Just heard that girl I once bullied commited suicide. It was long ago, we were kids and I wasn't only one...

Just heard that girl I once bullied commited suicide. It was long ago, we were kids and I wasn't only one. Should I go to her funeral?

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It's funny how no one gives a shit about the ones who survive.

No, you weren't her friend so there's no reason.

Literal autism.

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What do you mean? If it was any other person, I would surely go. But we didn't like each other as kids and haven't had any contact after we went to high school. I just don't know if you should attempt a funeral of person with only asocciation you have is being dick to in childhood.

Funeral is in our hometown and my family still lives there as well as her family. I wouldn't want to make it bad for my mom. That's why I'm worried.

The point I was trying to make is that dead people don't give a fuck. If you feel like shit about something you have done and you have the chance to apologize, then do so. In this case, you have missed your chance.

I don't give a two shits about that girl. We were children and I'm sure no one goes an hero because of something that happened atplayground. I only thing I'm affraid that her family may go apeshit on my family. They leave near each other, go to the same shops etc. I only want peace, not to trigger anyone.

Then what is the problem? Get some plausible excuse and stay out of it.

I just don't want anyone assuming I have some hidden agenda. But if not showing up looks like better thing to do then that's what I'm choosing.

Let them assume. If your family doesn't believe your excuse and starts interrogating, tell them the truth. They won't drop the bomb on themselves by telling her family anytime soon.

If anyone else goes all homeland security on you, tell them to mind their own business.

Don't go to the funeral. You don't deserve to be there, and if you, it'll only be a feeble attempt to make yourself feel better.

The damage has been done. There's nothing you can do now.

Mission accomplished I guess.

dude no one cares it's not like they're doing a headcount. they're there to greive their daughter so I doubt anyone is even going to notice your absence unless you're some sort of big personality.

Don't go

Dance on her grave. Not at the funeral of course, afterwards.

Jean was a better human being than you will ever aspire to be. It should have been you.

>Just heard that girl I once bullied commited suicide
>I don't give a two shits about that girl
Don't go

Well too Fucking bad it’s too late, it’s just a regret that you will have to live with.

>I'm sure no one goes an hero because of something that happened atplayground
They add up, you contributed

Wow, you know u made her kill herself. She's dead dead dead. Family cried over her. Sarrow. Yes, you did. Suicide and all you want is peace. You don't feel guilty. I hope they smash shit in your eyes. It'd be well deserved and awaited. Fuck u sincerley from the family of the girl you killed. Think of what you said and did

Yeah user, go to the funeral of the girl that you contributed to anhero. Why not?
Are you dumb?
if you care one bit go find other kids that you bullied and tell them you are sorry.

Don't, I think it would be distasteful, unless you're for some reason expected to go.
How long ago are we talking here?

Judging from his posts he probably thinks he is.

It was posted on facebook group for my classmates. Some people are already commited to go, ones that are most active on the group. I haven't talked with ones I keep contact. Noone of them commented yet, except one who's aboard.

Bullying happens since begining of time. I'm not proud of it but as a kid I didn't know better. I have nothing to be sorry for. I wasn't only one who was dick to her and school and parents didn' t do shit. I'm not sorry for things I did when I was 10.

No, you shouldn’t go.

>I'm not sorry for things I did when I was 10.
Why, were you considered not a thinking human being at that age so you get a free pass or something? I would understand if you said you were 5. Anyway didnt even mention whether your bullying should make you feel bad and dont care, im pointing out that your posts indicate you think are somewhat more important than you are, if all you care about is whether your presence on the funeral will have a significant impact.

I wouldn't get involved if not because of that facebook post. This is small community.

Also, she was badly socialised and spoiled child herself, so her parents probably fucked her up more. I had my own issues, which I later overcame. If adults do nothing, kids go through this scenario every fucking time. It's human nature. There was for sure kid like that in your class. There is a big chance you were that kid and use this as your excuse for your failures in adulthood.

Im not sure why you keep explaining yourself regarding the bullying. If she was fucked up herself then ok, but it changed nothing about how you chose to behave, so quit giving excuses especially when noone asked.

>stop clearing things up when I want to project my story on you
Oh, user

do you actually feel bad for your actions all i see are excuses

It's strange since i do not recall giving any information on my childhood, just ignored your attempt to jab at me for making an observation. But anyway when i was ten i knew when i behaved in a way i shouldn't have towards other children and never got that excuse of 'just being a kid and not knowing any better'. Even without the necessary knowledge, you know when you are being blatantly malicious. And from what i know people do not change their ability to empathize throughout the years, just their strategy of action. Aside from the explanation about your facebook group all you did was shift the blame around.

Why start pretending to be human now ?

You don't need to be +18 to know how to be nice, or just not an asshole to someone. At 10 I knew that.