Is the Ashkenazi Jew and East Asian IQ invalid...

Is the Ashkenazi Jew and East Asian IQ invalid? I remember reading an article here based on the tests that show it wasn't valid due to some cherrypicking crap or are the Jews the true master race.

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Get this through your head racist kkk nazi fascist:
If it makes white people look bad then it's true.
If it makes white people look good then it's not true.

I don't believe any of the shit said here but aren't Jews the true master race? Or is that Asians because there's billions of them and they're powerful. Seriously why are these threads always empty as soon as you go against this site's narrative.

Of course an race but whites are the master race.
Those nazis always accuse the Jews and Asians of cherrypicking. Like really, who cares if their respective race's combined sample size was under 50? The only thing that matters is showing whites that their inferior.

Let's focus on what's important.

In 2016 genetic testing showed that ashkenazi are iranian/persian in origin.
Now go look at the average IQ of israel and iran.
As for China only the elite class schools were tested, not the common chink

mate they have literally done studies proving jews have a higher IQ regardless of their socioeconomic status

IQ isn't completely telling of intelligence. White people do (or used to) have a higher intelligence than NIGGERS but the reason they're not at the top is because rigorous study is not common in white households, whereas it is common in Asian and Jewish households. These groups push their kids to get top grades and get into the best schools. Everyone knows about the strict Asian parent stereotype, not as much know that Jews are the same. Actually, Jews are a bit harsher in that regard. Plus they, unlike Asians, act as a nation, so they support each other through nepotism and whatever. Another thing, they're relatively small in population size compared to other races, and smaller, more defined populations reveal more distinct results. "White" in America means everything from Welsh to Siberian and sometimes to Arab.

Chinese IQ is invalid since they literally cheat the test by cherry picking instead of doing a randomized test.

than link to them faggot

Japan is legit afaik

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Jews lack empathy and are degenerates that bring only destruction. Basically intelligent Orcs.

So orcs are superior to white people?
You got a source to link to that? That's what I'm looking for
You could make the same argument for may race, the only conclusion I can see here is whites are retarded compared to Asians and Jews.

Is a snake killing a sleeping man, superior to the man?

Depends on what you value. I don't think so, not at all.

Are Grima Wormtongue superior to Theoden?

I mean if the white man is superior to the black then that means the Jewish man is superior to the white because he'd seem stupid when working against him, same with the Asian man.

Bong your race is mentally ill
Uncuck yourself or im taking one of your sheilas with me when FISA gets debriefed.

Britian has a higher average IQ than America so it seem you're rmutt race is retarded Jose. Now answer the damn questions, are Jews and Asians not superior to whites? They are right.

Who cares? It's not East Asians or Ashkenazi Jews that are invading our countries.

No it doesn't? Blacks, Jews and Asians all lack empathy. While Jews are degenerate and destructuve, Asians lack creativity.

Do you think a snake killing a sleeping man is superior to the man? If you think so, you could argue that Jews are superior. You could also argue that Africans are superior to Jews because they breed more.

It's about what you value, and to me, Jews are probably the biggest net loss to the world per head. Asians pretty neutral if not positive I would say.

Ashkenazi? Yes.
Asian? No.

Here are the winners of the Fields Medal and the Abel Prize - the highest awards in mathematics. Notice anything?

Fields Medal and Abel Prize Recipients

>Anglo-Celt (19.5):
John Milnor x 2 (American Anglo); Stephen Smale (American Anglo); Alan Baker (English); John G. Thompson x 2 (American Anglo); David Mumford (English); William Thurston (American Anglo); Simon Donaldson (English); Richard Borcherds (English); Timothy Gowers (English); Daniel Quillen (Irish American); Vaughan Jones (New Zealand Anglo-Celt); Curtis T. McMullen (Irish American); Michael Atiyah x2 (Christian Lebanese/Scottish); Michael Freedman (American half-Anglo, half-Jew); John Tate (American Anglo); John Nash (American Anglo); Andrew Wiles (English); Robert Langlands (Canadian Anglo)

>Ashkenazi (18.5): Jesse Douglas (US Jew); Laurent Schwartz (French Jew); Klaus Roth (German Jew); Paul Cohen (US Jew); Charles Fefferman (US Jew); Grigory Margulis (Russian Jew); Vladimir Drinfeld (Ukrainian Jew); Edward Witten (US Jew); Efim Zelmanov (Russian Jew); Grigori Perelman (Russian Jew); Wendelin Werner (German Jew); Elon Lindenstrauss (Israeli); Alexander Grothendieck (half German, half Jewish); Michael Freedman (US half-Anglo, half-Jew); Isadore Singer (US Jew); Peter Lax (Hungarian Jew); Mikhail Leonidovich Gromov (half Russian, half Jew); Yakov Sinai (Russian Jew); Louis Nirenberg (Canadian Jew); Yves Meyer (French Jew)

>French (11): Jean-Pierre Serre x2; René Thom; Pierre Deligne x2 (Belgian frog); Alain Connes (French); Jean Bourgain (Belgian frog); Pierre-Louis Lions (French); Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (French); Laurent Lafforgue (French); Cédric Villani (French); Jacques Tits (Belgian frog)

Attached: Fields-Medal.jpg (800x770, 179K)

>A minority group that has 29 percent of Nobel prizes
They're definitely a positive to society much more than whites to say the least. Jews seem to be a net gain to any society.
>Asians lack creativity
Got a source for this?

This isn't getting any better and I'm being convinced more and more they're superior to us.
So Ashkenazi Jews are superior but Asians still have a higher IQ than whites.

