I'm 28 female

I'm 28 female

How much of a dealbreaker is it if i lie and put 25 into dating apps/tinder? I'm worried no one will want my aging cheddar

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Never tell a direct lie, especially when it's something you're going to have to come clean about soon anyway.

Just put 28 and expect a smaller dating pool, probably expect also to talk to guys who are 25+ and not just 28+ if you want to increase that dating pool.

I'd have more of an issue with the dishonesty than the age.

literally who cares. i know two girls dating guys a few years younger than themselves

>Hey guys, is it a dealbreaker if the first time we ever interact could be based on a lie and it leads you to question what else I'm lying about in every conversation we have after that?

Put simply, deal broken. Will always be looking for the string and wondering if what's said is a lie.

Wow. Faith in humanity just got a few points. Glad to see honesty is still important to some folks.

This. Depending on how soon you told me I might not kick you to the curb but being dishonest is not attractive.

Do you have any kids?

cheddar is supposed to be aged for a few months. also why lie, unless you just want cheap attention from shallow younger people?

do you fantasize that your ideal partner is someone who says "EWWW, 28!?"

Are you the one on the left?

>lying will make it better
Great, aged cheddar that sells as mild. Just what everyone on Tinder wants.

It's a market. The key is not what you can't do, it's to emphasize the things you can do and to sell them to the right people.

A few girls pulled this on me. I was already suspicious because they looked a little old for 24 or 25 but when they confirmed it was a lie I was out.

So don't lie about it. Not only will guys probably notice something is off but we also don't want a liar.

Honestly I'd date a 37 year old who is very honest. I've learnt to run as fast as I can when I spot a liar.

>unless you just want cheap attention from shallow younger people

Kind of? this seems to be the demographic

Don't lie.

I hate it when I'm 1 hour into a date and a woman mentions she has kids. Certain things you bring out up front, age is one of them OP.

Depends what you're looking for.

If I found out I'd definitely still fuck you, but would probably pump and dump. Especially if you're not upfront about it, and I simply realize something's up because you're not looking the part.

So if you just want to get laid, sure do it. If you're looking for something serious, then don't.

Well there's a lot of older guys that wouldn't care. It sounds like you're trying to fish for college boys.

>went on Tinder date
>girl showed up with a pram and a baby
>baby was only 8 months old
>there was no mention of the baby in any messages

It's happened more than one. Usually the baby is half black too, which is funny and sad.

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lol, all of mine have been white women with white kids, still gets the same response from me. No way would I raise some dude's ball batter

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Looks like she's holding a chimp

How much smaller do you think my dating pool will be? I'm just worried people put in a cut off age at 25 and I wont even be seen by enough people to get rejected for my ticking clock

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The difference between 25 and 28 isn't a big deal, but outright lying is.
So yes, it is a deal breaker, not because of the age, but because of the lie.

>Being female
>Still in the 20's
>Worried about dating pool size

I believe you're overthinking you're problem. Did it occur to you a 25 year old guy might have a plus or minus 3 year range? Hell, a 5 year range?

has it dead on.

28 is fine for dating, but if you want kids, you need to start working on someone to lock down, at least by your early 30's. 28 isn't that old.


Just be content on who you are and you'll meet the right person. If you're fishing for anything then a lot will be tossed out. Eventually everything withers and dies. Stop looking and you gain confidence and the appeal will appear to the right person. Wisdom is acquired with age.

This. Lying is the red flag not the age.

28 is a great age anyways for a woman looking to date.

im 26 years old id probably date you

It would be significantly smaller. Who wants a 28 year old, almost 30 year old when they're are hot 22-25 year olds? Assuming you're even attractive in the first place. Also can you even pass as 25? I really doubt it since women age much faster than men

When it comes to age guys tend to date women around their own age and down.
So you're fine. Most likely to find guys on your own age and up to be interested.