Are tehre yellow vest protests today

im hangover and i want to see cops getting fucked up

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fuck off snowmonkey they happened yesterday

and what about today- so you tellingme these lazy fucks only protest once a week?

no wonder these frog fuckers are taken fora ride by the jews

You can watch yesterday's streams

There is some minor stuff on other days but yeah Saturday is the big day.


yesterday? who gives a fuck about yesterday?

The Jews jews them 7 days a week and they really think they can win by doing 1 one!!! lousy protest a week?
You know this protest will soon fade into oblivion, what a fucking disgrace this french people are in the fight agains the jewish banking system

Yeah. Saturday is the permitted French Goyim's day off, where they protest the Jews looting of their Taxation system, The other 6 days they are working their asses off paying into the Jew system they protest so violently against for just that one day. The Bauer Crime Family and Ass. must be laughing their heads off.

I'm perfectly fine and didn't even drink yesterday but I still want to see chaos in remote countries.

Im starting to laugh about these protests aswell- nothing but a big nothing burger- and look whos protesting dumb ignorant mostly shitskins or drunk low paid white trash and as always the majority will lose and the jew will win and laugh on the way to their bank, its always and everywhere the same shit, the jew stirrs shit up the dumb and ignorant fall for it and the jew fucks the clueless even more at the end of the day

Fuck yellow vest- you nothing but a weak pest