How do I deal with the idea of my spouse touching themselves while imagining fucking someone else...

How do I deal with the idea of my spouse touching themselves while imagining fucking someone else? I thought sex was the one thing we could share to "belong" to each other.
I'm seriously considering leaving over this and never remarrying, because how can I find someone who really believes like me?

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are you a woman?

masturbation isn't sex.

It's irrelevant
Solo sex is sex.

>Solo sex is sex.
It isn't solo sex though...

>It's irrelevant
No it's not.

I am an mtf woman, yes.

This person is not me.

Suck him off enough so he won't need to jerk off.


Explain how this is relevant to the question
Sike you can't, because it's not

What. Are you stupid or just pretending to be

No, fuck off, thanks

Do you believe that the dynamics of a relationship don't change depending on the gender or sex?

What? Two people like each other, form emotional attachment, maybe have sex. Both could be same gender or different. Everyone masturbates. My personal gender is literally irrelevant to the question.

I'm sure there are some really religious men out there who would fit into that line of thought. Destroying your marriage over it seems a bit extreme. Do you have BDP or some other form of crazy?

>other form of crazy
Considering it wrote , I'd say yes

Also, have you tried talking to your partner about how this makes you feel? Is your relationship to your husband that weak that you would toss it all away for something found in 99% of all men?

If my partner whose gender is also irrelevant because 99% of people, women and men, masturbate to people other than their partners, my and every monogamous marriage is already null and void based on the idea of sexual exclusivity. Relationships are a sham where we tell ourselves it's okay if we use each others' bodies for pleasure but no one else can, but we can pleasure ourselves alone to the idea of people other than them, and still tell ourselves we're being faithful. It's not any different watching naked women on the computer boost your ego while your partner is away. It's all about ego, which is what essentially ruins any chemistry between two people. Without the self-control and work of being monogamous together in body AND mind, real love cannot be attained, only a shadow.

I think of another man, my first crush, while my husband fucks me. How do I stop sinning?

>are you a woman?
>it's irrelevant

>I am a mtf woman

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only cliterosectomy can save your slutty soul now


user asked because your scenario sounds like an emotional knee-jerk reaction, rather than something thought out. Men don't generally consider divorce over something as minor as their partner masturbating to a favorite celebrity or something.

>are you a woman?
>it's irrelevant

>I am a mtf woman

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Unless you are having sex with your partner on a daily basis you have no right to judge him negatively on masturbating.

My ex girlfriend and i used to have sex roughly 2-3 times per month because she didn't have a very high sex drive. So in addition to the sex i masturbated a couple times per week as well. She would get mad at me for masturbating because it is supposedly the same as cheating. Fuck off man, i have my needs and if you don't want to have sex with me more often i will take care of myself.