Wife material

I need this in my life

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She's heathen filth. The presidency must never be occupied by an apostate or we risk heaven's wrath on our nation.

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Please leave physical appearance out of it. Women in politics have enough barriers as it is. Focus on her amazing platform:

1 - Pro-Israel
2 - Pro Gun Control
3 - Pro Immigration

>The United States’ relationship with Israel, she said, “must rise above the political fray, as America continues to stand with Israel as her strongest ally.”

>Tulsi has an F rating from the NRA, a 0% rating from the Hawaii Rifle Association, and a 100% rating by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

What if God is one of us

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I'd do anything to have a movie night with her. Maybe the Notebook? Afterwards, if she felt comfortable, we could fall asleep spooning. In the early morn' I'd bring her breakfast in bed:

>Chole Bhature
>And the freshest fruits

But I'll prbly just end up fapping to her pics.

I would also vote for Trump based on his looks. I just like beauty

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