Jow Forums = Broflakes

>A commonly seen stereotype of the quintessentially conservative, heterosexual, white male, who despite all his privileges and advantages in life, is easily sensitive to any criticism or mockery.
>Unable to see outside of his own perspective, and takes everything personally, even when it's not about him specifically.
>Fragile like a snowflake, but with the mentality of a "bro." Usually denies or ignores reality and the very real struggles of other genders, races, sexual identities, etc.
>Represents those afflicted with the "fragile male ego" and is the opposite of "woke."

HA! This describes/pol/ perfectly

Attached: hipster_by_hipster_art-d4i0uf1.jpg (750x750, 299K)

Holy shit, that bomb dropped near home boy. Accurate

the word flake has been ruined by jeff

Let other races and genders carry all the burden and do all the work and let us broflakes complain all the time they arent doing enough while enjoying all the benefits in whatever way we want.

I’ll wait for them to ageee to that swap...

Why are niggers my responsibility?


White mans burden

Hey everyone, shareblue came up with a new phrase and their employee is here to disseminate it.
>be sure to tell them how offended we are so that they can all jack off on themselves back at the office.
Your forced cleverness is sad. Can you ever just say anything without having to self congratulate yourselves?

this is sad af

>Usually denies or ignores reality and the very real struggles of other genders, races, sexual identities, etc.
Even if those struggles were real I would like to ignore them but I can't because they want my tax money to go into welfare and health care for people who wouldn't have been able to accomplish 1% of white man's legacy. If we're so bad, shlomo, why don't we see you self-deporting?