>German-Nord (7.5): Lars Ahlfors (Swede from Finland); Atle Selberg (Norwegian); Lars Hörmander (Swedish); Gerd Faltings (German); Martin Hairer (Swiss German); Peter Scholze (German); Alexander Grothendieck (half German, half Jewish); Lennart Carleson (Swedish)

>East Asian (6): Kunihiko Kodaira (Japanese); Heisuke Hironaka (Japanese); Shing-Tung Yau (Chinese); Shigefumi Mori (Japanese); Terence Tao (Chinese Australian); Ngô Bảo Châu (Vietnamese);

>Slavic (5.5): Sergei Novikov (Russian); Maxim Kontsevich (Russian); Vladimir Voevodsky (Russian); Andrei Okounkov (Russian); Stanislav Smirnov (Russian); Mikhail Leonidovich Gromov (half Russian, half Jew)

>Indian (3): Manjul Bhargava (Canadian Indian); Akshay Venkatesh; S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan

>Italian (2): Enrico Bombieri; Alessio Figalli

>Portuguese (1): Artur Avila (Brazilian, probably mixed)

>Hungarian (1): Endre Szemerédi

>Persian (1): Maryam Mirzakhani (Persian Iranian);

>Kurd (1): Caucher Birkar (Kurdish Iranian);

The Jews tend to have a higher then average Verbal IQ, but a significantly poor Spatial IQ. Also if you only allow people with a college education or equivalent be a member of your subclass racial group you will appear to of higher intelligence.

Stop asking questions, GOYIM!

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>This isn't getting any better and I'm being convinced more and more they're superior to us.
Yes, that's right, now go fap to blacked and have your gf fuck an African.

But as these guy's above have posted it seems they're overrepresented in Nobel prizes plus their average IQ is higher than the average white IQ meaning they're superior and they do better in terms of wealth considering majority have a high socioeconomic status.
>if you only allow people with a college education or equivalent be a member of your subclass racial group you will appear to of higher intelligence.
Source for this?

>They're definitely a positive to society much more than whites to say the least. Jews seem to be a net gain to any society.

How are a group that promotes mass migration, pornography, post-modernism and does everything it can to create a wall between European men and women a "net positive"?

How are they a positive to society? Please elaborate why you think that. Whites reprsesents everything that is good in this world. I can agree that whites are a negative, but that is to the animal kingdom. Among humans we are superior in terms of contributing to humanity.

>Got a source for this?


>This isn't getting any better and I'm being convinced more and more they're superior to us.

Answer my question then. Is a snake killing a sleeping man superior to the man? Is the rat with 500 off-spring superior to the European with 2 off-spring? Simple questions that you refuse to answer.

If you vlaue good, then whites are superior.

>If I think a racial hierarchy exists I watch racial play porn and I'm a cuck
You sound like someone who hates scientific evidence that goes against what they think. If Jews are superior then they're superior there's no way about it. The evidence has already been seen in the form of IQ tests and watching their immigrant population rise through socioeconomic statuses. At this point we should try and emulate Jews although that may be hard with our inferior intelligence.

If your son is less smart than your neighbor's son, is your son inferior to your neighbor's? Is your son less valuable? Would you save your neighbor's son from a fire over your own? Does your son have the right to live?

Want to know how I know you're just a shill? You do your best to bash down whites, and you don't care about anything else. Very few on Jow Forums deny that there are smarter people than whites. All we want is for our people to exist. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.

If it's true, then they are superior in IQ.

Are they superior as humans? Not at all, far from it and probably the lowest form of life.

>At this point we should try and emulate Jews although that may be hard with our inferior intelligence.
Happy Hanuka to you too.

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IQ only measures the ability to take an IQ test. Modern science has not yet quantified human intelligence, let alone devised a way to objectively measure it.
IQ does correlate with financial success in societies in which merit is gained through the taking of tests...but EQ correlates with financial success to a higher degree in those same societies.
Basically you're a babbling moron and you should try to actually learn about topics that interest you instead. You won't/probably can't of course, but it never hurts to try.

>Why empty
Because it's a common shill topic, and there's millions of them every day.
Ashkenazi, Japanese, S.Korean, Singaporean IQ is valid. China is typically distrusted due to govt meddling in everything that can present an image to outsiders. European nations are comparable once they're adjusted for niggers, with Italy being the highest tying with Japan afaicr.
>Master race
The issue is that it's less about a hierarchy of races, but rather the "social environment" that race creates. IQ isn't the only non-physical trait that varies. Behaviour, impulsiveness, tolerance to various shit etc does too, and this results in difference races (and combinations of races) creating different social environments. The reason that
>Race and culture are inseparable
to some extent is that which genes are passed on are determined by which are better suited to the environment. But for humans, our "environment" (and it's challenges) is primarily other people. This means that our environment is a product of peoples genetics, and peoples genetics are selected for by their environment, which is other peoples genetics, which is selected for by their environment, which is other peoples genetics, etc, etc.
>Master race
Has kind of become just an edgy way of saying
>Europeans are well adapted to living in the social environment created by Europeans
>Asians are well adapted to living in the social environment created by Asians
that is to say, Whites are better than other races at creating a reliably good social environment for whites, etc.

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If a space ship full of aliens came in here and wrecked us in all tests, physical and mental, should we submit to them, give our land to them and lay down and die? What the fuck does it matter whether Jews are smarter than us or not? IQ tests are valid, and apparently Jews excel at them. So what?

