Most normal Thai hookers refuse to fuck Indians, Only girls who aren't allowed to work in bars (couldn't pass the mandatory A.I.D.S test) or the ones who are too ugly or too old fuck Indians Also Indians have to pay more
Julian Reyes
>Facts Kek, how about the fact that Pakistan has literally never won a war in it's entire history?
Meh, I was curious about poos, which is why I asked if you were pookistani. You immediately got butthurt, therefore pookistani confirmed. Turkish, but okay Traykwon.
Why do pajeets instantly assume anyone whi doesn't like them is a Paki?
I troll loads of Indians in PewDiePie vs T series livestreams and they all assume I'm a Paki. How do you people not realize that Pakis are the same breed of shitskinned mongrels as you? How do you also not realize that you're bottom of the barrel and a literal meme to most of the world? You being a living meme as a race implies that people other than Pakis like roasting you.
Jonathan Torres
i hope you and pakistan just eradicate one another desu. the world would literally be a way less shittier place
I only asked if he was Pakistani because I'm curious about South Asia, but South Asians are all inbred autists so he immediately assumed I was his inbred kin. >PewDiePie Why do you shill for a thirty year old manchild?
Michael Watson
I'm not a poo but if it makes you feel better, continue your autistic tirade I suppose. I'm certain you are a paki however considering how upset you got over a simple question, kek.
Ian Fisher
>I only asked if he was Pakistani because I'm curious about South Asia Orrr because you were butthurt about my memes and factual info lol.
I would have straight up accused you of being one, instead of asking then ya retard. Imagine being this autistic. You're either a Paki or a snownigger, regardless you're as subhuman as poos are.
Tyler Jones
>Paki pretending he's not as subhuman as poos Kek, you're literally just poos that we converted and raped.
I have spent in india 3 weeks in literally biggest shitholes like Varanasi, and the only time when I saw public shitting was from the windows of the train next to the railways.
>Why do you shill for a thirty year old manchild Because he's a based white man trying to outjew the jewtube and very subtly redpilling close to 80million impressionable zoomers to be anti-SJW, anti-left wing and make fun of shitskins (Indians)andd their shitholes (India).
The whole t series vs PewDiePie debacle is just that. A lone White man vs. a horde of shitskinned orcs with their third world culture company. Pewds almost made it mainstream and cool to massively shit on (pun not intended) you Poojeets. We need more of this kind of unapologetic, "racist" humour amongst White people to create a contrast between "us" and "them" (the sub human nonwhites) for solidarity amongst ourselves.
Lol, dude is just trying to make bank and you guys are just doing his bidding. If anyone's being jewed, it's all the dudes shilling for him for free. Kys, snownigger this is why kikes control your nations.
Alexander Thompson
Sounds like poojeets are about to rape your women harder than we did.
>h-hey we are Christian guys, we aren’t poojeets! please accept us This is what your ancestors said before converting to kikestainity.
Honestly non-white Christians are the lowest of the low, just think about it, you converted to a faith system that is entirely foreign, to a language that is entirely foreign, non-Arab Muslims like Pakistanis at least have a role to play in Islam that they fought and many Indo-Islamic texts were written that was something special to Pakistanis and Indian Muslims, but Christianity? Christianity was not introduced in India by the English, who feared a revolt similar to 1857, and therefore decided to not interfere in Hindu-Islamic practices.
The ones that spread Christianity in India were the Portuguese, the Portuguese did not fight the formidable empires of the Mughals and the Marathas (because they knew they’d lose), instead they fought with the smaller Southern kingdoms with outdated military technology by 1700. Also, unlike the English, the Portuguese were busy destroying and plundering temples, burning libraries, and basically acting like niggers. You are a product of that. Just think about it. Shit, dude. You might be a fucking rape baby bro.
>b-but we wuzz civilised Civilised, my ass. The only reason why Indian Christians do good is because most of them are in the South, where things are better in general much to the effort of the HINDUS to modernise themselves.
And Christians and Muslims open defecate too, ever visited the Eastern tribal regions in Jharkhand where people convert to Christianity for ricebags? Believing in another God doesn’t get you out of the cycle of poverty.
So, fuck off with this bullshit. The fact that you’re Christian and willing to separate yourself from the “other” Indians tells me you’re a cuck vying for some brownie points for your Western masters. You’re a Pajeet. Either you accept it or remain in denial, will not change that fact.
Gabriel Watson
>subhumans rape subhumans whats new in the land of poo
Hey user, for more ammo look up what happened involving indias aircraft carrier and its sewage processing system. The poos literally can't beat poo using an aircraft carrier
Sebastian Flores
>Implying there's a difference between India and pookistan Topkek, imagine claiming to not be a paki but still defending Pakistan
Just because there are always a few slowpokes in each thread who ask what the fuck...
Poo To The Loo is a real campaign, it exists independently of any and all internet memes, UNICEF created it.
In India, people shit in the streets and wherever, their government had programs to bring indoor plumbing to places in India without it, but they prefer to shit outside in the street.
This is not a joke, this is real, hundreds of millions of Indians are literally less sophisticated in their scat management then many other kinds of mammals that at least bury their waste...and it falls to foreigners to try to teach them how to not fill their streets with their own shit.