Breastfeeding in public?

I get a lot of impassioned views about it on all sides from women... but really haven'y heard much from men about it. So, my question is how do men feel about women who breastfeed their children in front of them?

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I feel awkward but intellectually rationalize it pretty fast in my head. Babby's lunch is more important than my discomfort.

I dont really think it has any negative effects. But a line must be drawn.

If you support this, you should not have any problem with people running naked in the streets.

Don't care most of us think about it like this .
But it does beg the question where we draw the line especially now with free bleeding being a thing

this, there's nothing really wrong with running down the street naked but its a bit weird innit?

I personally think that would be hilarious. But the obvious counter would be, if men can run around without a shirt, shouldn't women be allowed to feed them babies in public?

See, but that's what I hear women say all the time. Yeah it's more important, but it's not like a woman can't go somewhere more private.

What is it that people have the hangups on about it?

...When has free bleeding been a thing?? Dear God, think of AIDS???

Its rising in popularity and sadly uses the same arguments as public breastfeeding

Male breasts are not sexualized.

free bleeding is not a thing. That user probably hasn't gone outside for a while since 2016

There are ways to be modest about it, as opposed to having a tit hanging out in full view. I think that should be the expectation - society allows it as long as it's not done stupidly.

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Breastfeeding is extremely good for kids (read: raises their iq by several points good) so I don't have any problem with it.
Plus if I'm wearing sunglasses I get to see a titty.

I think thats perfectly acceptable. It'll still be a little awkward, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

Goddamnit those are people you have my permission to beat.

There might be somewhere more public and babies aren't going to wait until it's more convenient for mom to feed them
>why don't they just cover up their tits when they're breastfeeding then?
While I used to agree, next time you're eating, cover your entire head, and you'll see it's an uncomfortable experience. Plus some babies will fuss because they can't see mom

Aren't they, though? A good male chest is something everyone can appreciate sexually. Think of every hyper-masculine use of them anywhere. What's the goal? To be sexy, maybe?

goddamn i love you user that made me laugh

So moving a step further, why do people get their panties in a twist about it?

There are other clothing things you can get that allows line of sight from baby to mum

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> A good male chest is something everyone can >appreciate sexually
Not by me, I'm not gay enough.

It's not a gay thing, it's more of a "I wish I had that so I could get the wimmins" evolution type thing.

I don't know about other countries, but at least in the US, people get offended by sex or associate women's breasts solely as a sexual thing. But seeing those tits blown off in an action movie is ok and hilarious.
At the same time, women feel pressured to breastfeed (thanks to "Breast is best" campaigns) or they're seen as terrible moms if they have to use formula. For some reason breastfeed vs formula fed arguments will make moms angry, usually because they want to one-up each other on who is better

Americans are prudish about nudity. As far as I can tell, that's really it. I think that's also why most of the people you see complaining about women who breastfeeding in public are other women. They're trying to remind them of the "rules" for how other women are supposed to be behave in public.

Because in our postmodern world, where we intend to disregard rules that have been dominating society for centuries, people don't know what will happen.

There must be some reason why exposure of the genitals is taboo, it's why covering them is so prevalent. Maybe because people would constantly be horny then?

For me it's more like you feel guilty if you have to feed your baby formula for whatever reason, and you're fighting against holier than thou moms who can't get past that.

I think it might have to do with making men want to breed, and women being in a vulnerable position while breastfeeding visibly. Or at least, that's the idea.

Probably both, a lot of moms feel guilt over everything. Nurses will especially push breastfeeding during labor and after delivery. They'll do everything they can to make you breastfeed before suggesting formula.