>How are a group that promotes mass migration, pornography, post-modernism and does everything it can to create a wall between European men and women a "net positive"?
They earn more than whites, they do better academically due to their intellectual ability and they have contributed a massive amount to humanity even though they're a tiny group in terms of world population. They're smart enough to manipulate lesser races such as ours, if that's not a sign of superiority I don't know what is
>Whites reprsesents everything that is good in this world.
From what I can see that'd be jews
Pretty vague, mind giving me a study which shows this?
>Answer my question then. Is a snake killing a sleeping man superior to the man? Is the rat with 500 off-spring superior to the European with 2 off-spring? Simple questions that you refuse to answer.
And how is this question relevant to this topic? If we go by intelligence Jews are smarter no inane question is going to change that.
>If you vlaue good, then whites are superior.
That's a statement, Jews are superior due to intellect and contributions.

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>If your son is less smart than your neighbor's son, is your son inferior to your neighbor's? Is your son less valuable? Would you save your neighbor's son from a fire over your own? Does your son have the right to live?
My son is dumber than the neighbors son so I expect him to do worse academically and earn less or fail in life. I'd still save him from a fire even though the neighbours son is more valuable to wider society.
>Want to know how I know you're just a shill? You do your best to bash down whites
I'm not bashing anything I'm going by the fact there's a racial hierarchy and Jews and Asians are more or less better than us. I thought there'd be a study showing the results were invalid but it seems no one has posted it yet.
They're more intelligent though and they actually have contributed a lot to the world.
Not Jewish, I'm just interested as to why they score higher.

>Jews and Asians are more or less better than us
You'd be more credible, if you posted just a single message, where you didn't espouse Jewish superiority over whites, rabbi.

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>Ashkenazi, Japanese, S.Korean, Singaporean IQ is valid. China is typically distrusted due to govt meddling in everything that can present an image to outsiders.
I'm just looking for a source on this that's it.
>that is to say, Whites are better than other races at creating a reliably good social environment for whites, etc.
I mean it'd just be nice nice if someone could properly explain why they're not superior to us. I'm going by IQ tests and Nobel prizes overrepresentation.
>You'd be more credible, if you posted just a single message, where you didn't espouse Jewish superiority over whites, rabbi
I'm not a rabbi or a Jew I'm just stating facts based on the racial hierarchy and that image is pretty stupid considering km separating Jews and whites.


But you are not European

>They earn more than whites, they do better academically

False. In the US Jews do much worse than whites and asians, it's just that they are accepted to the most renowned universitites (in the US, where most of them dwell outside of Israel), at a much higher rate than their grades should result in.

>They earn more than whites

I don't care. Nepotism, greed, subversion, deceitfulness... Many roads to getting rich.

>they have contributed a massive amount to humanity

They have contributed a massive net negative to the world. Sure, you have a Mahler, but then you have a Freud. From time to time, they manage to make brilliant movies, but then they make x10 trashy degenerate anti-human movies too.

>From what I can see that'd be jews

Then you are blind. Lurk more.

>Pretty vague, mind giving me a study which shows this?

No it's not. It's just how it is. Also I believe in % Europeans have way more geniuses (but also more dumb people) than Asian-Americans.

>If we go by intelligence Jews are smarter no inane question is going to change that.

But are Jews smarter? IQ of Israel is 95.

>That's a statement, Jews are superior due to intellect and contributions.

But their contributions are negative. A smart Orc is still an Orc. Also I doubt that Jews have the IQ scores that are paraded around, seeing the IQ of Israel (which is 50% Azhkenazi Jewish I believe).

Did you know that the IQ in Hamburg, Germany, is 113? That the IQ in the less immigration affected region of Schleswig-Holstein have an average of 107? The city Kiel having 110.

Sure thing, Moshe. If you were here in good faith, you would have responded to my arguments with your own, but you evidently can't. You're here to shill, nothing else.

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Mind showing the amount whites are overrepresented in contributions to society to Ashkenazi Jew contributions to society?

>they actually have contributed a lot to the world.

But they have destroyed and decieved and subverted more. No other people have been as destructive.

Speak English, Saul.

>But you are not European
I mean I was born in Britian and as far as I know all my predecessor were British whites.
>False. In the US Jews do much worse than whites and asians, it's just that they are accepted to the most renowned universitites (in the US, where most of them dwell outside of Israel), at a much higher rate than their grades should result in.
You got a source for that? Sounds pretty weird.
>I don't care. Nepotism, greed, subversion, deceitfulness... Many roads to getting rich.
I mean you can say the same about any race that earns a lot of money in the US such as Indians or whites.
>They have contributed a massive net negative to the world. Sure, you have a Mahler, but then you have a Freud. From time to time, they manage to make brilliant movies, but then they make x10 trashy degenerate anti-human movies too.
I'm not talking about movies I'm talking about academic based works.
>Then you are blind. Lurk more.
I've lurked this board for years although I'd rarely go here due to the amount of idiots I'd meet since three years ago but you get the idea. Jews have a higher IQ and they contribute a massive amount compared to their population size.
>No it's not. It's just how it is. Also I believe in % Europeans have way more geniuses (but also more dumb people) than Asian-Americans.
Do you have a source for this or is it all beliefs?
>But are Jews smarter? IQ of Israel is 95.
Well Ashkenazi Jews to be specific.
>But their contributions are negative. A smart Orc is still an Orc. Also I doubt that Jews have the IQ scores that are paraded around, seeing the IQ of Israel (which is 50% Azhkenazi Jewish I believe).
I'm pretty sure they're a minority down there.
>Did you know that the IQ in Hamburg, Germany, is 113? That the IQ in the less immigration affected region of Schleswig-Holstein have an average of 107? The city Kiel having 110.
Source? I didn't actually know that. (95%+ seem to be European).

