>Wood was just in high school when he enrolled in a mythology class that he says “opened my eyes to the Nordic Gods."
>From there, he examined the famous Eddas, like Sturluson’s, to learn more, eventually coming to the realization that he identified with the polytheistic faith in a way he never had with Catholicism.
>It didn’t take long before the sailor discovered a group of like-minded Heathens in his hometown of San Diego, one that helped cement his perception of his newfound faith and his place in its community.
>With his acquired knowledge, Wood has encouraged other sailors with inquisitiveness of Heathenry to attend a sumbel, a ceremony traditionally consisting of toasting and reciting poems or songs.
>“Just like Wood, I was not born a Heathen,” said Shaikoski, who was born in Norway and raised in Minnesota. “I went to Lutheran services with my parents when I was growing up, but it always felt forced. I never felt like I connected with anything spiritual until I visited Norway and discovered a group of Heathens who opened my eyes to their religion.”
>Just last April, a soldier from the 795th Military Police Battalion was granted an accommodation to grow facial hair as part of his pagan faith.
It's spreading
christ cuckery btfo. will 2019 be the year we throw off the shackles ?
>accommodation to grow facial hair as part of his faith
dude I'm in
There hasn't been a believing pagan in 1,800 years. While I applaud their shame and abandonment of the atheist label, they are still better described as "warriors against Christ", just like the jew, the muslim, the feminist, the sodomites, and the communists.
Pagan larp is pretty cringeworthy. But christcucks are better described as "warriors for the Jew," just like the jew, the muslim, the feminist, the sodomites and the communists.
The US military is a massive 1.5 million personnell behemoth that has people of all denominations including Wiccans, Jedi knights, people worshipping UFOs and scientologists. Now also fags and trannies. It's really nothing desu, overall neopaganism is still irrelevant
>christ cuckery btfo. will 2019 be the year we throw off the shackles ?
Have you thought about how many soldiers were participating in Christian services on that carrier? A bunch of LARPers got together and played vikangz, that's really nothing
not a christian btw just saying
Look around you, Christcuck. This Utopia is entirely of your making and you can't fault non-believerfags because they only became trendy as of recent.
Clean your own fucking house and practice what you preach and maybe we wouldn't have so much shit to contend with.
>christ cuckery btfo. will 2019 be the year we throw off the shackles ?
>there hasn't been a believing pagan in 1800 years
you seem to overestimate conversion tactics greatly
you yourself have been celebrating pagan holidays like halloween, christmas, new year, easter and more your entire life, and for many centuries people in Europe have refused to add Christ to their pagan holidays. There's records of Scandinavian pagans throughout history, leading up to today.
Besides, official documents and groups might have been wiped out, but the spirit of paganism is still in everything.
>behemoth that has people of all denominations including Wiccans, Jedi knights, people worshipping UFOs and scientologists. Now also fags and trannies
The US military is like Jow Forums?
>But christcucks are better described as "warriors for the Jew
>everyone is Jew and Jew is awesome
>t. also Jesus
Tranny ban was upheld bubba.
>christcuck let's every single nation his parasitic disease infected fall to the jew
>his only defence is a meme image and out of context quotes from his book of fairytales
>, I was not born a Heathen
Isn't every one born a heathen? Isn't that why the baptize kids.
>Blaming christians for what goes on in post christian atheist countries like Sweden, Netherlands and Britain
Christianity in the West is now mostly cucked but that's because its made of Westerners. The Western man has mentally expired and now lacks even the basic will to live. All institutions are subverted by Jews and anything that's made of western whites turns into faggotry and self hating egalitarianism, including all churches, paganism (wiccans etc), all ideologies (commies and conservatives are now allintersectional), all political parties (same globohomo shit) the military and law enforcement.
The problem is not with christianity but with westerners.
Nonwestern christians dont have diversity and LGBTQ lobbies wrecking them
Dumb frogposter
>spirit of paganism is in Christian holidays like halloween and christmas
it doesn't matter that they were once pagan festivals, they've been conquered by Christianity. These memelords who are larping as pagans to grow beards and drink liquor are not pagans. Paganism is a dead religion.
>What are jews
So we can agree christcuckery provided no resistance towards subversion in their societies. That's why it's worthless.
>personally celebrates over 5 pagan traditions per years
>"dead religion bro"
lmao ebin
>Paganism is a dead religion.
Just like Christianity. You can't have it both ways. You can't have 99.9% of the billion christcucks living today be "false" christcucks according to your standard because they're indistinguishable from marxists and still claim your religion is "alive" any more than paganism is.
>no resistance
it took 2 World wars and 60 years of brainwash by the Surviving two superpowers to kill it in Europe you dumb fuck
>b-but Halloween
Point still stands larper, nobody actually believes in Marvel movies.
