Why are libs so obsessed with fucking bike lanes?
Why are libs so obsessed with fucking bike lanes?
Personally I like bikelanes and think more Americans should bike rather than drive. For libshits though, it's mostly about having an excuse to tax gas and make poor people have to stop driving.
I always see boomers and college students using bike lanes in cities. Why do they like bikes so much?
It’s cheap, it’s healthy, it’s fun
It creates (union) jobs out of thin air by pushing something that nobody asked for, then justifies further jobs when they have to put in new lanes in the future to deal with the motor traffic caused by these stupid lanes.
For fucking MONTHS some bike activist group lobbied our local government to put in bike lanes, despite resident and business owner backlash. Naturally, the kikes on the city council caved, and as soon as they were put in the group was nowhere to be seen, and neither were the fucking cyclists.
Until what ought to have been a minor fender bender ends up giving you a permanent disability.
said the 400 pound hamburger goblin
asked the obese dumb murican
most drivers are total idiots and they don't look out for bicycles, wanting to mix the 2 so badly will result in horrible accidents. bikes should stay in trails and parks, it's outdated technology
Because they can't understand why someone would want to show up for work in a timely manner.
Car insurance.
Car payments.
Oil changes and general maintenance.
Cars are expensive but that’s the price of freedom right?
The Netherlands is extremely liberal so I'm not surprised they have them
Bike lanes are in every European city and village, American liberals want to imitate Europe.
Bike lanes are useless there because your country is full of 300kg, 90 iq mutts. The bike is for the Aryan man.
Bikes lines are for people who don't die from heart attacks at the age of 35. America doesn't need them.
"Libs" live in cities - meaning there's better public transport and a shorter distance between home and work, or home and the shops. So cycling is a more viable method of transportation.
Compared to more regional areas where conservatives live, where cars are a necessity due to distance
t: city dwelling, bike supporting conservative
Conservatives don't use bicycles?
yeah mate, it's a real conservative value to be a horrible fat fuck
>mfw use the bikelane as sidewalk
and because they actually invest in the infrastructure for bike paths, promote a culture of running/swimming/hiking and such.
go to any rural conservative area, everyone is horribly obese and ugly as fuck
and go to a liberal area, people are generally fit, trim, and clean
this is exactly the opposite of what you'd expect, you should be getting more exercise when you live near the great outdoors
Honestly it's an extension of NIMBYism where liberals are trying to strike back at those gas guzzlers by making changes to the roadway that will likely on increase congestion.
Because bikes are cheap and in my city often faster than being a fat fuck driving a car everywhere
Retrofitting already congested roadways with bike lanes Is just an extension of their usual social engineering fetish. “We can force the people to be healthy and add a quaint third world charm to the area”.
They let the niggers know where the best place to rob white folks is at.
The tides are shifting burger
Are you fucking retarded? You don't have to bike everywhere like a giant faggot to stay at a normal weight.
and it's a great way to stay in shape
said the horrible fat fuck surrounded by thousands of other horrible fat fucks lumbering around in their useless trucks
Ride your bike on a god damn trail, or around a lake...Don't pretend that these faggots are commuting to work - they are wearing their gay spandex and don't have backpacks for their work clothing....They are a bunch of snobs who like to argue that they are "allowed to be on the road" yet don't follow traffic laws like stoping at stop signs, etc.
It's actually anti biking groups.. They make these lanes so I have nice line of faggy bi cyclist to run over
Is it faggier to be in shape and be working your muscles?
Or have bitchtits and drive a car with literally 0 effort or muscle power?
Women need cars to travel, men don't, faggot
What's not to like?
>Don't have to use the car to work so you save money
>10-60min exercise everyday
Yeah you keep saying that when you're skidding accross the road after I smash into your stupid ass, it's totally gonna ring true that you're more man than me when I'm the one with the car
alright stop posting dumbass
Like the rest of us, Libs are tired of arrogant bicyclists hogging automobile lanes.
No they aren't, your country is owned by Jews and your people are doing nothing. Look at Amsterdam. It's literally fucking Gomorrah.
>muh big car means I'm strong
yeah but your body is fucking weak, you're a little bitch. You also have the mindset of a fucking nigger, you're garbage.
STOP shitposting plz you're ruining my thread. Go express your anger out in the gym. Go work on your little söy muscles.
I feel sad for Americans who have never lived in a walkable city
This is why Americans are so depressed. Nothing beats depression more than walking in the sun.
Americans only walk in their gyms and malls
Because they live in places without winter.
Your thread is shit mate, this is one of the worst threads I've ever seen
And I'm actually in shape, not a horrible fat fuck like you
>guy had cancer and was about to die
>Still rides faithfully
What a trooper
I nearly killed a biker yesterday when the idiot freely rode her bike through a parking lot blindly with no regard to anyone else and expecting the drivers to yield.
We have enough idiots driving heavy machinery. Do we need more idiots riding bikes too? Is this how we purge the mindless retards with no regard for safety?
Freedom is where people aren't, not where they are. Cars enabled man's enslavement by making it no longer possible to escape the mass of men or the cities.
I like Bike Lanes because it stops cyclists actually using the road and being fuckers
the other day this dude on a bike was blocking the road and didn't give me any space to pass. I had to slow down like a retard just because it's illegal to run him over. I hate them.
That’s a contradiction. You can freely go anywhere or nowhere with a car just as you could with a bike or your legs.
would be nice if you had some bike lanes then huh?