Google "Most famous painters" and look at the suggestions.

Europeans invent and constructs - contribute, East-Asians copy and duplicate and Jews destroy. That's the order of things.

Why would a Jew be browsing Jow Forums? Seriously I'm not Jewish I just believe there's a racial hierarchy and we should copy those at the top unless our intelligence limits us.
>But they have destroyed and decieved and subverted more. No other people have been as destructive
They commit less crime than whites (going by statistics), they're more intelligent (IQ stats) and they've contributed a lot if we go just by looking at the amount of Nobel prize winners they have.
You do realise Ashkenazi Jews are a tiny proportion of most countries right?
>As of 2017, Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 902 individuals, of whom 203 or22.5%were Jews, although the total Jewish population comprises less than 0.2% of the world's population. This means the percentage of Jewish Nobel laureates is at least 112.5 times or11,250%above average.
They've contributed a huge amount for such a small population.
>Europeans invent and constructs - contribute, East-Asians copy and duplicate and Jews destroy. That's the order of things.
I mean we did get gun powder and firearms from the Asians and Jews as we can see have created a load of stuff useful to humanity. I highly doubt that's the order of things.

I take it as a sign everyone has gone away and no one wants to admit Jews are superior judging by the lack of evidence against it.

“Based on these figures, Jewish students were roughly 1,000% more likely to be enrolled at Harvard and the rest of the Ivy League than white Gentiles of similar ability."

Jewish nepotism at play. This is in every country where there are Jews btw. Of course they will do better than the rest when everyone else play's fair and they cheat massivly. I can't find the article that showed that both Whites and Asians did considerably better than Jews on average, but it's there. I will keep looking.

>I mean you can say the same about any race that earns a lot of money in the US

No you can't, idiot. Whites are the least nepotistic group there is. "We" (not me, my friends or family) are accepting our own genocide ffs.

>I'm not talking about movies I'm talking about academic based works.

Jewish academics is a plague holding academia back. There is a lot of good Jewish academians though, don't get me wrong, but they are not the ones getting attention. It's just more good non-Jewish ones. Way more, that also don't get recognizion because 1. Massive discrimiantion in enrollment to the most reknowned universitites 2. Jewish owned and dominated media.

>Jews have a higher IQ and they contribute a massive amount compared to their population size.

You keep repeating this. Yes, they have contributed - in total to a big net negative. Hamburgians have higher IQ than the reported number that the are paraded for Jews. Israel have 95 IQ. Germany probably at least 105 if you removed all immigrants, probably more like 107-108.

IQ doesn't make them superior in total, it would make them superior in terms of IQ, but I doubt that they are. If they were, it doesn't change my opinion though, in fact it would make my disdain even greater, that the smartest humans are also the worst.

>Do you have a source for this or is it all beliefs?

Asians are more intelligent in terms of rote learning and repetition but are too conformist and do not have an inventive spark.

Give an asian a hammer, and he will give you more hammers.
Give a white a hammer, and he will build something with it.
Give a nigger a hammer and he will hit you with it.

There is a study out there.
IIRC they only used 10 Jews.
Thousands of whites and asians
I also remember that it was by Jews
Good luck trying find it hopefully someone has it

>Do you have a source for this or is it all beliefs?

>Well Ashkenazi Jews to be specific.

50% of Israel is Ashkenazi Jews. Are the other Jews rock stupid then? Or maybe Ashkenazi Jews are mostly(?) European which have boosted their IQ.

>I'm pretty sure they're a minority down there.

"People of Ashkenazi Jewish descent constitute around 47.5% of Israeli Jews"

>Source? I didn't actually know that.

And I have to repeat, if Jews actually are the smartest, it only makes them worse in my eyes.

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Depends on what numbers you're talking about.
I can believe the Japanese IQ is a 105.
Chinese is probably cherry picked from city folk.
Same with Singapore, as that's just a big city that attracts smart people from all over.
There are some claiming the Ashkenazi IQ is 115 but that's based on small samples taken by - you guessed it - Ashkenazis, but it's not unlikely it's higher than a 100.

The IQ has also been adjusted to favor Ashkenazis.
Women used to score lower than men, so they gave more weight to the verbal part which women score high on, and less weight to spatial/mathematical which men score higher on, bringing the average of both to a 100.
Coincidentally Ashkenazis score relatively very high on verbal and not so much on everything else.
High verbal IQ can help someone thrive in a society by competing with others in that society (for example as a lawyer or entertainer), but it doesn't do much good for the advancement of that society as a whole (for example a scientist or engineer).

TL;DR: adjusting the IQ scale for women inflated the IQ of Ashkenazis by giving more weight to a kind of intelligence that is arguably not the most desirable

Why do you even care about IQ? Kike is your enemy. If kike has 200 IQ, he doesnt stops being your enemy, he just becomes extremely dangerous enemy.
Holy fucking shit, lemmings with objective thinking a-la "kikes are smart and therefore they deserve to infest and poison our nations" deserve death much more than kikes themselves.

>Jewish nepotism at play.
unironically, americans are really fucking dumb and lazy (especially at the top), which is why jews are running most things in the US. (just like UK)

anyone stupid enough to believe there is a "white race" it isn't a big mystery why their boss is a jew.