Those wars weren't over christcuckery. Jews had already taken over society by then. Centuries before.
Is paganism the same as Ashartru?
>muh marvel
No, paganism is a vague mishmash of historical records written by christcuck propagandists about the native European religion. Asatru is gay liberals sucking each other off in the forest.
asatru is pretty cucked to be honest
most of them would embarrass their ancestors
top kek, yeah dude, communism and Fascism had nothing to do with Ideology and Religion
Thats the Level Pagan Intelligence, Folks
Dedicated LARPers who cant even get their own history straight
Nice, mutts can LARP as the europeans theire flooding with shitskins running from their wars.
If america ever cared about europe you would glass it.
This comment is in defiance of reality. Your brain can't process that literal believers in Christ's resurrection and ascention exist...so you project your failings of a long dead false religion on the west. When will you realize you are a tumor on the Cristian West?
Probably, the pagan archetypes are still embedded in our psyche. Either that or (((they))) are brainwashing us again.
t. expat
>post deleted
what was it about?
It is now, but it provided a moral framework well against Jews and others until it got btfod by the Reformation, humanism, the enlightenment, secularism, scientism, marxism and now cultural marxism. Western Europeans are right to not look to christianity for guidance because if you go to a church in Sweden or Britain you are likely to meet an LGBTQ communist preacher who doesent even believe in God and in catholic countries the churches are mostly empty.
Some westerners project the current terminal stage of christianity in their country on the past tho and seem to think medieval christianity was somehow similar.
Christianity has been dying for a very long time and the cultural marxist rot really set in only in the 1960s, so people saying that "the downfall started when Europeans adopted hristianity" are just dumb
I'm not a pagan you faggot. And yes, the kikes had already taken over by then, a long time ago. Europe dropped christcuckery like the soiled rag it is during the age of enlightenment. That was the right call of course, but too bad during this time our inbred aristocracy and the degenerate churches sold out all power positions to the Jews.
Literal believers in Christ's resurrection and ascension do exist. They're cucks. The "christian west" is old ladies importing refugees and collecting money for niggers in Africa.
These people are the same that do D&D in the park and tell people they are 5th level grand warlocks in the asatru "faith". I feel so bad for pepole lIke you, so unable to let loose of your pride for just one minute and pray to God, but yet so jealous of those who can and have and have real faith in Christ Jesus. Envy of the Holy Spirit is real and you are a perfect example of the lengths a depraved and rebellious mind will go to project what you will never have.
Get saved while you still can fren.
Dont forget christcucks in the US mutilate their kids just like the jews.
>For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
>Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
>For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
>Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
>And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
>Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
>Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
So the dog returns to his vomit.
There was an explanation for that norse influence on them.
It happened after taking part in military exercises in Norway, and being allowed to join in on parts of the "rituals" and battle-cry of Norwegian forces. Their interest peaked after observing Norwegian forces gathering for mission-briefing and ending it with "TIL VALHALL! oorah!" as they do.
Very prevalent inspiration from norse-era battle-tactics and planning in addition to the battle-cry was tempting for U.S forces to join in on, and it seems to now have spread to being carried on outside of the exercises in Norway.
Years back U.S forces taking part in the exercises could be seen returning with the writings of Snorri Sturluson, both translated and non-translated versions, some even joined forces on their time off to get valknut tattoos and such. It resonates better as combat-oriented behavior than traditional Christian beliefs.
Not sure if it will keep growing, as its influence is more or less is limited to those taking part in join exercises and deployments. Still interesting nonetheless.
What you don't understand is that christcuckery was more hardline before because it was a 1000 year program of turning aryan men into the jelly sponges you see today. Everything good and strong about christcuckery was just how aryan cultures inherently were. Everything we've become has happened because of christcuckery. 1000 years of brother wars to expand your rotten spiritual disease from the remnants of fallen Rome. Not a single war to keep the kikes from taking over everything. Good job, you semite worshiping faggots.
Disgusting, but in character.
I just hope they are following actual paganism, and not any of those faggots like wicca and the wolves of vinland
>There hasn't been a believing pagan in 1,800 years
Do you mean since 18th century?
2,000 years of God's blessing on Europe as we unified in Christ and pulled the entire heathen world into the modern era, and Atheists/Jews take control the last 70-80 years, fuck it all up, in short order, and that's Christianity's fault? The flood gates in Europe aren't controlled by christians. Jews and Atheist cat ladies have control...the very group you're advocating for here low key.
REMINDER to the Alt-Right: Paganism is a LARP being pushed by Jews to stop men with extreme right wing sensibilities from growing into successful, virtuous men who breed.
It is in the same category as pornography, Satanism, video games and goth music.
