This guy is a noble winner and basically discovered DNA. Tell me how this guy could be wrong?

This guy is a noble winner and basically discovered DNA. Tell me how this guy could be wrong?

>He had told a magazine in 2007 he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" as "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - where all the testing says not really".

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Other urls found in this thread:

feels > reals


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>Noble prize winner for DNA discovery says DNA of niggers aren't the same as whites.

Are you legit fucking retarded or just a nigger?

The science of biology is thought crime now.

He isn't wrong, he is being punished by despicable cultural Marxist goblins who hate whites.

its funny that a guy who is asked questions at 73, and gives truthful answers to those questions, are labeled as reckless

another data point as proof that MSM is merely propaganda

it's sad what they did to this guy for just being a realist. he's right though that the current approach can never solve any problems because the assumptions used are incorrect. he wasn't racist about it, he was just pointing out fact and suggesting that a change in plans to address the intelligence deficit would likely end up with better results. but he was demonized as an old white racist

Public schooling failed you hu? I was agreeing that only idiots who put feelings before fact can disagree with him.

What I find funny is the guy is a fucking Nobel prize winner for DNA, basically the father of DNA, but after teh fucking science he created around is goes against what people feel he's now, all of the sudden, "reckless" and a problem. How can anyone argue against the guy?

The truth he speaks makes the plebs resist Mass Immigration Cheap Labor. That is why he is being shut down. The people shutting him down are a combination of the Slave Master Class (who will lose their slave laborers) and butthurt Useful Idiots (who will lose their sanity,) should the common man come to understand darkies are inferior and being worked cheaply because they are obedient.

What's that saying about dying a hero, or living long enough to see yourself become the enemy?


Ironic that the Cold Springs Laboratory in Long Island, New York stripped him of his honors because of this when they were founded by eugenicists. Look it up

>are you legit fucking retarded
>is actually retarded


Reading comprehension, retard


Meh, I've had a few beers since it's my cheat day, I'm not 100%.

>This guy is a noble winner and basically discovered DNA

DNA was first identified in the late 1860s by Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescherand

This guy is an asshat who falsified information in studies about the correlations between race and IQ, which inaccurately concluded that whites are inherently more intelligent than blacks.

This ultimately proves you shouldn't judge the quality of a "study" off the merit of it being study alone even if conducted by someone who seemingly possesses the credentials to conduct the study reliably and competently, especially in the case of Jow Forums. So many of you people linked to this guy's studies when attempting to prove the idea that whites have genetically higher IQs than blacks.

Most other studies of this nature are basically built on the foundation of his. Now the legitimacy of those are basically void on an academic level.

He's basically being stripped of all honours and titles of prestige accordingly.

Jow Forums wouldn't have to cope this hard if you people actually knew how to read and confirm academic papers beyond them being posted on the ncbi/nlm/nih archive.

Fancy internet links =/= unquestionable scientific truth.

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if we're all the same why do welfare programs and entitlements always benefit minorities specifically because of race? why is affirmative action a thing? this is a travesty

>which inaccurately concluded that whites are inherently more intelligent than blacks.

Let me walk you through that inaccuracy. IQ correlates positively with income and SAT scores, negatively with felony rates \
Ah fuck it, you're a troll pretending to be redditor.

Shoe me a single shred of evidence that he falsified data.

Nobody will defend him, academia are almost all far left.

You must be new here to not understand the level of sarcasm

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here's africa future:

slaughter and enslavement by the chinese once white people aren't around to shelter and coddle them anymore.

Point to a single one of Watson's publications that even explore the correlation between race and IQ, much less have been found to be falsified.

>Most other studies of this nature are basically built on the foundation of his. Now the legitimacy of those are basically void on an academic level

Could you possibly be talking out of your ass more? He never published anything about race and IQ he just made unguarded comments speaking the truth.

>Shoe me a single shred of evidence that he falsified data.
I dunno. The fact that he's getting his fucking honors stripped by his fellow scientists out of the same laboratory he originally practiced out of?

He was in fact fired from this same laboratory 12 years ago for his falsifications of information in his studies concerning racial intelligence.

His studies were debunked well before the SJW meme even existed. He's just recently being publicly stripped of his prestige and honours and the title as a renowned scientist in the same way Lance Armstrong was stripped of his title as a renowned bicyclist after being discovered as a cheating, doping fraud. Only Jow Forums still posted links to his works unironically when discussing IQ.

Do you people really believe in your "red pills" and that the highly educated majority of mainstream society is simply wrong on every issue you disagree with?

IQ is a social construct and puzzle tests aren't a reliable way to measure intelligence, anyways.

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>Unironically linking to scientific archives and colorful graphs to prove that whites are genetically smarter than blacks.

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Again, point to a single piece of work Watson has ever done in regards to race and intelligence.

