is it fair to say that users who browse these three boards exclusively are the most redpilled group on the internet? as great as Jow Forums is, you shouldn't be getting your news from just once source
The holy trinity
Alexander Long
Daniel Lee
Replace r9k with Jow Forums
Liam Wilson
Jow Forums is Jow Forums with flags
David Perry
Jow Forums isnt redpilled. They are a gayer lonelier version of /b/. Traps and sympathy for queers Included
Eli Martinez
wrong. Jow Forums is most certainly NOT redpilled.
Cameron Rogers
This pls
Xavier Green
lmao aren't you supposed to be based to post on this board? Jow Forums exposed the eternal roastie
Joshua Ortiz
They all suck now.
Jordan Fisher
I certanly agree on /pol and /X. Political awakening and undrstanding of the mundane world is nothing without spiritual understanding and knowledge of the esoteric.
Ryan Brooks