Correct, only dumb abrahamists believe anyone believes in Marvel character, proving the depths of your ignorance. But it's a waste of time, you probably don't even know your own religion. Most christians don't know things such as Jesus being a cheap copy of Ra or the cult of Mithra.
>oh nooo, if you're questioning anything you're saaaaatan!
Imagine being this wrong
Indeed. My entire family pushed it on me and all my relatives, then I come here and have to see christians vehemently pretend like their religion is anti semitic.
Christians have allowed the entire takeover by jews. Unsurprising both being abrahamic filth I suppose.
Don't forget the several christian organizations bringing africans and asians straight to America. But it's okay because they're christian, we're all the same under christ
Every single Jew that's in the west is descended from Jews who came here under your rule. Every single one. Sure, your bishops and miscegenated halfkike kings sent them packing once in a while, when the peasants threatened revolt.... to the domain of the bishop and his cousin in the next country.
Christcuckery has worked with the Jews from the start. No one is fooled. No one buys your vile lies anymore.
>that meme
>5th century ad
> christian world divided between western rome, eastern rome and christian Germanic tribes
>Christian germanic tribes BTFO christian western rome and set up christian kingdoms there
>Eastern rome continues to be a superpower for centuries
> European states and empires are christian for the next ~1500 years and build global empires like Spain
Who came up with that moronic idea? Gibbons?
It's funny that they don't know it's a mortal sin to circumcise in Christianity, all these "god-fearing Christians" not even reading the bible or even understanding the basics of the old testament.
Snip the dick, burn in hell, simple as that.
I wonder what party the 15%norse pagan voted for.
>christians hate the jews
>Pagans hate christians
>but don't worry christians, once we're done with you we'll definetly start hating the jews i promise
Any ideology that lead you to focus your anger on whites instead of jews is a jewish trick.
>but you're the jew!!!!!
Lol k
I know math is hard, just lurk more. Ask yourself why pretending to be religious to pray to Marvel gods is so important to you, why being direct opposition to Christ is important to you. I hope you find truth.
>throw off the chains of Christianity
yes, religion holds us back
>and into the shackles of paganism
welp... better sacrifice some goats...
That is a crude portrayal of the prophet
They can't help it. They've been brainwashed with semitic dogma since birth. They're not able to think rationally about these things. The kikes propped them up as long as they were useful, but when they upgraded to marxism they left them behind. Now they're like lost children milling about, crying out in pain and confusion. They try to please their masters, cutting the dicks of their kids like happened to you or filling their country with apes like happens here. Don't hate them, pity them. But never forget they're the enemy too.
No really, are you stupid?
1800 years ago Rome was yet to even recognize Christianity
This image
Oy vey you better stop this right now goyim
>Jews who came here under your rule.
From a historical perspective this is wrong.
Fredrick the Great was the last King with the power to really expell jews that didnt, he was an outspoken Atheist. Fredrick instead gave jews safe haven and the power of usury of Christians, commanded they be protected, and literally created the Rothschild Empire as it exists today so that he could take loans from the Rothschild's to slaughter Christians.
This is yet another case of Atheists/Jews blaming christians for their handy work.
>mortal sin.
No it isnt. Its merely not required. Not a "mortal sin" though.
Oh I hate them. Every time I wake up or piss I'm reminded why I hate them.
>What you don't understand is that christcuckery was more hardline before because it was a 1000 year program of turning aryan men into the jelly sponges you see today.
No it wasnt. It was one of many ideologies that animated the European spirit over centuries. The current state of Europe is unprecedented and can be traced mostly to marxist Jews in the 1960s. Visions of medieval bishops scheming over their "1000 year program to destroy Europe" are just dumb
>1000 years of brother wars
lol the concept of interpreting European warfare "brother wars" is a modern one and projecting it on our ancestors is retarded. How do you explain the Roman conquest of Gaul, which decreased its population by like 25%? Christian scheming?
Your interpretations of history is just 20-21 st cent Wignat derangement
pic unrelated
The semitic disease is money and gold, not religion, The west became shit as soon as usury became common practice.
The last campaigns against pagans up here was in the 1700s. Don't expect christcucks to know anything about history.
Fact is that atheism carries a stigma to its name because atheists are cringy people with surfice level understanding of philosophy and a hatred for the system that leads them to be left wing most of the time.
So of course paganism is a thing now because you can still have no belief in diety but now say "muh ancestors".
And do people push it as an alternative to christianity? No they push it ad direct opposite of christianity, making them allies with feminism, progressives, the atheists they wanted to distance themseves from, the jews, the muslims etc. Btw, If pagans didn't use their religion as a fashion accessory maybe someone would take them seriously.
No it's not. Just look at that list of European states expelling Jews over the last 1000 years. Most of them were christian states. But where did they expell them? To the next European country under the same church and under a ruler who was cousin to the previous. It's an easy and transparent ploy to see through, and the only reason you won't is because you're blinded by your emotional investment in your semite religion.
