Guys I'm going crazy trying to figure out how to fix my problem with my friend

guys I'm going crazy trying to figure out how to fix my problem with my friend.
>pic related
>exept, that the girl is my gf [for a few weeks]
>my friend has a gf [1year+] and has a fucking crush on my gf
>he told me that before I asked her out and got together etc.
>also his jokes aren't funny

I told my gf that he has a crush on her.
thing is, everytime we 3 are out, he tells jokes that are so fucking bad its not even normal, he is in some sort of "flirting mode"
and I'm just standing there like "bro really"

don't want to tell my gf since she will think I'm jealous

btw if you say "the jokes aren't funny so its alright" or something,
thing is I'm just standing there like a third wheel because I say nothing, that's the problem

also, a thing that he does, makes jokes about how
>I should break up
>not fuck her so he can
and MANY more jokes like these

thanks for helping

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Stop doing shit with him. People who can't control themselves cannot be trusted.

he's my best friend.
what do you think could happen if it dont?

advice #1: stop hanging out with him with your gf

I had the same situation and these types of people are not friends but opportunists.
If your gf interacts with him, then have a talk with her "you're either in a relationship with me or you're not and this to me implies loyalty. why do you feel the need to talk to other guys like ZYX who clearly want to break us up?" and so on.

I don't even understand why you are hanging out all 3 together instead of all 4. Where is his GF in the picture?

telling her that will Sound really really bad

and yes his Girlfriend was not there atm

Why are you making this a big deal? It has two, very simple solutions. 1. Don't hang out with him with your girlfriend. 2. Personally talk to him along the lines of
>I need you to quit that shit.

guess i have to take Option 2
what sould i say?

>telling her that will Sound really really bad
Hahaha, you are a massive cuck and you will get cucked soon.

Either you confront him or her or you lose, simple as that. Also, ignore the feminist propaganda, women like for their man to defend them. You are only "jealous" or they "need space" if they are already cheating on you.

Say "okay, I guess we are a threesome now, time to prep the bull" and rip off his pants and start sucking.

Yeah, the whole "I will be a man and she will respect me" is a meme. You need to stand up for yourself and set the boundaries. Her talking to beta orbiters is NOT ok.

Pretty much.

>You are only "jealous" or they "need space" if they are already cheating on you.
This, but I'd like to add you are only jealous, or they need space, if they don't want a relationship with you, or if they're on their way out.

Stop hanging out with your friend. He will try to take advantage in any way he can. Let him know that shit wont fly with you.

Especially if he already admitted he had a crush on her

If he was really you’re best friend he would stop getting in your head like that and learn to chill the hell out when you’re all together.

By the way... why is it just you, your gf and this guy hanging out..? Why is he not bringing his girl as well? I guess that doesn’t matter... but even though nothing has happened I think the trust has already been severed. You will constantly be reminded of how he kept cockblocking you and your own gf when hanging out and it will soon turn into resentment.

So I don’t know what to tell you except your best friend is a snake.

wow, didnt think it was this bad

btw, i told her about the things he is saying
should i also tell her that i feel like the third wheel etc?

>should i also tell her that i feel like the third wheel etc?


It's unnecessary. Tell her
>I'm going to tell him to back off.
Announce your intentions. Don't announce how you feel like a third wheel, because the only thing that can come from that is
>Nooo you're totally not a third wheel!
But you shouldn't need her validation. Just tell your friend to fuck off. Boom, no longer third wheel.

alright nice, thing is
we are all close Friends, i cant start a fight, that would also hurt me
im just going to ask him if he still has a crush, and that he should stop with those jokes
but, i dont know how to stop him with beeing a fucking retard when we 3 are alone
i dont even really know why i act like this, they talk, i dont. 50% of what he is saying is literally air, other Things are things i dont have anything to say about
thanks btw

sould i tell her that he acts wired?
so she can also notice that m

>sould i tell her that he acts wired?
No. Stop involving her in affairs with your friend. YOU deal with it. When she starts "talking air" back to him? Then you talk to her.

Your friend is a dick and a joke if he is just talking bs but you are not bf material if you let someone as stupid as that ruin your relationship/steal your gf.

I'd advice you against talking to them in private as your friend clearly has 0 respect for you so he won't listen to you anyway, instead call him out on the open if he acts like that so he looks like an ass

But best advice is still to just not hang around with him anymore, I don't understand why you still do

well she does sometimes lauthing at 1/5 of his unfunny jokes

guys, could it be that he doesnt act wired but i just Interpret the situation wrong?