I'm not attempting to prove anything. I'm asking you to show me one single publication Watson has ever put his name on that explore the correlation of race and intelligence.

>Not posting your own and just provide a meme as a counter argument.

These guys are faggots but at least they got a leg to stand on.

>Again, point to a single piece of work Watson has ever done in regards to race and intelligence.
Just use Google. I'm not obligated to do your homework for you.

the fact that you can't provide it yourself just destroyed your credibility
provide proof, or remove yourself

I already did the homework pal. I'm attempting to walk you through this as slowly and clearly as possible. Watson has NEVER published ANYTHING in regards to race and intelligence. There is NOTHING to falsify. I have no idea where you're getting these presuppositions from other than deep up your ass but you should probably calm down and try researching things before you mag dump your ignorance all over everything.

>he hasn't deleted this post yet

Can't figure out how, huh newfriend?

If a Jewish Scientist came out with evidence tomorrow that White people have genes within their DNA that predisposes them for higher levels of racist behavior, he would receive a nobel prize in multiple different disciplines and be featured in hollywood blockbuster movies within 10 years.

Everyone deep down knows the majority of nigs are inferior and only add problems to growing societies and cultures.

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This is some dedicated trolling

Why do they keep saying this? Where was the Debunking? Nobody with a low IQ can be a productive Mathematician, what does that mean for other jobs, talents, and forms of societal development?

>Just use Google. I'm not obligated to do your homework for you.

That's the call of a shill. He who does not have anything to back him up except a couple of Buzzfeed articles (that is until anyone ACTUALLY reads and figures out there is some dirty ass politician double speak going on)

>I dunno. The fact that he's getting his fucking honors stripped by his fellow scientists out of the same laboratory
He falsified data because he had his honors stripped for falsifying data.
This is some top tier retardation. I'm not shocked you think IQ is a social construct, but if that was true, it's evident society never bothered to construct any intelligence for you.

>IQ can be explained away by environmental conditions
>oops, forgot that evolution is literally mostly dependent on environmental conditions meaning that we're back to square one.
>oh these schools in africa will definitely undo thousands or millions of years of evolution.

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Guy's about to be written out of history because he doesn't like black people. What an absolute shame.

>I have no idea where you're getting these presuppositions
I'm getting these "presuppositions" from the laboratory he practiced out of and its governing body finding it necessary he be stripped of his honours for his falsifications of information and general academic dishonesty, specifically on the basis of pushing the false idea that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites and trying to parade this idea as fact via legitimate channels (such as posting them on accredited scientific archives).

I could pretend as if that isn't what's happening right now and everything I'm saying are mere presuppositions not found in reality, or the reality of the circumstances aren't readily apparent and worth the effort of "proving", but I can't see what I gain by entertaining this fantasy of yours.

He is in fact getting stripped of any worthy notability for the aforementioned reasons.

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Fucks science and shit, he is just wroooooonk

You get that this is all over "racist remarks" though right? You understand that this is because of words he spoke not the falsification of published data?

>posting them on accredited scientific archives

Also have no idea where you're getting this from. Post a source for this claim.

>false idea
Dumbass nigger detected

>You get that this is all over "racist remarks" though right?
You get that you're trying to use general terms in a strawman argument against what I'm saying, right? The exact same article specifically mentions that he was fired from the laboratory he practiced out of for falsified information in his studies.

He is just recently being stripped of his honours accordingly, because he just recently decided to become relevant again by giving his "professional insight" in a recent scientific documentary. Why should a loon like him be allowed to use his mistakenly granted credentials to gain access to the podiums of serious public scientific discussion to spread falsehoods? He was allowed to keep his "honours" after his initial firing as part of a "severance package" in acknowledgement of whatever legitimate scientific contributions he actually made, I suppose. Now he's abusing them to make such racist remarks under the guise of honest scientific discussion. His credentials were removed accordingly.

What else are you struggling to understand about this issue?

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Hate facts!

The scientist has a damn good point. It's observable. If human life developed in Africa first then they should have invented the wheel, domesticated livestock and explored the world before anyone else. But they didn't. Took the white man to show them. They didn't invent anything!

Every nig African country is a shithole. South Africa was rich and prosperous now a shithole. Every city with a bad area it always has loads of nigs. Not Chinese, Greeks or any other group. Pakis are cunts but they too busy raping white kids. They second division to nigs. Chinatown, Koreatowns, Little Italy's etc are always tourist attractions. Nigtowns are always no go areas. Cities with majority nig populations are shitholes.

My piss is boiled.

See my post above.
Their claim that it's just 'environmental factors' that account for the IQ disparity is nothing more than garbage, if you factor in the massively long period of time it requires for environment to actually affect evolution.

