What would Mr. Rogers have to say about your racist and violent views? You should be ashamed of yourself

What would Mr. Rogers have to say about your racist and violent views? You should be ashamed of yourself

Attached: MV5BMjAxOTk4MjUyOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTI5MDQyOA@@._V1_UY317_CR8,0,214,317_AL_.jpg (214x317, 16K)

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“Do you know any niggers? I do, they have infiltrated my neighborhood. That’s why I go to the land of make believe!”

If Mr. Rogers was living in these times he'd be openly hailing Hitler and naming the Jew.

Mr. Rogers would be Punished Rogers by now.

What would Mr Rogers have to say about Jews subverting cultures and destroying morality with their hivemind views

Mr Rogers would be Ms. Rodriguez, a half African, half Guatemalan genderfluid otherkin who teaches all the children about how transsexuals should be worshipped and white men are the devil.

Attached: mr rogers.png (810x450, 925K)

and dilation

based OP

I met Fred Rogers in an IGA back in the early 90's He wouldn't stop saying nigger. He didn't give a fuck.

>What would Mr. Rogers have to say about your racist and violent views?

Attached: reeeeeeeeeeeee.png (1421x812, 722K)

>Now user do you have any Jews in your neighborhood? Me neither! I always leave the stove running.

What would he say if his neighborhood wasn't so neighborly anymore and the day wasn't quite as beautiful as it had once been?

They would never put Mr. Rogers on TV today and nobody ever would have heard of him, why is everyone in Canada retarded? We used to get cool people like John Candy and Wayne Gretzky from Canada, now it's just a non-stop barrage of fags and cunts.

I feel like he'd mostly preach the same views of acceptance and finding that special something inside yourself, but his message would remain unwaveringly wholesome. No weird leftist/jewish fetishes would infect his show beyond the humble displays of diversity it already had.

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>They would never put Mr. Rogers on TV today
Why not? He was very popular back in the day.

King Friday will have you drawn and quartered.

Attached: kingfriday_mrrogers.jpg (481x362, 27K)

He kinda looks like a Jew...

Per the Facebook feed of a Full-Commie/SJW chick I know IRL, Fred Rogers is the textbook symbol of "non-toxic" masculinity...whatever that means.

>They would never put Mr. Rogers on TV today
A spin-off of the show runs today and is the same basic show, only it's animated.

Attached: daniel-tigers-neighborhood.jpg (288x288, 109K)

30 years ago Roseanne was lauded by the left as a brilliant, subversive, working class hero. She was a Stronk Woman and they loved how she depicted middle America as crude, flawed, degenerate, foul mouthed, and best of all the household was a matriarchy. The right hated her, conservatives went nuts boycotting her show. She hasn’t changed one iota since she burst onto the scene and now “right wingers” love her and the left vilifies her. The culture is changed rapidly, if Mr. Rogers was indtruduced today he would be problematic, a bastion of white, patriarchal oppression and an upholder of white privilege.

I don't like him.

The govt hasn't changed one bit we are just further along with the Kalergi plan. But with Dews and 5g they are going to ramp up deaths real soon.

Mr Rodgers would probably say, "You know son, you're right. These filthy negroid sub-human apes have absolutely no sense of kindness, decency, modesty, innocence, or even the self awareness as to recognize they are entirely vain and materialistic glorified stupid fat disease ridden race of animals that should go back to AIDSfrica. I completely understand you and will dedicate future airtime to subtly brainwashing future generations of white children into defending their birthrights. Fucking niggers!"


>He beat the woman unconscious with a puppet.


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Fred Rogers had the second largest Nazi memorabilia collection in history.

The more you know..
