How is this false in any single way? This is why I support the welfare state
Rich families won't admit this
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well considering the heritability of intelligence the odds are good she is quite a bit smarter than all the other kids
Rich families attract intelligent and beautiful spouses, so yeah.
>ancestors worked hard for more to pass on to their offspring
why are these people against normal human instincts?
Because they are lazy fucks who just want to fuck and get high without consequences.
It's about the child inheriting unearned privilege, thinking she deserved it or is better because of it.
All newborn children should have equal opportunities. We can make this happen.
Get the fuck out of here it's not someone elses fault your parents are lazy shills
If I work had and pass my wealth onto my child then they deserve it. If you are poor and don't work hard and have nothing to pass along to your child, then they deserve it.
Prove me wrong.