I need advice on dealing with jealousy

>Be me
>Raised strictly as a Catholic and to abstain from sex
>A virginfuck 3000
>Carry that mentality to death
>Ffwd to now
>Meets gf online
>From england while I'm in Chicago
>Send her memes and get to know her
>6 years later I proposed
>Find out she isn't a virgin
>Be heartbroken since the mentality from childhood is saying "hi."
>Don't know why it's a big deal
>Gets depressed and od on alcohol and Tylenol
>Anxiety says "I thought it would be special for the both of us when we do it after I get there."
>Lost and really fucked in the head
>Tell her the problem and she becomes sad and says "I wish I saved it up for you. I regret it so much."
>Doesn't make me feel any better because I can't change the past
>Tell her "It's ok, it's in the past."
>Deep down inside the void, I die everyday thinking about it because I'm feel like it's unfair since I'm experiencing it for the first time while she did it with this asshole that didn't even treat her right.
>Depression is making shit a lot worse on top of irrational thoughts I can't get out
>I feel like an asshole for feeling this way but at the same time I can't help it, this feeling eats me up
>Fake my smiles and fake my happiness to her because I don't want her to see me like this
>I rationalize my thoughts and seek advice
>Go to Jow Forums
Now I'm here because I don't want to ruin my relationship with my future wife, and I need advice on this.

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Jealousy is healthy.

You need to break up with your girlfriend by the way. She isn't marriage material. No hymen no diamond.

>From england while I'm in Chicago
>Send her memes and get to know her
>6 years later I proposed
>Find out she isn't a virgin
>Gets depressed and od on alcohol and Tylenol
Jesus man you really need to fucking get it together. What the fuck.
Do you even live with her? How much has the relationship progressed in 6 years or has it literally only been online?
Honestly for all you know she might've had a lot sex previously. (Nothing wrong with that by the way, unless she went super ham and fucked like a couple dozen people by now).
You're really going off tangent with the
>Deep down inside the void, I die everyday thinking about it because I'm feel like it's unfair since I'm experiencing it for the first time while she did it with this asshole that didn't even treat her right.
Like what does that even mean? Nothing was stopping you (at least not physically) from having sex. And it's really not that big of a deal. Seriously bro, get it together.

>(Nothing wrong with that by the way
lolno, fucking sluts.

>Like what does that even mean?
His conscience is telling him to bail the fuck out. This girl isn't good for OP.
Once again faggot: you need to break this relationship off yesterday!
She will resent you more and more from this day forward. Your marriage will be miserable and she will probably frequently cheat on you. Never, and I mean NEVER ever buy used goods.

Cucked and bluepilled
>Girl (seemingly) has sex with one guy
>OP's conscience is telling him to bail the fuck out
>Your marriage
OP is obviously way too immature to even come close to engaging in a productive marriage. This thread is a joke.

I did ask for help, and I do mean it. I don't like this feeling and the regret of being such a faggot really does take a toll, of course I do understand why all of yall would get mad

>cucked and bluepilled
Is what OP will end up being if he follows your retarded advice.

>"""mature""" men have no problem with non-virgin women
Yeah, if they want to pump and dump you, not if they want to fucking marry you.

You got some growing to do brother. Just don't torture the poor girl.

Fuck off white knight.

Dump her and seek greener pastures you absolute retard. Your girlfriend is slowly growing to dislike you since the day she found out about your virginity.

Well, I sincerely appreciate the "greener pasture" part, tell me the secret of manhood

>6 years later I proposed
The "abstain from sex" thing only works to get people to marry fast because they can't wait to fuck.

Go on a trip or move away first. You need to forget about your current girlfriend. 6 years for a dud is way too much of an investment.

I guess, but I don't wanna be an asshole and be really shallow over this issue. Maybe I shoulda just went with that hot nun when I was a kid

After you think you're past your current whore, think well about what your strengths are (both in terms of personality, and status) as well as your weaknesses, and try to figure out a way to better yourself and gain more confidence. Experience more shit in general.

You're going to naturally grow into your own skin over time and won't feel like you need to settle for the average bimbo anymore. Then aim for a younger woman, preferably from a good family.

Dude, you're not an asshole, you're a fucking loser. There is nothing asshole-ish about not wanting to marry a slut.

You are absolutely mental.

You're either a sissy boy or the sad owner of a vagina.

I think I just remembered a quote saying "never wife a ho" lollll
But in all honesty, I wanna know if the hymen really does matter in a woman's body when doing a barry macockinner

The hymen itself is irrelevant. It's her principles that are the problem, and the fact that they are incompatible with yours.

