How can I get more swipes and keep a conversation going on tinder with women.
How can I get more swipes and keep a conversation going on tinder with women
/soc/ has daily threads with dudes trying to perfect this.
Just search their catelog.
Would also like to know, super new to the tinder game here.
Have a fuckload of matches (25+ likes in a week and 10 matches) but literally have no idea what kinda things they wanna hear, never know whether to be straight to the point or try to actually get to know them before doing anything.
I don't really like being direct desu, its not really my style, but I'll do whatever works.
>keep a conversation going on tinder with women
In my experience, for a lot of women, that's just kind of impossible. At least in my area, a lot of the girls on Tinder are just dull as fuck and couldn't keep a conversation going to save their lives. I just stopped giving a shit after too many one-sided conversations.
If you actually have a connection with someone and they're worth talking to, a conversation with happen naturally as long as you have some decent social skills and aren't sperging out all over the place. If the problem is that you can't keep a conversation going because the girl gives you dull answers and isn't putting any work in, stop worrying about it, take the hint, and move on. She's either dull and not worth talking to, or not interested enough in you to try engaging you.
Dude are you literally me? Any and all help is appreciated
>never know whether to be straight to the point or try to actually get to know them before doing anything.
It really depends on the girl you're talking to, and what you want. You shouldn't really approach anything with a set of rules, as far as I'm concerned, any given interaction is just going to be too variable. You say you don't like being direct, so if I were you, I'd just start off a conversation based on something from their bio, see how that goes, and you hit it off, as them out when it feels right.
Sorry if that sounds like shitty advice, but, like I said, you're talking about something can't really be boiled down into some kind of universal "this is how you act in every situation, with every person," thing, unless you're just looking for a hookup and every opener is going to be "DTF?" Just do whatever feels comfortable for you, and feel out the conversation, like you would in person.
You gotta get straight to the point bro. Most girls on Tinder will get bored if you keep the conversation going, whether the conversation is interesting or not. You need to ask them out on a date after a couple messages and in my experience, they ALWAYS accept to meet you. Keep in mind, some of them will ghost you after the date but don't take it hard on yourself, just be the best you and if they're not interested, then forget about them.
I think you guys are doing good lol. Just get some good pics and banter like this. A girl is bound to be receptive to it.
I don't normally swipe on the people who are just looking for hookups anyway so I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing at the moment.
Like people say, its often pretty hard to keep the convo going so I was thinking maybe straight to the point might be the way to go.
>its often pretty hard to keep the convo going so I was thinking maybe straight to the point might be the way to go.
Maybe, but I'm of the opinion that if you can't keep a conversation going on Tinder, you probably can't keep a conversation going in real-life, either. Every time I've been on a date with a person that was a shitty conversationalist, it led to a bad date full of the same one-sided conversations and closed-off answers that were happening on Tinder.
I know it's exciting to match with someone, and your impulse is generally to assume that they're great and you'll have a good time with them, but that's just not going to be true for most people. A lot of times, you're just not going to have chemistry with a person.
Post a picture of your dick with some cash behind it (make sure it's a bill bigger than a 10) and you can expect to get at least two more chicks
300lb fat autistic neckbeard with more matches and successful Tinder hookups than I deserve here. There isn't really one secret to chatting with girls, it's a lot of little things that add up, and you have to learn them and learn to apply them through lots and lots and lots of practice.
The first crucial thing you need to prepare yourself for is the practice itself, and the mindset you need to do that. What's always important to remember is that you WILL fuck up 9/10 interactions on Tinder, but only about half of those will be your fault. What a lot of guys don't realize about Tinder is that the average girl is just as bad at talking to strangers online as the average guy, so a lot of conversations will just hit dead ends or fizzle out because NEITHER of you will be sure how to proceed. I've talked to plenty of attractive, relatively sociable guys and girls who have all had this problem, so the sooner you accept that as a near certain probability, the sooner you can stop giving a fuck and be free to say basically whatever you want. For me, every new match is just an opportunity to try something new and random out, and since I'm almost garaunteed to fail there's nothing to lose, and that in turn gives me way more confidence and stops me from getting paralyzed by every girl I match with.
The second crucial thing is that you need to shoot towards making your conversations FUN, first and foremost. They don't necessarily need to be super flirty, but don't just ask them questions about their work or what their favorite TV show is. Best way is to imagine you and your match are like Jim and Pam from The Office (which is fortunately a scenario a lot of girls fantasize about too), just keeping things light and jokey and focusing on banter and building a rapport while you get to know each other. This is one of those things that's really hard to explain in a step-by-step way and takes a lot of practice to figure out but IMO it's a great goal post to keep in your mind. I've had a lot of chats that either turned into boring question-answer dialogues or a series of cringey flirting attempts and wondered where the fuck to go from there. That's when you know you've smalltalked your way into a corner and should swiftly move on to someone else.