>Jewish nepotism at play. This is in every country where there are Jews btw. Of course they will do better than the rest when everyone else play's fair and they cheat massivly.
There's barely any evidence of widespread cheating you're just pointing fingers, unless you have a source.
>No you can't, idiot. Whites are the least nepotistic group there is. "We" (not me, my friends or family) are accepting our own genocide ffs.
So was some other ancient race of humans that got absorbed into a greater race such as the ancient Chinese. Doesn't make you less nepotistic.
>Jewish academics is a plague holding academia back. There is a lot of good Jewish academians though, don't get me wrong, but they are not the ones getting attention. It's just more good non-Jewish ones. Way more, that also don't get recognizion because 1. Massive discrimiantion in enrollment to the most reknowned universitites 2. Jewish owned and dominated media
Is there evidence for any of this? It just seems they do well and from what I've read they don't seem to be holding anyone back. Jewish owned media doesn't seem like it's gonna affect someone's academic ability.
>You keep repeating this. Yes, they have contributed - in total to a big net negative.
Mind showing stats? They've contributed a lot for such a small group based on academic achievements, advancement through socioeconomic statuses in other nations and their wealth. Also source on the German IQ likely being higher. A place like Iceland doesn't score much higher than them nor does Norway.
>IQ doesn't make them superior in total, it would make them superior in terms of IQ, but I doubt that they are. If they were, it doesn't change my opinion though, in fact it would make my disdain even greater, that the smartest humans are also the worst.
IQ is correlated with higher wealth, less risk of obesity and a number of other things that plague lesser races, they're far from the worst.

>You do realise Ashkenazi Jews are a tiny proportion of most countries right?

Tiny propotion but yet so much destruction. It's sad.

>I mean we did get gun powder and firearms from the Asians

Gun powder, but not firearms.

>Jews as we can see have created a load of stuff useful to humanity.

I see mostly destruction.

I will make an own post deducated to the Nobel prize argument.

they just lack morals

>50% of Israel is Ashkenazi Jews. Are the other Jews rock stupid then? Or maybe Ashkenazi Jews are mostly(?) European which have boosted their IQ.
So they're smarter than Europeans because European genes boosted their IQ? Sounds illogical so provide a source for this claim.
>"People of Ashkenazi Jewish descent constitute around 47.5% of Israeli Jews"
Well this is getting interesting, is there anything on their socioeconomic status compared to other groups? Also they still have a higher IQ than the smartest German, that still means Jews are superior but this was suprising nonetheless.
>Tiny propotion but yet so much destruction. It's sad
I'm yet to see this huge destruction they've caused, you could say all sorts of crap about us Brits because of the world wars but that wouldn't really apply.
>Gun powder, but not firearms.
Asians made the first classified firearm so yes that achievement goes to them, a rather significant one that changed history.
>will make an own post deducated to the Nobel prize argument.
Glad to hear this.

I don't believe they are so smart, but if they were that alone would be a legitimate reason to exterminate them with extreme prejudice. Nothing personal kids, but we can't have people competing with us that are much smarter than us.

you should move to the US as your stupidity would blend in with the herd.
>Only 2 out of 467 Ashkenazi Jews showed typical Levantine ancestry.
>Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.
Stupid useless faggot

Attached: IQ scores for jews.png (1386x1746, 1.72M)

Apparently that guy vox day debunked the Jewish iq myth.

The image doesn't really go into their intelligence considering they're not a majority in Israel. Your study doesn't explain why they have a higher IQ than us, you should go to your neighbours and then you'll finally fit in you mong.

Jewish Nobel prizes pre-1945:

Adolf von Baeyer = 1/4 Jewish

Otto Wallach = "Father descended from a Jewish family" lmao, 1/16?

Richard Willstätter = No information about parents, but claimed to be Jewish, without having Jewish sounding names.

Fritz Haber = Same. Also depicted as having blue eyes and blond hair.

George de Hevesy = Claims to have had two grandparents being of Jewish descent.

So that leaves you with Henri Moissan.

This is in Chemistry alone.

203 of the Nobel prize winners are Jews and you've only picked out 6, there's a undeniable correlation with Jews and Nobel prizes and this also doesn't explain why those with Ashkenazi Jew ancestry score higher in an IQ test than those that don't.

>There's barely any evidence of widespread cheating you're just pointing fingers, unless you have a source.

I proved you with a source. You are just showing yourself for the shill you are.

>Doesn't make you less nepotistic.

Ah ha, so now it's "you". Whites are the least nepotistic group there is. Jews the most. This is the main ingredience to Jewish success.

>It just seems they do well and from what I've read they don't seem to be holding anyone back.

Clearly the Whites and East-Asians not getting enroleld at the most reknowned universities because of their nepotism? Surely media not promoting your work will not help get your research funded. You are grasping for straws here - you WANT Jews to be better than they are because you have other goals than the truth.

>Mind showing stats?

Stats of what? Just look at everything Jews promote today and see what people have said about Jews in the past. They have always been like this.

>A place like Iceland doesn't score much higher than them nor does Norway

Norway has a lot of immigrants (soon 20% I believe) + Sami people + gypsies. Iceland is another story, where like 85% of the women descend from dumber thralls on their maternal line. I think Germans are more intelligent than Scandinavians though.

>they're far from the worst.

In terms of what they do to the world, they surely are the worst.

I always figured IQ tests on Asians in the 20th century focused on Asian-American migrants who worked their ass off all day every day to make a life in the USA. Thus, the Asians tested were the best of the best and had a high IQ test score. Test a million factory workers or farmers in China and you'll get a different score.

any statistics coming out of china are suspect

>So they're smarter than Europeans because European genes boosted their IQ? Sounds illogical so provide a source for this claim.

It might explain why they aren't as dumb as the other Jews

>Well this is getting interesting, is there anything on their socioeconomic status compared to other groups?

