Well? The problem is not immigrants. It’s Whites

Well? The problem is not immigrants. It’s Whites.

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shut up fag, you cherrypicked a bunch of schizo yids anyway

james holmes dindu nuffin

It'll keep you out of a country filled with dangerous whites

74% of domestic terrorist attacks are conducted by right-wing groups.

>Well? The problem is not immigrants. It’s Kikes.

t. Incel

Then build a wall to protect Mexico.

Reminder you do not need guns to do a lot of damage. Toss gasoline onto the target and light them on fire with a cigarette lighter.

the austin bomber case was swept under the rug quickly because it proved that domestic terrorism can absolutely be committed without a firearm.

>you cherrypicked

This thread again?

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Like you fucking faggots don't cherrypick literally everything. KYS.

Cruz is Cuban but he was actually set up.

But learn ratios. Muslims are less than %.05 of the population but make 99.9% of actual terrorist attacks.

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well, faggot, when you put the wall between whites and non whites everybody will be protected, are you fucking dumb?

>any opinion that isn't mine belongs to an incel

We need more psychiatric hospitals, and feminism needs to be quelled to the extent that lesser-men aren't completely excluded from the sexual-market by way of hypergamy.

Why are we completely forgetting all the niggers and spics who shoot and murder every single day? Chicago? Detroit? Oakland?

We have eyes.

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You mean like the walls keeping those still alive in that picture from escaping and killing again?

Classic incel post

Literally only 2 are not jews

>President of Mexico gets executed 10 times

>It's a white problem

I'm seeing Jews and Mongreloids in that image?

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can I see your sources and how is attack described?

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>thousands of niggers die at the hands of other niggers in the inner cities every year
>it's all whytie's fault!

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Lmao who did this


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All but Paddock are Jews in this picture. We have a Jewish problem.

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>false flags is the white males fault.

I be muttin'

Lmao who's daughter is this

What about white immigrants?

>Islam = right wing

Trump just cherrypicked the other day and you guys did nothing except show support.

And those weren't even mass murders.

You guys are beyond hypocrites.

Oh, so you want to talk about nigger violence?


why cant lefties just admit that walls massively help against illegal intruders? why do they have to pull in irrelevant shit?

>whites shoot up places so stopping additional terrorists who come just to bomb your civilians is pointless

The problem is immigrants being lionized and white people being told they're trash.

How did he cherry pick? Please point out the successful illegals too.

No m8. It's Psychopaths groomed and brainwashed by kikes.

I want to talk about the glaring hypocrisy from the wall supporters. They cherrypick some crime from people who crossed the border illegally, but when you point out all the crime from people born in the US, then suddenly you get called out for cherrypicking. Nigger, what?

Pretty much

>Break law by crossing border illegally
>Break law by illegally residing in the country
100% illegal. 200% crime rate.

>They cherrypick some crime from people who crossed the border illegally
What exactly is cherrypicked? Can you even explain that part and show examples and why it's cherrypicked?
>but when you point out all the crime from people born in the US, then suddenly you get called out for cherrypicking. Nigger, what?
When you point out all the crime in the US we point out that it's mainly niggers. The problem here is that illegals committing in our crime is preventable by stopping those fuckers from being here.

Clearly the issue is not just that they come here illegally, it's that they commit other crimes like murder. It turns out Americans actually commit crimes at a higher rate than illegal immigrants. that is a well established fact.

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It’s illogical to accept additional criminals on the basis that criminals already exist here

The problem is the government gang stalking people.

Letting illegals in equals more crime we didn’t need to have. Also 100% of illegals are criminals by definition.

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>Low crime committed undocumented immigrants
You're actually proving other nons statement by giving them statistics on undoc. Criminal activity (as charted).

>Clearly the issue is not just that they come here illegally
Negative. Everything else you've posted is irrelevant.

Eliminate speed limits.
They don't prevent choking.

