Based danish politician is going to burn the Koran live! in a ghetto area in Denmark!
Get in here !
Tuning in from Burgerland. Can't make out a goddamn word of this, but i'm interested.
I read korean, story behind this?
Can you give me an idea of what he's rambling about? Why hasn't he just burned the damn thing already?
Right now he is talking shit about the police because they didnt protect him in his legal demonstrations against islam
Oh so he's not even gonna burn it right now. Gay.
Will he land in prison like he would in bongland ?
He is very anti islam and has made a ton of demonstrations against islam in ghetto areas in Denmark, the police, i some cases. Didnt protect him so know hes going to burn the book in their name.
Mr. Shekelberg is very happy with all this anti-muslim rhetoric! Be sure to support Israel!
He is a lawyer so he knows his rights to do so.