Did CBS hire on the basis of race?

>See CBS' 2020 Election Team
>See AOC complaining about there not being anyone black in the team
>You say, "Why should CBS care about about the race of their reporters? They should hire only by merit and qualifications"
>Another person denies completely, says "If CBS ACTUALLY hired on the basis of merit, then there DEFINITELY would be a black reporter in that team". Are you saying that there are no qualified black reporters?
How do you respond? I want to get across to this person that CBS could have definitely had this hiring pattern without focusing on the race of their potential team. And I don't want to bring up Race and IQ differences because I have a feeling that this argument can be won without bringing up such a taboo subject.

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>only hires most qualified individuals
>no black people
checks out

But I want to convince this person that this is completely normal without acknowledging Race and IQ differences.

Retard. Everything that isn't White is diversity. There is no preference for niggers. Just diversity.

Uhh, I know? When have I ever disputed this sentiment?

It isn't the goal of CBS to hire niggers, their goal is to hire people of color. They are interchangeable. Diversity has nothing to do with niggers. Diversity has to do with non white. That is how you can get this across to this person.

But this guy specifically wanted black representation. He recognizes this "importance of colored people" to show that there is no hiring based off skin color, but is questioning why they didn't even hire one single nigger

>35% are minorities
>arabs, chinks, hapas, spics

So it's "everyone against niggers" now?

Tell your friend he's a racist. Case closed.

>if they hired on merit there would be a black person

Blacks make up 13% of your population. So no.