Do women even like music?

Do women even like music?

A trend I've consistently noticed among women is that they only like music based on how cute the person singing it is. I've never met a single woman in my age group (18-25) into a genre of music not known for cute guys.

Another thing I've noticed is when they talk about music, they only talk about the artist rather than his music.

Like, it's never "I love the music/that song was good" it's "Oh my god he's so amazing!".

I meet women into metal, pop music, indie bullshit, etc. Every single one of them only like the music for bullshit superficial reasons. There's a copypasta floating around out there talking about how music's just a fashion accessory for women. That's how I feel.

Thoughts, Jow Forums?

Pic unrelated.

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You're a fucking idiot. Go to Jow Forums.


Its kind of hard to imagine so much autism packed into a singular human body. You're a moron.

On the subject of music, how do I find a metalhead gf that isn't crazy?

Metalheads are typically an odd bunch. "Crazy" is a broad term so just anticipate that any metalhead girl you fuck with is bound to be at least a tad eccentric. I used to tour in a semi-popular death metal band for many a year and metal chicks are really hit and miss. Some are really cool and others are just wearing the costume as an excuse to be unhinged. I don't smoke so the cigarettes really bugged me. Just go to metal shows, dude.

> are there smart women in this world, who like stuff and think and shit?
Yes, there are. You haven't met them because they are avoiding your retarded incel ass

All metalheads are crazy. If you consider yourself one there is probably something wrong with you too.

I'm kinda in a catch-22. I don't have any metalhead friends to go to shows with and I can't make any metalhead friends because I don't go to shows.
Really I just want someone who isn't a control freak with severe depression and daddy issues.

I don't doubt it, but I try to control it.

Questions like those are on the same level of questions whether women fart.

Metal is most popular amog people with people who are trying to coope with this things. But you could find girl who controls it. I bet metalhead girls complain they can't find metalhead guy who's not closet misandrist with anger issues. But there you are (?)

OP is right about everything and it has nothing to do with r9k.

Found the white knight.

I'm in the local scene and there's tons of girls who know their shit.

Care to even explain why or are you just as autistic?

Found the incel

Hello OP. Try to not be obvious faggot next time.

this board is baited so easily

>women think differently than me and I don't like it

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Master of fucking comedy

Do men even like music?

A trend I've consistently noticed among men is that they only like music based on how cute the person singing it is. I've never met a single man in my age group (18-25) into a genre of music not known for cute girls.

Another thing I've noticed is when they talk about music, they only talk about the artist rather than her music.

Like, it's never "I love the music/that song was good" it's "Oh my god she's so hot!".

I meet men into metal, pop music, indie bullshit, etc. Every single one of them only like the music for bullshit superficial reasons. There's a copypasta floating around out there talking about how music's just a fashion accessory for men. That's how I feel.

Thoughts, Jow Forums?

Pic unrelated.

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>I've never met a single woman that X
You think you're saying something about women but you're actually saying something about yourself.

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Femanon here. This is totally true, I only listen to Death Grops because MC Ride is so fucking hot.

Femanon here
Thom Yorke is an uggo but Radiohead is pretty cool yo
Also David Bowie.


The problem with this is that majority of men are listening to music they dont even know names of its author, least how the group looks like.

The closeat you can get are korean men watching kpop bands, but that is happening only because they have effectively banned porn so they use the "music videos" as substitute.

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Femanon here. Reply to my post please, it arouses me.


Majority of men only listen to FRESH MUSIC 2018 SUMMER CLUB MIX HOT GIRLS IBIZA TOP HITS BEST REMIXES | by DJ gayfaggot

That proves that they dont have any taste and simply turn on radio and the corps chose for them what they will listen.

But my point stand still: men are listening for the music, not for the body / popularity of the music author.

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Here is your problem, you don't notice there are people of both genders that treat music very shallowly thus shaping todays mainstream scene.
Not to mention i keep seeing various threads about Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande focusing on how hot or not they are and don't see how this is any better. I don't know if it is because you have some biased opinion on women from Jow Forums and choose to see only certain behaviours or you really somehow surround yourself only with males with highly sophiticated tastes and clubbing normie stacies. Guess which option seems more plausible.

This. If OP tries to undermine that, he confirms himself as a troll. Noone is that dumb irl


I enjoy EDM, trance, electro-swing, and future funk. I don't even know what the majority of the artists I like even look like. Sounds like you spend too much time with normie women.
I don't know a single woman that likes metal that isn't actually normie as fuck, even if it's the "damaged goods" kind of normie.
>Really I just want someone who isn't a control freak with severe depression and daddy issues.
That's exactly the type of thot that listens to metal though. I don't think you actually want a metalhead gf, you would have better luck introducing a regular gf with none of the issues you listed into metal and hoping she either likes it or tolerates it enough to make you happy.

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>Implying he's not depressive control freak with daddy issues himself

> I enjoy EDM, trance, electro-swing, and future funk. I don't even know what the majority of the artists I like even look like. Sounds like you spend too much time with normie women.
recc me some dank trance m'lady

I know this is probably a troll but I listen to all sorts of music that I don't even know what the artists looks like or their real names. Or they're just dudes I'm not attracted to. What music do you listen to by the way?


I'm a female metal-head. Me and a group girlfriends go to Wacken most years or similar festivals I can say that it's not a common genre for girls to be into though. Non of us is crazy as far as I know, pretty normal in every day life.

I'm retarded, I meant chillwave.
enjoy *tips*

Are you in middle school?

Kpop is better than porn.