>He had told a magazine in 2007
This whole thing is bullshit, because he didn't 'tell a magazine', a reporter who used to be a student and close-friend (stayed at their house for a year), went to go to a tennis lesson with him and clandestinely recorded their private conversation on the drive over

>The exact same article specifically mentions that he was fired from the laboratory he practiced out of for falsified information in his studies.

I guess I'm getting trolled since no article says that anywhere. I hope that's the case and that you're not actually this pigheaded.

>I guess I'm getting trolled since no article says that anywhere
You're not getting trolled. You're just literally so focused on trying to discuss a non-issue on matters in which the circumstances are readily apparent, perhaps in a bid to get into some deep mental gymnastics-type debate in which literally no insight is gained because an idiot parading around as a genius is getting treated accordingly.

The article OP links makes note of the fact that James Watson literally said that genes cause a difference on average between black people and white people in IQ tests. The exact same laboratory he was fired from 12 years ago in regards to similar remarks "branded [his] latest remarks "reprehensible", "reckless" and "unsupported by science"'

He is making false remarks which are unsupported by science in public domains of scientific discussion as a presumably prestigious scientist according to his honors, in which he's been revoked of accordingly. People who spread false information do not deserve merits which grant them access to forums of serious discussion., never mind whatever type of technicalities you choose to grasp straws with.

Deal with it.

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So yeah, you finally admitt he didn't falsify data, he just said something controversial. That was a long and winding road but we finally got there. Good job.

>He's getting his honors stripped, therefore he deserves to have his honors stripped
I wonder where you are on the bell curve

>you finally admitt he didn't falsify data
But sweetie, the whole reason why he's being stripped of his honours is because he falsely stated there's data that (legitimately) shows genes cause a difference on average between black people and white people in IQ tests. Given his degree of perceived creditably, he effectively falsified studies by stating on public television by saying that said genes cause a difference on average between black people and white people in IQ tests. This observation or "study" of his is scientifically unfounded, just as it were when he stated that "our social policies are based on the fact that [black] intelligence is the same as ours - where all the (((testing))) says not really" which led to him being fired from his laboratory in the first.
Literally no deviation in anything I said.

I'm more curious of as to why you're playing pretend with the reality of this, as if none of this is even happening. As if race and genetic correlations between IQ isn't a debunked myth with absolutely no scientific legitimacy, as acknowledge by his own former laboratory which he were president, director, then chancellor of apparently.

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What a little shit, journalists are scum.

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They have beef with truth and facts.
They believe they can 'Will' a world that isn't there.
Instead of seeing the terrain and draw up a map based on what they see,
They draw a map and try to change the terrain on the maps basis.
Then they remain in denial when their maps of lies doesn't match the terrain and others point it out.
They are idiots.

Can we just speak man to man for a second without the anger and the one upsmanship? Remember when this argument started because you said that Watson's highly influential work on the correlation between race and intelligence was proven to be falsified and that subsequent research into race and intelligence is now invalidated because it so heavily relied on Watson's work? Do you remember that? Because that's what drug me into this discussion. Because Watson has done no work on the correlation between race and intelligence.

Now we're at some point where you're telling me that offhand comments constitute published research or something? And you're still behaving as though you hold the intellectual high ground somehow? This has reached comical absurdity. I'm tapping out right now. Continue to argue from ignorance. Enjoy the last word.

Show me the proof where he did this

I want to hear what Jordan Peterson has to say about this, or will his wife not let him?

He has the EXACT same eye color as I do. It's like looking in the mirror, WTF

>he effectively falsified studies by stating on public television by saying that said genes cause a difference on average between black people and white people in IQ tests

He's not wrong. The easily impressionable and fragile minds of leftist faggots have been conditioned by kikes to be ashamed of the truth and deny it.

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>Race is a social construct

You leftists are beyond help. Gas your kike self already.

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They'll probably be better off honestly

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>Because Watson has done no work on the correlation between race and intelligence.
>Besides the documentary in which he states that he believes black people are genetically less smarter than white people, presumably according to "tests" he mentioned as far back as 12 years ago.
This is what you're fundamentally choosing to ignore.

>Now we're at some point where you're telling me that offhand comments constitute published research or something?"
Nobel prize winners with honours don't make "offhand" comments regarding scientific falsehoods as being remotely true especially in the realm of serious scientific discussion, hence why he's being stripped of his merits according.

For the average person, they judge the accuracy of claims from guys like this solely on face value, such as the fact they hold Nobel prizes even if they're for scientific contributions completely unrelated to subjects the person is trying to provide their "credited" insight upon.

He's just simply being stripped of any merits or honors he didn't rightfully earn due to his insistence on unethically spreading false information as a scientist beyond "discovering" DNA.