If you dont have a micro dick and you arnt a bike is a nice way to get around for short to medium length journeys.
Cars are expensive and parking is hard to find. Bike lanes are better than no lanes but you share the highway. That shits gay
Cyclists are the royalty of the road.
Dont have to obay any laws.
Dont have to pay tax.
Dont have to interact with commoners.
Statistically even daily riding without a helmet is better for you than driving, due to cardio health benefits.
Sure user. I just want them to get out of my way.
Bicyclists where I'm from (t.ruralfag) are a cancer. They'll trespass on your land, call the cops to have your dog shot, and then empty your well so that their friends have full bottles of water. They get triple the gas on the day of the shoahcost.
Those spandex-clad faggots might be the single reason why I went full Ron Paulbertarian in my youth.
Ring ring, erstwhile future pm coming though! Did I ever tell you about the time I ran over a darke?
>freely go anywhere
You can go on the roads... made by men, following the rules made by men - and they're everywhere because, due to the car, the rules they bring with them are now crossing every part of the land.
The car has made the country the domain of the Weak, the slave. The Weak are most in need of laws, rules, and guidance so they spread their desire for a master to the far reaches of the world, whereas before, in the wilderness, the Weak would never have ventured out to lay claim to everything.
Because of the car, these agents of the state fitter about like spies, reporting on anyone and everyone who violates the edicts of the Master, ensuring there will never be freedom again.
apparently I am on the wrong drugs. say what?!
OP is some dumb fat fuck promoting a perspective that a healthy lifestyle is "faggy" and everyone should waddle around with huge fat rolls, drive a monster truck, and guzzle down beer before the football game. An incredibly harmful, damaging lifestyle that is wrecking havoc all across the nation.
OP has a phony sense of masculinity about this, since we all know the "alpha dog" in these bumfuck communities is the fattest, sweatiest, stupidest man on the block.
>Implying any normal Dutchman wouldn't want to nuke Amsterdam
Also don't forget that we have the Bible belt
Tell that to the guy riding a recumbent bike down I-84 through the Columbia River Gorge at night.
When the worker drסne follows the chemical trail back to the hive, does that trail make it "free"? It is in precisely the places people accumulate that they are unfree. Look at the city for an example. The people cannot get along but refuse to admit it so they produce a plethora or rules and regulations to tie one another down. The highway and the car just extends their reach so they can now go forth into other lands to extract wealth from and spread their mental disorder to them as well.
Freedom is where people aren't, not where they are. Freedom is where people can't reach you, not where they can.
>American liberals want to imitate..
Biking is fun and good if you have to travel within 2-3 miles. As long as you have a good bike infrastructure that is don't bike in the US like that. At least make the bike lane a different colour.
A better question is why it says "LANE BIKE". Do Americans read backwards or something? Or are you all nearsighted and can only read the nearest line?
freedom is anywhere that I am not
The Bible belt is horrendous though
I wear a suit to work not biking around to fuck up my shit. Bus lanes are great though
People, not person. As population density rises, freedom disappears.
If bikers are going to have a part of the road they should be taxed for it
Nobody is reading your schizophrenic spam
They already are, it's called general taxation that goes towards infrastructure
trees fall without being heard
Bike lanes can have their perks.
If you speak but are not heard, no one can silence you. If you build a home but no one knows about it, they can't tell you it's "not to code" and force you to tear it down. Highways are spyways.
I see those self righteous pricks run redlights all the time. I had one the other day swing right out in front of me. If I wasn’t paying attention I would have ran him over
>projecting this hard
heaven is on the pillow
its silence competes with hell
They don't have money for gas.
This is a far better use of space.
user, actually I do carry a backpack with my work clothing.
t. Guy who bikes to work.
You're the wosrt type of American.
Too bad we have to share a great country with fat fucks like you.
I've always hated the obese. On the DOTR fatties are getting it too, Cletus.
your wide american roads make bike lanes look dumb because every one drives an empty car to work so shecklsteinberg can keep making money out of oil
Empty your well.
>Not having at least 300 gallons and 6ft of standing water in your well at any one moment.
You're a well-let, user.
t. Guy who has water at 18 ft.
finally a good question on Jow Forums
Why bike lanes?
> they're obvious and unavoidable evidence of bureaucratic control over our lives. Someone decided to throw away half the road because "it's good for society"
same goes for bike cars on trains. I've literally ridden on trains in san francisco which are packed to the gills because someone decided to use half the cars for bike storage only
We need more bike lanes- not all cars have gas engineers.
>gets run down
>has to take full responsibility yourself for being in the bike lane
bikes are cool. you can go in the road if you want, but also on the sidewalk or off-road if you want. and you can park anywhere. you can drive on red light if there are no cars, and the cops won't care.
in america it's probably a better idea to build mobility scooter lanes thought.
>Means of transportation that are very cheap, clean and good for one's health are bad because libs support them
I wonder what happens when magapedes find out that libs also breathe air
No need to consume oil from Israel's wars
>CAPTCHA: select all bicycles
the only people I see riding bikes are aspergers white guys and literal poor people like students
Fucking this. Baltimore fag here and I swear the bike lanes are useless. Even in trendy white parts of the city they're barely used. Now it's spreading to the black areas, where it's used even less. Blacks use busses or drive, so it's just more headaches traffic wise. I guess it's a way to get whitey to gentrify the ghetto