Third thing is word efficiency, and making sure your messages are 'loaded' with interesting talking points. For the first dozen or so messages, it's ideal to make sure that every reply from you both feels natural AND organically includes details about you and your interests that your match can talk about. I find it best to cram about two or three details into my responses just to give the girl options. Once again, girls are as bad on average at Tinder as guys so it's helpful to give them some options when it's their turn to reply. Let's give an example:
Her: Hey, what's up?
You: Not much, how bout you?
Her: Hey, what's up?
You: Just watching some anime, do you like Evangelion?
Her: Hey, what's up?
You: Not too much just got back from a bastard of a biology exam and about to crash and watch some anime with my dog, how bout you?
The third example has three details crammed into it (that you're in college and taking biology, that you like anime, and that you have a dog) that your match can ask/talk about and it doesn't even feel bloated. Get good at that and you'll stand a much better chance at fostering good conversations. And yes, mentioning you like anime is absolutely fine, in my experience I've found most girls like anime by default and will be able to relate in some way, just don't get too spergy about it.
The fourth bit is kind of the most important and that's learning how to write really good openers. Do not, I repeat, do NOT just copy and paste a samey introduction or pickup line, and don't open with a compliment on her cuteness unless on the rare occasion she opens with one first (complimenting her on other stuff is fine, like if she has some cool piercings or a cute pet or something). For every single match, make the effort to read their bio, look at their photos, and try to formulate a good idea of what kind of person they are, then craft a question, comment or joke that is unique to them. The more you do this, the easier it'll get until it just becomes second nature. Figuring out what a girl's interests are and then showing that you're interested by asking her about them in a unique is the surest way to get a substantial response back instead of those dreaded short responses that indicate she's barely paying attention to you. Put in the effort and try to keep things natural and girls will recognize and appreciate that.
If anyone has any more questions I'd be happy to give more insight.
Didnt read all of this but all I do is say "you look like you like to be choked"
And they're like "omg how'd you know" then I joke around for a bit then ask them to smoke/go for a drink
Then we smoke a blunt and then they suck my dick
I mean that's a pretty excellent opener in a weird way. It's bold, it's polarizing and it's kind of funny so a girl is either gonna be offended and move on or be fully on board with it, and if it works you're basically hitting the ground running. Good on ya user you seem to give no fucks.
Fuck it let's give it a shot.
The most important part though I have found is that if they respond positively you CANNOT continue to talk about sex explicitly, they will stop responding. You have to give them a way to rationalize hanging out with you instead knowing 100% its just for sex, although they've given you the green light by responding positively to the opener
Wait a minute, I know these girls and have matched with most of them, whats up Portlandbro?
>actually try and hold conversations with girls
>don't really flirt with them outside of calling them cute/complimenting specific features
>don't really say sexual shit until way later because i'm afraid of being creepy/gross/etc
am i doing this right or wrong?
>not being a hot guy
>doing it right
Pick one user. And choose carefully
Literally what you do on tinder doesnt matter. If you're attractive you can throw anything out there and it will stick. Conversely being an ugly guy will be very challenging
that's not really true. if you're not smooth about it, they won't respond or you'll get unmatched.
Oh shit nigga wassup? Are you westside scum or eastside bro?
Because tinder DMs are so hard to fake...
You're calling me a brainlet when you get your opinions from shifty Jow Forums infographics that literally contain no usable data. You're the intellectual equal to a black man who claims all cops hate black people because he saw a Facebook post about it.
Dude Kuroko was going to fucking kill him
She was going to sting him into coming over and fucking knife him in his sleep dude
Don't even fuck around, girl wanted warm blood on the carpets
Two of them basically weren't 100% in, two went 0-100 really quick, it's not super impressive-- and anyone who's not prepared for the truth of abysmally low standards on Tinder shouldn't be using it. Of course they go for the hot guy-- every other guy is tipping a fedora, you have to guess which one of the five guys they are in every picture (and in every picture they have hats and sunglasses on), or they're just some entitled fat fuck. This is mostly true of women too, they're either greasy and unwashed with weird colored hair, some basic bitch whose every picture is her smiling from behind a drink with three other girls. Or, alternatively, some entitled fat fuck.
Kuroko was gonna kill him though, deadass
Lol don’t get you’re panties in bunch crybaby.
I'm a crybaby because I enjoy some good banter?
Like this
What kind of spic calls their child Auda
And what whore puts a pic of them with their man in their tinder profile pic