How is it mathematically possible that 200,000 people were cremated in a single night at Dresden...

How is it mathematically possible that 200,000 people were cremated in a single night at Dresden? Where are all the bones, teeth, ash, etc?

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IDK, I'm not a historian, nor do I know whether or not "200,000 people... were cremated in a single night at Dresden" is the view that is most accepted among historians.

Ask them instead of a bunch of edgy teenagers on a meme board.

They didnt, Dresden didnt ever excited, gerfags fabricated it all becouse they were losing, god i hate germans so much

The city was full of refugees AND the city population.

Stfu faggot, you absolutely fucked

it's not important.

the only thing that's important is you remember who you're not allowed to criticise

If I want to go digging around in Dresden for remains I might just have to get a permit for it. Hell, if I get some historians with me to do it, we might even get paid for what we find and be on TV and shit.

Try and go digging around in the camps and see how far you get.

The Holocaust , Dresden , Hiroshima , Nagasaki , the gulags , Katyn forest , the moon landings , all happened and are true and all scare humanity so much than people preffer to think they did not even happened.

Nagasaki even happened because the japanese leadership tough that Hiroshima was a larp exaggeration.
People think the moon landing did not happened because assuming it happened means that everything went to shit in 1973 and society started to decay.

On the Katyn forest masacre just one fucking soviet commisar killed 7000 people by himself.

The world is fucked and people create their own conspiracies because they don´t want to swallow the truth redpill of how bad things truly are.

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one of those is not like the others

Wonder what burning Jewish baby smells like?

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I think the main point of contention about the Holocaust is not the impossibility of killing 6 million people, but the implication that the Germans, for some reason, tried to keep it a secret from everybody, I could be wrong though.

kek u on the wrong board faget

UK dropped on Dresden:
1,400 tons of high-explosive bombs
1,100 tons of incendiaries
US dropped on Dresden:
3,750 tons of high-explosive bombs
more than 290 tons of incendiaries
Where are the bones and teeth? They got put into the landfill where you can still find them today, without it being illegal.

>I think the main point of contention about the Holocaust is not the impossibility of killing 6 million people
absolutely wrong

The most accurate figure is around 500,000+ at least. Pay your fucking reparations now. Open your borders to german refugees immediately or we will destroy your economy for being racist nazis.

All show terrible shit that even in the wrost movie can´t even be imagined to happen.

Or in the case of the apollo program what can be done with willpower and goals and how low you can go afterwards that you can´t even put people in low earth orbit without the ruskies.

People don´t like shit that shows the crap reality they are living so they create conspiracies to suppose they never happened such as dresden was dindu nuffin (even tough more people died than in the nukes), or katyn massacre never happened or holocaust is fake.

All retarded self lies to not accept the shit reality we are living.

If Anglos could prosper in Texas climate, Germans could prosper in Israel. I could see this happening 200 years down!


No germans were harmed during and after WW2. Now kys Shlomo

all the human remains were flown to Israel, to pave the roads of Jerusalem

Ironically, many of the pictures of piles of burned bodies are from Dresden.

like this one

Attached: Dresden Holocaust victims.jpg (1080x567, 152K)


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