Why are libs so obsessed with fucking bike lanes?
Why are libs so obsessed with fucking bike lanes?
Personally I like bikelanes and think more Americans should bike rather than drive. For libshits though, it's mostly about having an excuse to tax gas and make poor people have to stop driving.
I always see boomers and college students using bike lanes in cities. Why do they like bikes so much?
It’s cheap, it’s healthy, it’s fun
It creates (union) jobs out of thin air by pushing something that nobody asked for, then justifies further jobs when they have to put in new lanes in the future to deal with the motor traffic caused by these stupid lanes.
For fucking MONTHS some bike activist group lobbied our local government to put in bike lanes, despite resident and business owner backlash. Naturally, the kikes on the city council caved, and as soon as they were put in the group was nowhere to be seen, and neither were the fucking cyclists.
Until what ought to have been a minor fender bender ends up giving you a permanent disability.
said the 400 pound hamburger goblin
asked the obese dumb murican
most drivers are total idiots and they don't look out for bicycles, wanting to mix the 2 so badly will result in horrible accidents. bikes should stay in trails and parks, it's outdated technology
Because they can't understand why someone would want to show up for work in a timely manner.