Even if its true christcucks religion and their belief it in made the nations malleable for them.
Thats why I asked if he meant 18th century and not 2nd century
Reading Jow Forums memes does not make you an intellectual.
Watch Cuckstians try and say this shit isn't real. Norse paganism was everywhere in the military when I was in. The tattoos and pendants were everywhere, my fucking LT shouted "for Odin" on the net while a treeline got lit up, all sorts of shit. I'd say the recent wars, if anything, are what are pushing it. Young Christian boys go overseas, get shot at by Muslims, then come home and see Christians welcoming in the same people who shot at them. Fucking weak.
>fend off degeneracy for centuries
>finally starts to give when the entire media and education systems are weaponized against it
>still preventing degeneracy in other prts of the world
>it's useless
Christianity isn't the problem, the cucked Euros are.
>there is no need to be upset, mortal
Reading semitic propaganda for the goyim masked as an eclectic "religion" of semitic spirituality superimposed over Aryan archetypes doesn't make you an intellectual either. In fact it makes you a golem.
>the same religion that lead to the crusade and the reconquista and the inquisition made people malleable
Christianity has been a constant around europe for a long time, it was present through bad and good times, through soft generations and hard ones, what makes you think religion caused people to be soft? I mean aside from a surfice level understanding of history.
You have limited understanding of history, or don't understand that not all kings in Europe were equal and friendly. Either way, you didn't refute anything I said. So shoo shoo. This is what I get for attempting to use historical facts.
Fredrick the Great Atheist gave Europe a jew problem they never shook, he created the rothschild empire, and you (like all jews) love to blame these facts on Christianity.
Thor would never say defend Israel
>From a historical perspective this is wrong.
No, Christian Rome was the first to empowered the Jews.
Why did they draw a woman taking a shit in a shopping trolley?
>There hasn't been a believing pagan in 1,800 years.
South Peloponnese in Greece like Mani and Tsakonia was still pagan in 1000 CE.
Lithuania was pagan in 1300 CE.
There are still pagan Finnic people in Russia.
>starts to give
Yes. It no matter if I'm right in that it was designed to fail to safeguard society, or you're right that it failed for some other reason the end result is the same. It failed. It's a weak, pathetic and semitic worldview that failed in preventing degeneracy.
I don't this this is necessarily cringeworthy if they want to take it seriously and study the old books - but why do they use this absolute cringe LARP phrase?
It goes deeper than Fredrick the Great. Why are you in such denial about this?
Yes it did. Made them malleable to the jews.
You think the popes weren't sucking jew dick for ages?
Wrong, in the center of France even catholic buildings were made with a lot of pagan symbolism because in most rural areas the catholic syncretism was closer to 50/50 rather than the 10/90 you find in urban areas.
>you (like all jews)
Pretty ironic coming from a guy who literally worships a Jew.
>pagan amerimutts
You know, nordic teens being into paganism is even understandable, it's healthy to look at your roots, but tje melting pot's military? That's just them trying to sound tough.
>"Yeah mudafukka we wuz wiking we raid mad pillage all day!"
I understand if you like this little larp but making it an actual thing to parade around is retarded
Hey ones a kike naivety religion and another survived soley by what said kike monks decided to write down for austerity.
Im not crazy about christcucks but pagans are on a personality level Varg tier edgelords you cant go to the café with even without hearing snark, and dont come here saying modern day pagans are not cancerous open borders shills like the rest, because they are, the only pagan i know older than 30 has mullato grandkids(that he even accepts lol)
That's how brainwashing works. You have to make reality fit the worldview and everything that's contradictory must be discarded. It's a subconscious progress and he can't help it.
The difference is that back then power was not as centralized so if the Jews acted up in an area they could be expelled, and the King had power over them so he could expell them from the country and take all their jew gold.
In Finland old faith was still thriving in 19th century.
How do you plan to understand your enemy if you do not inform yourself?
I pray to the true gods, the gods of our people. I can never worship a kike from the desert who preaches forgiveness and empathy, even for people who seek to destroy you, and who outright forbids killing.
The gods guide me to true glory, and they protect my people, and they don't promise shitskin heaven if I behave well, but they will make me an immortal warrior if I prove myself.
Your soul will go to the plain of hel to wander there forever, and you will know that your desert hebrew wasn't real.
I agree completely. Pagans are larping faggots. Mostly they're as cancerous as christcucks. But why I focus on the cucks is that while pagans are maybe 1000 neckbeards doing homoerotic rituals in the forest, the christcucks are a billion frothing marxists who are actively working for the Jewish agenda. So it's a bit of a disparity when it comes to threat assessment of the two groups.