I have heard that Ashkenazi Jews are attacked in Israel for them being wealthier. Also that all presidents or something have been Ashkenazi.

>Also they still have a higher IQ than the smartest German

No, clearly Germans have higher IQ than Israelis. Much higher. Not unlikely on par with Ashkenazi Jews.

>that still means Jews are superior

No it doesn't. It would mean that they have higher IQ, if that is the case. Europeans are vastly superior to Jews. Africans are superior to Jews.

>Asians made the first classified firearm

But that's not the technology we conquered the world with, so it's irrelevant.

>I'm yet to see this huge destruction they've caused

Look at Sweden, one of the countries with the most Jews per capita in Europe. Saved a lot of Jews in WW2. Most media (even local media) owned by Jews (Bonnier family), media that promotes the genocide of the same people that saved them in WW2. This should tell you something about the character of the Jew. Swedish publishing industry and movie industry are also HEAVILY dominated by Jews. In contrast, Norway and Denmark where that isn't the case, is far less like this. Two other countries with an high% of Jews? UK and France.

This is the 6 first. I could go through the rest of them and I expect the same results.

YOU have to go through them and give proof that they actually are Jewish, before I consider that number valid.

>those with Ashkenazi Jew ancestry score higher in an IQ test than those that don't

There are numbers showing that Episcopalians have higher IQ. And seeing the low IQ of Israel, I would only have to assume that the high IQ Jewish number is also a scam.

But again, IQ is actually not that important for me. In the matter of superiority, I value positive contribution to the world. Inventions that help people. Inventions that expand the poential for life. Creation of beauty. Promotion of human growth.

>I proved you with a source. You are just showing yourself for the shill you are.
Your source showed more got in, it didn't say anything about Jews rigging or getting in through nepotism.
>Ah ha, so now it's "you".
You know what I meant and please don't try and convince me I'm a Jew because I referred myself out of a group once so I could use you as an example.
>Whites are the least nepotistic group there is. Jews the most. This is the main ingredience to Jewish success.
And how do you know this other than some crappy speculations? I could easily claim we're the most nepotistic group or I could say Nigerians in the US are because they're earning more than the average person.
>Clearly the Whites and East-Asians not getting enroleld at the most reknowned universities because of their nepotism?
So what makes it easier for a person of Jewish descent to get into a a prominent university? Provide some sort of explanation and clear source.
>You are grasping for straws here - you WANT Jews to be better than they are because you have other goals than the truth.
I'm going by what statistics I've seen, swap Jewish with niggers and you'd be calling me a retard based on IQ scores of blacks. I'm just going by IQ and academic achievements I don't really want anything.
>Stats of what? Just look at everything Jews promote today and see what people have said about Jews in the past. They have always been like this.
People hated Jews in the past for religious reasons although that wouldn't explain why they were happy to live with Muslims while paying tax. But religion doesn't really have much evidence behind it so I'm not going to go by that. From what I've seen Jews produce Israeli propaganda and shitty movies or great ones (although that's kind of rare)

>Norway has a lot of immigrants (soon 20% I believe) + Sami people + gypsies. Iceland is another story, where like 85% of the women descend from dumber thralls on their maternal line. I think Germans are more intelligent than Scandinavians though.
Stats on Norway's immigrant population please and Iceland is a Nordic country (pretty sure it is) and immigration isn't huge for obvious reasons so why do they have a lower IQ than Germans in certain regions? Weren't Nords superior to Germanic people?
>In terms of what they do to the world, they surely are the worst.
They didn't start the largest and deadliest wars and they didn't just live in jungles like West Africa and produce nothing so I doubt they're the worst.

>Your source showed more got in, it didn't say anything about Jews rigging or getting in through nepotism.

Yes it does, shill. They are admitted at 1000% higher rate than they should be, based on their grades. It absolutely shows that Jews are "rigging" it. This is true in every country where Jews are and the host nation isn't aware.

>You know what I meant and please don't try and convince me I'm a Jew

Show picture of your hair then. Is it black and curly?

>And how do you know this other than some crappy speculations?

What about the source I just gave you, shill? You could claim that we are nepotistic but it would obviously be false. No people have been less nepotistic. Nigerians in the US are rich because they are rich Nigerians from Nigeria. Already rich.

>So what makes it easier for a person of Jewish descent to get into a a prominent university?

I have already given you a source, shill.

>I'm just going by IQ and academic achievements I don't really want anything.

IQ = doubtful. Academic achievements = neutral at best. Contribution to the world = massively negative.

>People hated Jews in the past for religious reasons

Yes, SURE! Of course it was the host nations! Not the poor Jews that didn't do anything wrong.

>It might explain why they aren't as dumb as the other Jews
I'm pretty sure Ashkenazi Jews originated from somewhere else and they're mainly just converts ( I think it was somewhere near East Asia which is why there's evidence of Jews in those regions)
>I have heard that Ashkenazi Jews are attacked in Israel for them being wealthier. Also that all presidents or something have been Ashkenazi.
So they're better than everyone else?
>No, clearly Germans have higher IQ than Israelis. Much higher. Not unlikely on par with Ashkenazi Jews.
Thats what I meant they're inferior intellectually to Ashkenazi Jews.
>But that's not the technology we conquered the world with, so it's irrelevant.
That was the tech it was based on so yes it was extremely relevant.
>No it doesn't. It would mean that they have higher IQ, if that is the case. Europeans are vastly superior to Jews. Africans are superior to Jews
Europeans Superior to Jews? Africans superior to Jews? This smells like a lie.
>Swedish publishing industry and movie industry are also HEAVILY dominated by Jews.
You ever thought this could be due to them being smarter and taking over those companies? Same way Europe took over Africa by conquering. It's the racial hierarchy greater races take over the lesser ones.

