when will you drumftards understand?

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she has been working from home for decades
do you know what her home is?

inb4 she is already dead but democrats cannot accept this, so they hoax that she is working from home

She is a supreme court justice who should be in the courtroom if she cannot do something as simple as that than she must retire. Otherwise double standards allow others including your "drumptards" to ignore your laws and ignore rulings.

She's good as gone. I'm a little worried that Trump might actually appoint 3 justices to the supreme court in his first term. A third of the highest court in the land is a little much for one man.

>Her address being the same as the local cemetery is just a coincidence! I'm sure of it!

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Is she conscious? Aware of her surroundings? Oriented as to time and place?
Oh, okay, nothing has changed and she is just fine.

Roofie the Ruthie

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3 Scotus amd only 2 scoops. You earned that 3rd scoop mr president.

>But Trump is unfit for office?
She is dead


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Guy who works from home here. When I say I'm working from home, I'm really watching Youtube and fucking around, I'm not actually working.

Sheol? Gehennah?

>when will you drumftards understand?
When we see some proof of her being alive and aware of what is going on around her. Her working from home in the position she has is the same as a carpenter working from home. It doesn't make sense, and won't work in the long term.

HAHAHAHAH. Audibly kekd.

Doing what?

Tell me Americans.

Why do you only allow your president and other government positions to serve short terms or are able to be voted out and replaced, but you let people in Ruth Ginsburgs position serve a lifetime term, where even on deaths door, barely able to stay awake or move, possibly even delirious, is allowed to still serve?

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why can't she just fucking die already. fucking taking up oxygen and wasting everybody's time. bitch go to the afterlife already

>When you put on your meme flag to do some trolling then forget to take it off in a different thread
How embarrassing.

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Out dated system from back before we had term limits because the expectation was that you would quit or fucking die before you turned 60.

her home is hell and she needs to head back soon

She'll be a justice until 2035

Love her or hate her, you've got top admire her work ethic. I mean, she's dead and she's still working.

Libertarians and conservatives are going to miss Ginsburg. When the democrats ultimately get the presidency their supreme court nominees will make Ginsburg look like Pinochet. And if the GOP can ever regain power, their nominees will have the same idealogy as RBG but the Dems will still call them literally Hitler

>Trump might actually appoint 4 justices to the supreme court

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Then dems stack it when they take the presidency. No one would be against them doing this the way they rammed through Kavanaugh on party lines after blocking obama noms.

I don't know if these new breed of democrats have the finesse to take a justice out by faking a heart attack or will they just march out justices they don't like and execute them for racism.

Is there enough baby blood to keep this kike skeksis alive until 2021?


Working from home....IN HELL

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Top kek

Knock knock knockin' on Satan's door...

Hows the government shut down going.
>>stupid glow nigger.

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understand what?.
that the poor old crone is prolly on her deathbed, uttering gibberish due to morphine and surrounded by leftists hell bent on keeping her alive against her own will.

It's pretty fucking disgusting just how hard these old fucks try to cling to power
We saw the same thing with McCain, they absolutely refuse to stand down even when on deaths door
The hubris is off the charts

Sucks for her that her oath of office and the position she is in professionally disallows her the ability to recover and recuperate. This is the path she chose which will inevitably kill her. Or she can be an adult and announce her retirement in an attempt to postpone whats coming by 4-7 years anyhow.

Proof of life, or fuck off kike

Fuck off leftist shill.

It's called the Joe Biden rule

There's no "might" about it when you have 5 5s

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Have Tucker interview her at her home then.
Fucking insane that you'd let a deathly sick woman siège at your Supreme Court from her home.

She hasn't done any real work in ages. All of her dissents are written by true believer law clerks and possibly her PR team. She's the biggest manufactured celebrity government worker since Beto O'Rourke.



It's pretty obvious that all dem nominated suprêmes have their votes dictated from congress.

>o n e p o s t b y t h i s I D

OP 5:5 (((Q)))
It's over.

RBG is dead. When was her last public appearance? Who was appointed to the Supreme Court, RBG or a ghost team of lawyers? She needs to show up or step down. Or they need to announce she is dead. This can't continue. Everyone knows it.

>Just Watch!

- President Trump

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Because it didn't use to be this way when the constitution was written and the Supreme Court didn't have all this power.

They actually gave themselves all the power they have now with Marbury v Madison. Leave it to the lawyers to abuse the system.

>working from her casket
sure whatever

Lol this is the end of our country. No justice is coming to these people.

>This can't continue.
Oh yeah? Who the fuck is gonna do anything about it?

She is a supreme court justice who should be in the courtroom if she cannot do something as simple as that than she must retire. Otherwise double standards allow others including your "drumptards" to ignore your laws and ignore rulings.

I’m actually curious what would happen if she’s comatose. Would the seat remain through a sit in protege? Would the seat be up for grabs? I was discussing this yesterday and couldn’t come up with an answer

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I don’t know that she is dead but I would bet they are having one hell of a time trying to extubate her and get her off the vent. How long has it been? Three weeks? There is a limit. You can;t just leave someone intubated forever. The risk of pneumonia becomes astronomical.

Quints of truthj

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Same guy who called GHWB's funeral a few days before it happened via the same source.

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You’re fired, Gary.

The asshurt will be even greater than when Kennedy retired.

Proof of Life or GTFO

Her funeral home

Working from home = dying in bed. Can't wait to see the salt flow from this one.

>quints of fives
You know not of the powers you're weilding

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My thoughts exactly, she is on some sort of palliative/hospice care. She has some control of her faculties. Any other gaps in her reasoning is made up for by her clerks until the pulse flatlines. They are hoping to keep her alive so they can invoke the Biden rule regarding no Supreme Court appointments during a campaign. Somehow I don’t think Trump and Cocaine Mitch will care, especially after Kavanaugh.