Stop fucking overthinking this, holy shit. You're looking more worthless by the second. TALK TO YOUR FUCKING FRIEND AND TELL HIM TO BACK OFF. That's it. That is fucking it. If you cannot follow this simple advice, you deserve to get her stolen by him.

yeah i know, he literally has a gf (1y) but makes jokes about wanting to fuck my girl

alright you're right
>i'll talk with him
thanks for helping everyone

If he says the things you stated in your first post then ur not interpretting it wrong but you got to man up bro,
the world isnt some happy place where you can just low energy your relationship you have to actively work for it and defend your woman and don't try to 1 on 1 everything afterwards, call your friend out on his shit and get some confidence because in my experience girls dont like it when their man lets himself get walked over.

Please post some of the jokes so we can evaluate the level of desperation and / or retardation your friend has.

Friendly reminder that by definition a joke is "a display of humour in which words are used within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to make people laugh and is not meant to be taken seriously. It takes the form of a story, usually with dialogue, and ends in a punch line."

"Something that is not meant to be taken seriously", all by itself, it's not a joke and can't be considered a joke by definition.

Do you follow me user?

So, as I said, please post some of his amazing jokes so we can evaluate the damage.

thanks for opening my eyes
any tips to man up?

>i think you guys meet up too much
>dont fuck her, i want to have a fresh pussy, or, did you guys have sex yet, (no), good keep it like that

btw, he is not chad
desu i dont really remember

It’s not necessary

thing is i would post some of them but i dont remember any right now
stuff like
>when are you gonna break up

At least that’s the way /I/ see it.
People suck user. Even the ones you call your best friend can change at any point in time. I’ve heard of best friends and brothers who have laid with their friends wives. It happens.

yeah, what about
>dont fuck the ex of your firned
is that a meme or something that should be taken serious

Well,due to their simplicity and lack of imagination or skill none of those qualify as anything close to a joke. They look more like a desperate move to make you look like a cuck.
Time to grow some balls user.
Are you gonna do it?

thanks to you guys

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well it's basically confidence from within, something that makes you proud and right to be confident.
For example you can see people who are born handsome so they get their confidence from their ego but this is also mostly asshole confidence, but still it's confidence.

Look at yourself and what your specialties/job/hobbies are that makes you "you", or if you are still uncertain try and find them, because that's how you create self-worth and confidence, from knowing you are of value and not just a waste of space. Even if you are struggling and in a crisis try to always act in your moral point of view and you'll be confident. The best thing about this is that you won't look like an asshole, just someone who stands up for himself.

I really don't want to sound preachy but I think a lot of people (I did too) struggle with this in a point of their life, but by evaluating your life and knowing you're worth something you can get confident.

Also since you seem to be able to get such a girl that your friend is jealous, you must be doing something right in your life so be proud of it and dont feel like ur an asshole or whatever if you stand up for yourself.

yeah, im good at a lot of Things, have a lot of hobbies etc basically a lot of things were i can draw confidence, like clothing i've been told that i have style or something along those lines

only problem is that im not chad yet
and im intorverted and shy
im working on that tho

and your assumption is right, she is hot, i know 8guys who have a crush on her
any thats only the people i know of

Your friend sounds autistic as fuck and a huge piece of shit. I would end the friendship unless he's sacrificed for you in a lot of areas other than this and really came through with you. If you look back on your friendship and can't think of some times where he really bailed you out and came through, the other people are right and he is just an autistic oppourtunist that doesn't give a shit about you.

It literally sounds like he would fuck your GF the second he had a chance, and if you guys ever hung out together he would be trying to bang her while you were passed out drunk. Do you want someone like that in your life?

End the friendship, and tell his own girlfriend what a huge piece of shit he is and all the creepy things he's saying about keeping your gf's pussy fresh for himself so she knows what a loser she has on her hands too.

nah he actually is a good friend
i think he keeps making thiese jokes because im enabeling him by "lauthing"

Thats good, and dont worry about being introvert, because introvert people can easily be confident, they just don't flaunt it.
I was really shy too, and never really had anything to say. Now I still dont talk alot but I'm not shy, I just dont talk about useless chit chat and I'm happy that I dont.
I'd probably get along pretty well with you since I can value someone who doesn't feel awkward if there is a silence, and I can guarantee you a lot of good people value that too, so don't worry about that.

>im working on that tho

fixing this problem with your friend is the definition of working on your shyness so let that be motivation as well.

Wow these kinds of statements aren't jokes. Why the fuck would YOU laugh at them instead of saying "hey that's not cool".

I think it's bizarre that you're telling this girl that your friend has a crush on her, and then insist that you need to bring him along when you spend time with her. I know you're saying she's your girlfriend, but it really sounds like you're trying to set them up.

holy shit, you're right
why am i so retarded

Jesus dude. First gf? Just make fun of your friend in front of her when he says dumb shit

Don't have any friends in the first place, and dump the ones you've got. You'd be surprised how many problems this solves and prevents.

ok neet

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Make him the third wheel... Or ask if he still has a crush and then slowly remove him out of you're life if he does not realize he has a gf