>Stats on Norway's immigrant population please

Google it for yourself, idiot. Iceland is mostly Nordic, but most of the women descend from "Celtic" thralls.

>why do they have a lower IQ than Germans in certain regions

I have already answered that. Kill yourself shill. You are just getting worse and worse here. I consider Scandinavians (Northern-Germanic) to be better than Southern-Germanic people (Germans), but we are not more intelligent. I believe Germans are more intelligent.

>They didn't start the largest and deadliest wars

"Jews declare war on Germany"

>didn't just live in jungles like West Africa and produce nothing

Better to produce nothing than to produce degeneracy and despair.

>Yes it does, shill. They are admitted at 1000% higher rate than they should be, based on their grades. It absolutely shows that Jews are "rigging" it. This is true in every country where Jews are and the host nation isn't aware.
Blacks are stopped and searched more than whites, is it because of racism? No it isn't. Unless you can prove they cheat or rig tests then you only have claims.
>Show picture of your hair then. Is it black and curly?
No it's dirty brownish blonde and straight and I don't post photos online so I'd rather not, I could easily accuse you of being an Asian unless you post your hair and eyes.
>What about the source I just gave you, shill? You could claim that we are nepotistic but it would obviously be false. No people have been less nepotistic. Nigerians in the US are rich because they are rich Nigerians from Nigeria. Already rich.
For the love of God I'm not a shill and noni don't believe we're nepotistic, no more or less than other races. Also
>According to theInstitute for Public Policy Research, Nigerian pupils are among best performing student groups in the United Kingdom. Taking data for only England, a 2013 IPPR survey reported that the proportion of British Nigerian pupils gaining 5 A*–C grades atGCSE(including Maths and English) in 2010–2011 was 21.8 percentage points higher than the England mean of 59.6 per cent. This average was calculated using student data, where available, from variouslocal authoritiesin England.[28]

>The number of Nigerian pupils atBritish private schoolsis growing. In November 2013,The Spectatornoted that Nigerians, along withRussians, "are now the fastest-growing population in British private schools".[29]

Nigerians do well academically in places like the UK, funnily enough Sierra Leone has an IQ of 91 even though they're all starving.

>So they're better than everyone else?

I don't consider a snake killing a sleeping man to be "better".

>Thats what I meant they're inferior intellectually to Ashkenazi Jews.

No they are not. I can only assume Ashkenazi Jews and Germans are about the same in terms of IQ, while Germans are vastly superior in terms of contributions to the world. Intellectually I would claim that Germanic people are superior.

>That was the tech it was based on so yes it was extremely relevant.

But it wasn't based on that tech, dumb Jew

>You ever thought this could be due to them being smarter and taking over those companies?

For argument's sake - so what? Doesn't justify their promotion of the genocide of the native Swedish population, that saved so many of them in WW2. It shows how vile the Jew is. Filthy and degenerate, destroyers of the world. Orcs.

>greater races take over the lesser ones.

The greater race is the one with empathy, the one that creates, the one that is beautiful and enables life - AKA not Jews. Jews are probably the worst race. Worse than Sub-Saharans and Gypsies.

>monetary advantage
>willing to do things others are not (because they are degenerate, redundant, higher in priority due to being an outsider)
>no adherence to morality
>heavily ethnocentric
Ya it’s because they are smart. Not amoral parasites at all. Kill yourself my chosen dude

>Blacks are stopped and searched more than whites, is it because of racism?

Yes it is, and it's a good thing. Ethnic profiling is racism by today's meaning of the word.

>Unless you can prove they cheat or rig tests then you only have claims.

Lmao. I'll link again for others to see.

>No it's dirty brownish blonde and straight and I don't post photos online so I'd rather not

I assume it's black, curly and greasy. I'm Asian btw.

>For the love of God I'm not a shill and noni don't believe we're nepotistic, no more or less than other races.

Jews are neptistic and we have proof of that, that you deny, but that is there for others not retarded to see.

>Nigerians do well academically in places like the UK

Because there are high IQ Nigerian elites. Every race has high IQ people except Australian Aboriginals probably. I really don't know why you think this is relevant though. Do you claim that Nigerians in general are superior to Englishmen in general?

>Yes, SURE! Of course it was the host nations! Not the poor Jews that didn't do anything wrong.
The world wars weren't a fight to save Jews.
>IQ = doubtful. Academic achievements = neutral at best. Contribution to the world = massively negatively
Their IQ is one of the highest, academic achievements are definitely significant and their contribution is large if we're only going by Nobel prizes.
>Google it for yourself, idiot. Iceland is mostly Nordic, but most of the women descend from "Celtic" thralls.
Interesting so what's with Sweden and Denmark's IQ? Is there a regional map n IQ?
>I have already answered that. Kill yourself shill. You are just getting worse and worse here. I consider Scandinavians (Northern-Germanic) to be better than Southern-Germanic people (Germans), but we are not more intelligent. I believe Germans are more intelligent
Scandis are better but they're inferior intellectually? Sounds a bit dodgy. Also yet again not a shill.
>"Jews declare war on Germany"
Hitler was just an idiot plus the economic circumstances after the first war meant war was inevitable. It wasn't Jews this time.
>I don't consider a snake killing a sleeping man to be "better".
In terms of life the snake is definitely better because it's still alive, minus the useless story of a snake killing someone why aren't Jews superior if they're more intelligent and take more initiatives allowing them to take over white countries like Europeans did to Africa?
>Germans are vastly superior in terms of contributions to the world. Intellectually I would claim that Germanic people are superior.
Due to vastly different population sizes, it's why Ashkenazi Jews making up 22% of Nobel prizes is amazing.
>But it wasn't based on that tech, dumb Jew
It was literally the first gun to have ever been invented, it definitely had a significant effect as well as the creation of gun powder and yet again I'm not a Jew.

