Will Anime be the next medium that gets a "Gate"?

Will Anime be the next medium that gets a "Gate"?

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Castlevania already got butchered by leftists. Netflix is going to rape anime industry if it continues the way it is now since small studios want those netflix money.

Anime is already co-opted and butchered

luckily the Japanese don't give a fuck what westerners think

Really? I don't watch on Kikyroll, but I heared they decided to be a bit more free with their dub and subtitles. But other then netflix, I don't really see much hand of them in there. The only thing I noticed were that such outrages seemed to happen more often.

Castlevania was good though
That ending scene with Alucard was pure kino

They already did with he live action Death Note.

The show did some good things, but the ending was shit. A guy who's in a blind rage and had no hesitation when killing his son earlier gets stopped in his tracks when he enters his son's room? Fantastic!

netflix wants to produce live-action series/movies about every single more famous anime
they already fucked death note and despite the negative press, since they can't lose with any of this shit, they announced the second death note movie.

you stay the fuck away from my asian cartoons

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