But there are practical reasons to allow breastfeeding, like the hassle involved in going somewhere private. Putting on pants isn't the same sort of hassle, it's something everyone deals with every day of their life. Breastfeeding is something that a fraction of women deal with for a few months during the most stressful time of their life, it's a lot kinder to just let them whip it out when they need to.
There's also practical implications of allowing indecent exposure, since nudism isn't a wide cultural practice. So when someone's walking around nude, it signals that something's not right, (eg perversion, victimisation, embarrassing sitcom scenarios). Even if we allowed indecent exposure, not enough people would be interested in taking advantage of it due to the cultural hangups. So instead of freeing the masses to sway in the breeze, it'd really just allow iffy situations to hide in plain sight, as well as cause unnecessary discomfort to observers of innocent freeballing due to their lingering association with public nudity meaning something's wrong.
Breastfeeding has none of these associations, it's just something that some people aren't used to seeing. Forbidding it is more like forbidding homosexual PDA or something, which is an equally absurd infringement on someone's daily life for no good reason.

>At the same time, women feel pressured to breastfeed (thanks to "Breast is best" campaigns)
That's actually a pushback against the past, when formula was held up as much better and women were made to feel like their natural milk was inferior and disgusting, and like they were bad mothers for using what comes for free instead of buying their baby 'the best'. This is also likely where the cultural disgust for public breastfeeding came from.

>when formula was held up as much better
Is that the same as the campaign Nestle ran to try to get moms in South America to buy more formula? By the time they ran out of formula and couldn't afford more, their milk had dried up, so they were fucked
I remember reading about that recently.

But the pushback, as you call it, is a real problem as well. I couldn't breastfeed for the first few weeks because I was too weak and in pain from my c-section, but the nurses were so rude about me even suggesting that it hurt too much and my girl wouldn't latch. It was a nightmare.

Nestle also was under fire for using straight up slave labor. But let's not turn this into a formula vs/ breastfeeding thing, guys. The issue is whether or not men have an opinion on breastfeeding.

I don't really care if someone feels the need to breastfeed in public, aside from wanting to respect their privacy. I think breastfeeding is a positive thing and don't find it sexually stimulating.

I'm not really sure what I think of extended nursing (like over three years old) and if that's more about the mother than the child, but aside from it being unusual, I don't care much about that either.

After I had major surgery when I was younger I was pushed hard by the nurses to quit my whining, get up and walk. Despite how much my whole fucking body hurt.

In part they do this because insurance will only pay for so much time in a hospital bed so they can't afford the time to indulge a patient. That doesn't make it any less important to try to do what they're telling you to do. It's basically "yeah, we know it hurts, but you need to do this so suck it up and do it".

If you won't do what they ask you to do when they're being polite, they'll be assholes about it. And that's simply because a lot of people will respond and do what they need to do when someone's being an asshole to them. Sucks to be on the receiving end of that, but don't take it personally. Their intent was to help you do what they believed was best for you and your child, and they needed to get you functional and out of there.

i dont care if women do it, its just annoying when they do it in stupid places and act like theyre doing something revolutionary

get a small towel or something with you, plug the baby unto your boob and start uploading your keks, cover the rest of your boob with the towel without suffocating baby

I like this is the only post that matters.

>not miring another dude's pecs
>not fantasizing about using his rock hard abs as a washboard
>not fantasizing about unzipping his jeans, revealing his massi
Wait a minute, what was the point I was trying to make? N-no homo

I could give a fuck desu. Only thing in that realm that Im strongly against is free the nipple, mainly because female breasts have a dual evolutionary purpose of alluring men.

as long as they're tasteful about it
i'd prefer it if they could go somewhere more out of the way as it were
i'd be pretty uncomfortable if they just flopped their tits out and made a big song and dance about it

>how do you feel about blowjobs in public

As a man who really really likes boobs, I feel completely neutral about it. It's just a parent making sure their offspring is looked after, ain't nothing wrong with it and I think it should be encouraged desu

I'm more afraid of weirding out a breastfeeding mom than I am afraid of being weirded out by one.

There's only one thing I hate about it - the many women who do it purely to provoke. They whip it out as publicly as they can and practically say "lol look at me I'm breastfeeding doesn't that make you uncomfortable lol please say something to me so I can blow up in self righteous anger at you". Yes these women exist before you ask. The kind who make it as blatant as possible. Aside from them I don't really care.

Man if I told you how a naked male upper body effects my lower area..... you wouldn't say that....