Listen to your heart:

Wait, real shit? I thought it kinda makes the vagina tight and I'm pretty sure someone told me that a virgin girl has pussy that will grip your junior like a flesh clamp

Dude, you can brake the hymen by masturbating. It's just a fucking membrane.

> someone told me that a virgin girl has pussy that will grip your junior like a flesh clamp
The moron who told you that was probably a virgin.


Once again: the hymen itself is irrelevant. The problem here is the fact that the woman you're dating isn't the type that saved herself for marriage. Judging by how naive you are about these things, she has probably been manipulating you the entire time without you even noticing.

You need to grow a fucking spine.

Spine loading 56%

I mean it. Otherwise, a lifetime of misery awaits you.
I blame your parents. They raised you inside a bubble.

You and I both.
But hey, I guess what matters now is what I do have with her. I mean, I guess she does love me and really wants to change what she did.

> I guess she does love me
How do you know that? Women are natural born liars.

virginity isn't real

stop letting all the retards on this board convince you that human relationships require some sort of special bullshit regarding sex.

they don't

getting your dick wet for the first time doesn't mean anything.

either break up with her and move on, or stop fixating on something that will literally have no bearing on the rest of your life

You don't get it. Virginity is a proxy for whether the girl is the monogamous type or the incontinent type that sleeps around. A girl who saved herself up for marriage has a very high likelihood to stay loyal through it. A girl who hasn't, will likely treat him just like she treated all the other guys she fucked so far, with him ending up divorced down the line.

if you are this paranoid about loyalty, no woman will ever stay with you because you are a tremendous pussy

Straight up the most loyal GF i ever had had something like 20 partners before me.

Like she turned into a totally different person because she liked me so much.

Find you one like that and stop worrying about a fucking number.

I am not paranoid. You on the other hand a re a dupe and a loser.

Like, I cringed IRL. You're the beta chump with whom the slut settled after having miles of dick inside her (and probably still has it on the side without your knowing, because why wouldn't she?)

i have definitely had sex and meaningful relationships with more women than you

I'll be married by the end of this year, and you'll still be a lonely loser idiot on Jow Forums who is mad that nobody lives up to your insane standards which you only set in order to protect yourself against the inevitable rejection somebody who hates themselves that much will face

>i have definitely had sex ... with more women than you

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you don't even have sex with women at all, so i'm not really concerned about how you feel about my life.

i'm not even with her anymore and she was far from my first partner.

imagine not liking to have sex with somebody who is really good at it

whats your number, partner?

when was the last time you managed to keep a girl around for more than 3 years?

>i'm not even with her anymore
Looks like the mask is slowly chipping off. Soon you'll admit you're just a total chump who suffers from onions poisoning and masturbated to cuck porn.

>whats your number, partner?
I lost count.

>when was the last time you managed to keep a girl around for more than 3 years?

she moved for school and i got a new gf, life happens

Cool. I can be your new girlfriend's bull.

if by lost count, you mean never started counting

aww is that some cute lil role play you have where you pretend that women actually want to fuck you?

Indeed. Pussy falls to easily on my lap for me to have ever bothered counting.

You seem very upset by what I'm saying.

which is why you're so mad about women who aren't virgins...

You're projecting.

Only way you're getting a virgins is if you either date a 14 year old or marry a devout muslim

virgins fucking suck in bed anyways

any woman who maintains virginity past 23 will probably not ever satisfy you sexually

Meaningful advice thank you

>virginity isn't real
>Meaningful advice thank you
lmao. A lie is meaningful advice? m8 you're fucked (figuratively speaking).

Obviously a sarcastic remark

Welp, I just decided to say fuck it and went to a rampage with her in bed.
24 years of no pussy and now I can see why religion fucks with your head.

just get your dick wet and stop letting incels on Jow Forums tell you that somebody who isn't a virgin isn't worth it.

imagine being this much of a cuck to societal standards

fucking kys you conformist coward

>from england
That's beneath bottom-of-the-barrel, dude. She's probably been with heaps of arabs before settling with you.

My condolences. Learn from this lesson.

>the point of getting with a virgin is for the sex
>you're only good at sex if you've suck 100 cocks
>no one has ever gotten better at sex with experience

Are you really that retarded? Enjoy your roasties.

>he thinks this has anything to do with societal norms
Jesus Christ, this board really is tumblr-lite.

If incels can't give advice why in the world are you posting ITT?

So the OP was just bait after all.
Enjoy being an incel I guess.