Why do people have sex if they don’t want babies?

Why do people have sex if they don’t want babies?

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to physically express affection for each other, or just because it feels good

Because it feels good putting the p in the v and shooting the goo inside feels really good. Also being that close to another human is pretty sweet.

Why can’t we just cuddle and watch a movie?

Not as intimate
People cuddle with family members and platonic friends

Have you ever experienced the carnal please of pounding the shit out of some girls pussy and violently cumming deep inside of her before collapsing in a heap of orgasmic afterglow?

No? That's way better than any movie.

>People cuddle with family members and platonic friends
People are strange.
That’s how you make babies, user.

Are you actually retarded, my dude? Not sure how much simpler this can be made. People want that intense pleasure of orgasm without the responsibility of raising and caring for a baby afterwards. What's so hard to understand?

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>Silly user, you must be retarded: why wouldn’t you participate in the babymaking when you don’t want to make a baby? Muh orgasms.

And it feels so good... When she tells you that she has an iud and you can bust in her as much as you want.

People like orgasms and they're substantially better when another person gives them to you, not sure what you're missing

I’m not even religious, it just dawned on me when I was fourteen that I shouldn’t participate in the babymaking if I don’t want a baby. Seeing the pregnant teens throughout middle and high school helped, too.

Again with
>muh orgasms
I’m sure you’re vastly interesting.
Literally only absitenence is foolproof, my dude.

It's ok, my dude. I like busting on her tits, face, and in her mouth too. It's awesome.

>That's how you make babies
Not if you take birth control or sterilize yourself first, user.
I am okay with making 2 babies when the time is right. Before that, I take birth control so babies don't happen. After that, I will sterilize myself so babies don't happen. I will still have sex all the time.

What's wrong with orgasms?

It's just op trying to discredit the legitimate and obvious answer to his autistic stupid question

What’s great about orgasms?

2/10 only because you managed to hook 5 posters

you wouldn’t know

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Oh yes very good explanation yes I see now the orgasm IS quite the most intellectual pursuit hyuk hyuk

never said being an incel was a bad thing look at Travis Bickle

I like the part where pursuing an orgasm is a low tier interest automatically makes me an incel.
You literally have nothing going on for you besides muh bodily feefees.

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Said this once during an abortion argument. Trust me, user, never goes down well.

>reproduction is the main point of sex so having sex with no intention of keeping the baby is just playing chicken with your future, even with preventative measures
>"wtf user are you retarded? You cant seriously think that, sex is fun and if you don't want a baby and you conceive just get rid of it, it's better for everyone"

You sound like a combination of hardcore autism and being asexual.

Nobody's saying it's dignified. It's high quality hedonism.

The words “high quality” shouldn’t be used to describe hedonism.
ITT “are you retarded? muh orgasms tho”

We have the technology and resources to make sex a safe recreational activity, there is no reason NOT to use it. This is like saying we should stop using seasoning because food's purpose is to be eaten, not enjoyed. Everyone I've met that disagrees with this is a stunted child that either isn't getting laid at all, or has no problem "oopsing" a baby to trap a mate into staying involved with their life.