>Yes it is, and it's a good thing. Ethnic profiling is racism by today's meaning of the word.
So why not profile based on who's going to succeed? You're more likely to benefit from it.
>At MIT and Stanford, Jews are also over-represented. At CalTech it is Asians, and at Berkeley and UCLA it is a combination of Jews and Asians. The over-representation is with reference to the pool of high ability students. Equally or better qualified whites are passed over in favor of admission of others.
Just like my scenario it seems they're profiling based on race.
>I assume it's black, curly and greasy. I'm Asian btw.
I assume your retarded that's doesn't make me right.
>Jews are neptistic and we have proof of that, that you deny, but that is there for others not retarded to see.
I could easily claim Asians or whites Nigerians are nepotistic because of academic achievements, doesn't make it true and from your source it seems Asians are nepotistic as well.
>Because there are high IQ Nigerian elites. Every race has high IQ people except Australian Aboriginals probably. I really don't know why you think this is relevant though. Do you claim that Nigerians in general are superior to Englishmen in general?
Don't really think of them as superior but I will admit they do very well in terms of academics and they do better than your average English person, facts are facts.

>"The world wars weren't a fight to save Jews."

"Jews declare war on Germany"

>academic achievements are definitely significant and their contribution is large if we're only going by Nobel prizes.

Yet it all pales in comparison with all the negatives that comes out of that group of people.

>Interesting so what's with Sweden and Denmark's IQ? Is there a regional map n IQ?

Denmark/Norway are pretty similar. Sweden is probably down to 90, it wouldn't surprize me.

>Scandis are better but they're inferior intellectually? Sounds a bit dodgy.

Better looking, more practical, less greedy, more empathy (Germans are not greedy nor low empathy, relatively), more nature oriented. If you value intellect alone, sure, Germans are better. But I don't do that.

>Hitler was just an idiot plus the economic circumstances after the first war meant war was inevitable. It wasn't Jews this time.

"Jews declare war on Germany"

>In terms of life the snake is definitely better because it's still alive, minus the useless story of a snake killing someone why aren't Jews superior if they're more intelligent and take more initiatives allowing them to take over white countries like Europeans did to Africa?

I don't consider the snake to be better than the killed human. Maybe you do, but I don't. Jews can be compared to snakes, lower beings that succeeds in the right elements.

>Due to vastly different population sizes

But it's the opposite, Jews contribute a massive net negative amount to the world.

>Ashkenazi Jews making up 22% of Nobel prizes is amazing.

If, for argument's sake, most of them are valid, then it's really sad that such a people, with such an intellectual capacity, have to be so wicked and cruel.

>It was literally the first gun to have ever been invented, it definitely had a significant effect as well as the creation of gun powder

It only showed that the gun powder could be used. This is irrelevant to the discussion though. Yes you are a Jew.

>So why not profile based on who's going to succeed? You're more likely to benefit from it.

Yes, racism is a good thing here. Europeans should be more racist.

>Just like my scenario it seems they're profiling based on race.

They are giving Jews admission at a 1000% higher rate, than whites. Whites with the SAME academic ability as far as they can tell. So they are "profiling", but they have no reason to do it other than Jewish nepotism.

>I assume your retarded that's doesn't make me right.

The Jew shrieks back

>I could easily claim Asians or whites Nigerians are nepotistic because of academic achievements

You could say it, but you couldn't prove it our give indications of it being true. Everything points to that it's not true. According to my source, Asians are discriminated against just like Whites, just at a smaller rate.

>they do very well in terms of academics

The Nigerian ELITE sure does. Not the average Nigerian.

I was more referring to the Jow Forums consensus, rather than what is actually true (nobody knows this) or what I personally believe. Simply googling "IQ by nation" or "IQ by ethnicity" will give you most of the sources people use, but they will always be limited since no singe study can sample the entire world population. Some degree of interpretation within the parameters of the study is always required. For example results from a study of Japanese national IQ will correspond better to Japanese ethnic IQ than those from a study of French national IQ will correspond to French ethnic IQ, simply because Japan is more ethnically homogeneous than France.
>Not superior
>Who's going to succeed
The issue here is one of political domain. Whites and Jews do not need to share a political space in order to benefit from one another's positive creations. If Jews in Israel create something of value, whites in Europe can buy or copy it, and vice-versa. Sharing a political space is however necessary for all of the destructive and subversive things Jews do to whites out of their own ethnocentrism. The destruction of the family, decades of anti-white propaganda, mass migration orchestrated by almost exclusively Jewish organizations into white nations, where the migrants are then radicalised by almost exclusively Jewish media groups into hating whites, who cannot democratically defend themselves due to being outnumbered by limitless migration, yet are denied "minority protection" as that in and of itself is simply a political tool of the Jewish led migrant army that is both displacing them and requiring them to fund their own destruction. This cannot continue indefinitely. Why shouldn't whites segregate themselves from Jews, if the alternative is not necessary for the good interactions, but is necessary for the bad? Is there a better way to resolve this conflict? We have no choice as to whether it will be resolved, only as to how.

Attached: jews-media-six.jpg (4500x4602, 3.88M)