They don't care. All they see is

> Muh mainstream media says so

Define falsified. What, specifically was altered? By every measure, he is correct in his assessment. Just because it makes your faggot ass uncomfortable doesn't make it false.

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He's a kike

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t. Good goy niggerloving MIGApede

trump cult of personality loyalist jew-loving cuckfag.

What I think is funny is how 99% of scientists are all shills and crooks and liars when it comes to global warming

But this one idiot says "whites are genetically intellectually superior to blacks" and those same "skeptics" are falling over themselves in their hurry to side with him.

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You sure are a dedicated jew. Unfortunately, the more you ramble the more stupid you look.

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Dr. Watson looks at these men and sees a bunch of retards. I see doctors, scientists, engineers...

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The ironic thing is, user probably actually isn't far-off.

The only difference is in how they define a doctor, a scientist, an engineer. Their doctors use herbal remedies. Their engineers fashion tools out of whatever they find in the bush. Their

Yeah, okay, I'm reaching a little bit.

Man I'm glad that Chinks are making advances in science.
Because they're publishing data that doesn't give a single fuck about the feels and will call out nigs openly the moment they get to studying relevant subjects.

When Dr. Livingston crossed the congo in the mid 19th century, he encountered negroes who had no knowledge of the wheel.

>Jow Forumstards think they're capable of outsmarting scientists by effectively asking "why?" over and over again

By all means if your methods of disproving the statement of this guy's former laboratory's that white people are genetically smarter than black people and IQ as a valid measurement of intelligence is scientifically unfounded, do take it up with them and not some random guy on Jow Forums.

Heh, this James Watson guy even unironically used anecdotal information as a source of coming to his conclusion that black people are genetically less intelligent than whites: "In the 2007 interview, Watson said that while he hopes everyone is equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true.”'

Any real scientist would laugh in his fucking face, just like his lab did when they fired him. Jow Forums however wants people to believe otherwise. These are "red-pills".

The only pills you people need are anti-psychotics.

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A one hit wonder who basically has old scientist syndrome and rants about subjects he knows nothing about

he did'nt include a negative IQ-scale, that's what he did wrong.

Watson really triggers you guys, huh?

Is that because he refuses to cuck no matter how hard you bully him? Or Is it because he's going to be in the history books while you're just some nobody pissant?

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user, dont you see, you are applying your racist privileged upbringing. who are you to say they should have any knowledge of the wheel? they are just genius in a different way. these are respected tribal elders

Do you accept that West Africans run faster than anyone else?
Or is this "west African supremacy"?

>Any real scientist would laugh in his fucking face

Is there a name for the phenomenon that the human brain, probably the most complex organ in the entire animal kingdom, was somehow preserved from evolution? Where everything else, our skin, hair, nose, immune systems, etc. have evolved to adapt to local conditions (just like it does for all species).

Everyone under 100 is basically negative IQ

We need the NAMES of the people that made this decision. Then we need to make their lives HELL.

I thought they were already doing this? They def seem to be moving in that direction.

I can swear I read an infographic a few weeks ago arguing that more Chinese social scientists considered race a legitimate concept. But I lost the sauce.

Why should he be stripped of these honours? These comments don't diminish his achievements.

Even if his statements on this are factually incorrect, that shouldn't be grounds to discredit an unrelated achievement. Would you strip Cristiano Ronaldo of player of the year for believing the earth is flat or something? Should people lose honours for holding factually incorrect beliefs? Are scientists not allowed to hold minority or unpopular views?

But of course this isn't about facts, it's about values. So does Dr. Watson have racist values? Clearly not:
>Dr. Watson adds that he takes no pleasure in “the difference between blacks and whites” and wishes it didn’t exist. “It’s awful, just like it’s awful for schizophrenics,” he says. (His son Rufus was diagnosed in his teens with schizophrenia.) Dr. Watson continues: “If the difference exists, we have to ask ourselves, how can we try and make it better?”

This confusion between facts and values in """science""" is pathetic. The objective, unbiased, scientific method is completely ignored so that instead of looking at the facts and asking what truth these facts bear out they start with what they want to be true and seek evidence to confirm these biases.


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>which inaccurately concluded that whites are inherently more intelligent than blacks
user, I....

You may not like it, but this is what peak retardation looks like.

the bong is right

Use argument of attached pic to all lefties

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He's not following the narrative, what more reason should they need?

>black people are dumber than white people on average
>"what the fuck man you can't go around saying that that's unsupported by science we're all equal man go fuck yourself bigot"

>japanese people are smarter than white people on average
>"ah what a wonderful group of human being truly we are blessed by this diversity"

Really made my brain go *thunk*

>google an older article about it
>read through
>get to the author
lmao every time

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My wife doesn't want our son to take biology, but I do. Any advice on how to redpill her?

How did you end up marrying someone like that?