Rage Against the Machine

What do you guys think the influence of Rage Against the Machine on mass politics was during their hay day?

Attached: 220px-RageAgainsttheMachineRageAgainsttheMachine.jpg (220x220, 20K)

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No effect.

0 edgy kids put stickers on their shitty backpacks and that was about it

Can you imagine being that monk and being remembered for being a RATM albulm cover?

making you even dumber

Tom Morello is a commie faggot.

It was zero


"fuck you i wont do my homework"

utter fucking cringe

I was there. They did/meant nothing. Today they are embarrassing to listen to mostly.

>influence of Rage Against the Machine
One or two of their songs were used in that old sci-fi movie Matrix, which was breddy good for its time.