Illegals underreport to protect themselves & their families from deportation

So? Protect wannabee immigrants by keeping them out.

Cringed and saged.

Dylann is the only white person on that list.

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Crimes like murder are cherrypicked. Trump listed some murders from illegal immigrants in his last speech to try to justify the border wall. It's cherrypicked because those few crimes don't in any way justify a border wall, especially when more crime happens at a greater rate from Americans.

And guess what, black people are americans too. If you don't like the fact that blacks are committing more crime, and skewing crime stats that make the rest of the country look bad then try voting democrat so we as a country can focus on important things like beefing up our education system so blacks stay in school and off the streets.

>Which isn't a crime that is gonna kill someone, invoke the property of others, or fucking minors and animals

>Admitting no one likes the black statistics on crime under a authoritarian military posse bureaucracy
>Vote democrat so we can give you more Authority to push further hardships on the peasants. Also to keep your kids in school

It's really not just that they are illegals. If these were white people coming in illegally you wouldn't give a fuck, so it's largely because of their race. The other part is the crime like murder and drug trafficking, and most of that is misinformation, most likely just to justify your racism.

So don't try to pretend that it's not about their race instead of the fact they come here illegally.

We tried to cross the Mexican border before (and for shot or rounded up like everyone else that tried)

Amen brotha you show dem right wingers

>Projection: the post

>Over half of them Jews
Slide JDIF thread

The wall will protect innocent brown babies from getting murdered by FUCKING WHITE MALES by preventing their parents from bringing them to The United States of Oppression.

Yet Americans commit crimes at a higher rate than illegal immigrants.

>Less illegals means less crime

MS-13 has committed 6 homicides in the past 2 years in my county.

>Aaron Alexis
That one was induced by the government full stop. The poor bastard tried to get help but the state failed him.

the wall is a deterrent
you dont see americans on vacation in mexico killing natives yet they can kill come to america and murder americans with relative impunity

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>Not including Omar "Spray Away the Gay" Mateen
absolutely haram

classic incel post

He was a victim of the deep state.

Cruz was Hungarian-Jewish, he was adopted by a Cuban and took his last name.

>Americans commit crimes at a higher rate than illegals
Blacks commit more crime than illegals commit more crimes than native born whites. Replacing native born whites with Hispanics will eventually result in an increased violent crime rate.

>InB4 his adoptive father set him up for the reckoning

My future father in law's.

I want to get some of these. They'd make for great gifts around the holidays.

Where are Eliot and Cho?

Blacks do all the mass shootings in the US. This is just anti-factual propaganda.

You cannot refute this.

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If you actually cared about crime then you'd do more to improve education in our country. This whole wall thing is just about keeping ourselves separate from mexicans. Face it, you're afraid of making the country more diverse. You just want white people. It's why you guys get so upset when you see a black guy with a white girl. I see the threads on here all the time. You post photos of their brown kids and mock them.

This. If whitey is too scary, put yourself on the other side of the wall.

company got shoahed

No much you can do about Americans killing ourselves...but we don't have to let foreign killers in :D

That chart is wrong. 100% of illegal aliens are criminals because they're breaking immigration law.

These people are a result of our diseased, pozzed society, also you are more likely to get killed by another nigger as a Black than you are from a batshit insane white dude

I agree. With such savage, dangerous whites lurking behind every corner, the only sane choice would be to leave the country. Leave all our countries, and let us suffer here among ourselves. You need to think about your safety and keep far, far away.

hear tell it goes in all fields

Gang violence is caused by whitey's mistreatment of black people and therefore aren't real mass shootings

I wonder what it's like being stuck this far up your own ass. You literally lack basic self awareness.

Are you even conscious right now? Or are you all Impulse and reaction at this point?

Do wh*Tes really do this

>The problem is not immigrants. It’s Whites.
I agree OP. We should move to Mexico. It will be our cultural utopia where we can freely express ourselves.

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I take your lack of being able to provide evidence as conceding defeat.

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