What did Marco mean by this?


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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah 42:1-9&version=NIV

Looks like an idiot trying to be philosophical.

He’s a Cuban double agent...

Cmon Unit 8200 you're better than that

hes coming out.

He’s the Goodest of goys


It's Jesus. Read your bible

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National emergency to build wall

Sounds like he’s legion or something

You mean he sounds like a basement dwelling zit-faced teenager planted in front of a screen in a dark room? I agree.

you sure showed him

I'm not going to suck your dick, pingado. Fuck off back to the favelas, your mom's waiting.

It’s treason then.
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah 42:1-9&version=NIV

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God is a nationalist

I think he meant "I am the only faggot on Earth that can be seen from space"

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He's asking how he can be a better servant to Israel.
Fucking disgusting.


God's fake, and you're a giant faggot.

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The Ancap invisible hand of god restoring freedom in venezuela through rightfull chaos

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He is quoting out of context like a n00b


All these sick neocon fucks are insane. I read the Old and New Testament for the first time ever last year, and the New Testament is so radically different, improved, enlightened, and more relevant to the modern world, it really makes you wonder why these fucking kikes keep digging into the Old Testament for their justifications for everything.

Why didn't he go straight to the words of Jesus then. Why is he still dumping around like a faggot in the Old Testament to signal his good goyity?

The Old Testament is based.

Yeah sure thing Shlomo.

The OT is the word of Jesus you fucking idiot.

This verse is about Christ, not Rubio.........................

you people are fools.

no you retard, "the new testament hides in the old and the old is revealed in the new" meaning justification of jesus is in the old testament and the word of god is revealed in the new testament

>Omniscient God got the Bible wrong the first time around so he made a new one

This is starting to sound like a scam

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>fulfilled prophecy


from anons bible link, check out ending.

sounds like someone (Isaiah?) is tapped to help others, God has done deeds, and now declares more to come.

this correct interpretation?

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NT is based too though

You're full of shit.

Did he get the memo that his greatest allies were the ones to crucify his god's son?

You all are not reading Isaiah properly.

Did Jesus go to the settlements where Kedar lives (which is Arabia, verse 11)?

Did Jesus have people sing for joy from the mountaintops of Sela ( verse 11 )(mount Sela is in Medina)

Did Jesus teach people who were idol worshippers? (Verse 8)

Was jesus a military champion who raised a battle cry against his enemies? (Verse 13)

NO, but rather, all of the above specifically apply to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Get out from behind the stacked layers if propaganda and recite that there is no God but one God as Jesus said in Mark 12:28and 29. If you read the bible with an open mind, sincere prayer and first principles perhaps you will be guided to Islam inshallah.

this is the dumbest thing i have read all day, you're not even quoting chapters

think he means rbg is dead

We are speaking about Isaiah 42, as in OP

le the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar doth inhabit: let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains.
this is not relevant to anything
idol worshipping means worshipling statues, not what they represent
that could be absolutely anyone who fought
what a stretch you're trying to pull

It does not say The rock. This is a fabrication. Read almost any other translation. It says Sela.

The settlements where Kedar lives.
Who is Kedar? Son of Ishmael, settler of Arabian peninsula.

The KJV is obscuring Sela as the rock. Read any other translation and it says Sela mountaintops ( Medina, where the prophet was famously received by the inhabitants with song)

that's the king james bible, mine says says "Kameň", rock/stone in slovak

Old testament is kike script. New testament is what sets Christianity apart from the rest of the Abrahamic religions in the sense that it promotes not killing everyone that doesn't believe in your god. It also doesn't promote things like keeping goyim as slaves or cheating them since jews think they're the chosen people. Jesus is what liberalism should have been, which is fighting against stupid shit hardcore conservatives do (pharisees) but instead libs are either godless faggots or hardcore bleeding heart Christians that listen to a retard preacher misinterpret everything.

Check English standard version, new international version, complete jewish bible, hebrew names ersion or new living translation, or investigate the old Hebrew text. I can assure you it says Sela. The truth is being concealed.

I'm looking at the Revised Standard Version and it says "Sela"

honestly this. Jesus lived in a connected and cosmopolitan world (i.e. the roman fucking empire) and his philosophy reflects those realities, as do the works of early christian writers (Augustine)
the OT is basically the ramblings of some desert tribesmen who built a 3rd-rate "civilization" after being taken as slaves a few times by better ones.

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He means the total disclosure of an obamanation re:fisagate and institutional jfkpsa style rico corruption in this babylon is coming to fruition. Heads will roll

Like most of you idiots.Thats where youre wrong if you get captured alive cuck. Its gonna be the biggest nigger dick in the tribe

Glownignog is bitter.

Jesus is God.
>>and the Word was GOD. The Word became flesh.

Mafia and the like will often use predetermined Bible verses as a way of signaling certain directives.
For instance if the only way to communicate with you was postcard we could agree that John 3:16 meant do action A. You getting the postcard in the mail with John 3:16 written on it would tell you, and any other middle men would be none the wiser.
Inside joke.