Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

>What would the system be like?
A proper federation, not unlike current B&H. Every state will have a head that will represent the state, but there will be an elected head of the "Yugoslav" state to ceremonially represent the union internationally. Each state should have its own national guard for defense rather than one federative army, but the economies should be so intertwined that war would be impossible with each other (kind of like the EU with France and Germany and whatnot). Speaking of which, Slovenia and Croatia would not be allowed in the EU and NATO (policy of international neutrality should be pursued).

Islam should be outlawed for obvious historical reasons, but Catholics and Orthodox Christians should be allowed to practice without any disruption (there were restrictions in some communist countries on how they could follow their faith, not sure if it applied to Yugo at the time). Though the culture would be very similar between most Yugoslavs, there shouldn't be cultural tampering trying to Serbianize everything.

Borders would be strict for immigration, though tourism would be permitted for the free coastline bucks $$$. Economy should be focused on staying as self sufficient as possible for the upcoming race war (investments in manufacturing, construction as well as in the service sector).

just a bit of my autistic 2 cents. could have fucked up some historical parts, but the rest should hold up.

>also what would you do with kosovo?

Attached: flag_yugoslavia___state__alternate_history__by_yamalama1986-d89xfsp.png (1000x500, 25K)

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let the balkanoid shitflinging session begin

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plz no ;-;


fuck serbians and croats

include bulgaria then we can talk

As long as Kosovo is restored to the Serbs and you don’t let the Croats ruin everything, it sounds breddy good.

jedi govna op

Zakaj si takav frende? ;-;

Sounds good.

LOL, ok, this time you'll leave without vojvodina and raška

Attached: apu26.png (1354x889, 61K)