How did you get rid of acne?

how did you get rid of acne?

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went to gp and got prescribed with duac. I used it every evening and my acne totally cleared up in a month. I only get the occasional spot now, although that's probably due to my diet. It totally dries your skin out though, which was good for me as I have really oily skin.

>Nofap (essential for fighting acne)
>gentle face wash
>witch hazel as toner when face is oily
>drink lots of water, never drink soda
>Limit sugar and dairy

get isotretonoin, it might fuck you up cuz side effects and first month will be the worst but fuck it I don't have acne anymore

Your diet is probably bad
Part of it may be bad luck or genetics but improved diet will help

Don't eat processed food.
Drink at least 1.5 L of water a day (tea or coffee is acceptable too)
Wash face with water in morning and evening
Change pillowcase twice a week

Go to your doctor and enquire about antibiotic therapy. If this doesn't work then try Isotretinoin. I went on it recently and the side effects are crazy to the point where it takes a lot of effort to keep going with it. If you power through the course of the treatment then you should have very little or no acne left at all. I have no acne at all now, just a bit of scarring. It's used as a last resort treatment here in the UK.

>Good hygiene w/ specialized products and a good moisturizing lotion (should feel thin and light, not heavy and oily)
>Stop eating sugary, greasy, and fried foods and dairy. Red meat and chocolate are also acne triggers, avoid caffeine altogether. Eat chicken, fish, veggies, and nuts instead if you don't have allergies to thise foods.
>Frequently change your pillow sheets, keep them regularly washed
>Drink plenty of water

It isn't fun to do these things but if you're serious about skincare you'll put in the effort. Even taking small steps will help if you can't do it all.

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I second using an alcohol-free toner after washing your face, witch hazel works pretty well.

>Your diet is probably bad
this. i started fasting and my skin cleared up within a few days, then proceeded with an elimination diet. That way i learned i should go much lower on carbs and avoid dairy, from which the latter makes me tear up right now

Nofap and steroids.

I became an adult and it stopped. I wonder what that says about you, high schooler.

I think nofap is what finally cured mine (excessive fapping can deplete vital nutrients like zinc). Along with making sure to exfoliate all the dead dry skin off my face at least every two days, I don't even use any products I just use my fingers and literally rub off the dead skin (I think I have some kind of dermatitis tho, not sure if others have as much dead skin as I do).I've been taking cold showers too, hot water can damage/dry out your skin and cold showers have many other benefits too. Taking all the essential vitamins daily too (A, B complex, C, Calcium, D3, E, Magnesium, Zinc )

stopped washing my face with soap
stopped eating and drinking things with sucralose and aspartame

when i got into my 20s it disappeared and i changed nothing about my lifestyle

in extreme cases ask your doctor for bacterial killing face wash

>excessive fapping can deplete vital nutrients like zinc
God people are so stupid. Take a fucking vitamin. You get way more zinc than you could ever ejaculate out in one.

Using Babor products religiously, scrub every three to four days. Wear SPF50 same day and day after scrubs. Drink plenty of water all the time (at least 2liters each day). Change sheets at least every 14 days. Also made a huge diet change cutting out fats earlier this year and that has improved my skin further. Also get hormone levels checked and take a multivitamin.

If none of this works, antibiotics. My BF had horrible cystic acne and he got rid of it with antibiotics especially for acne

Biggest things a lot of people don't realize:

>change your pillowcase every 48 hours
> don't touch your face at all! All day!

These 2 lesser known tips help a lot.

Also if you can get into the ocean or a saltwater pool often, it helps your facial skin.

I feel you. I'm on a low fat diet and the fact that I can't overeat on blue cheese-creme fraiche sauce over ravioli anymore makes me hurt

Salt scrub tho?

Accutane. It really fucking works. You just can't get pregnant or drink for 6 months.

there are people who jerk off multiple times per day and those types of people most likely are not taking any sort of vitamins, so eventually there's got to be some loss of nutrients after a while of doing that constantly with no time in between to recharge

The most basic of basic skincare routines to clear anything up:

Do in order once every morning:
>wash face
>toner (rose water, milk, or aloe based best)
>snail mucin essence (benton is nice, and not expensive)
>moisturizer (an unscented one like cerave is best for guys)

Also do:
>fresh pillow case every 1 - 5 weeks
>don't touch your face period
>DON'T PICK AT ACNE, do the ^routine every day and it'll go away on its own
>try not to shower super hot. hot water bad for acne
>more olive oil, less vegetable oil and grease
>more water, less soda/beer
>hard liquor ok

You're welcome.

Shower daily
Aloe vera gel after shower
Toothpaste on cystic acne overnight

As somebody who was on accutane almost 10 years ago to this point, I would HIGHLY advise against it.

At least, i would take it but with certain precautions. First being do not wear contacts, or at least wear them in a very limited fashion. One thing they don't tell you, or at least my general physician who just regurgitated the normal side effects message, is that it incredibly dries your eyes out as well along with the rest of the skin on your face. So while you might get the message about not being in the sun too long, don't get anybody pregnant, apply sunscreen to your skin and vaseline to your lips, it can totally fuck your eyes up like it did mine.

I currently have switched contact brands at least 7 times since then, tried all types of tricks to get my eyes to tolerate wearing contacts. None of them work. I can feel the contact on my eye at any given time, i look like im scowling with any kind of prolonged wear outside of some kind of social gathering/the gym because my eyes are so dried out they're on the edge of tearing up. Veins will be prominently visible across the eye, etc. It also dried out and thinned the skin beneath my eyes to the point I have very dark and big circles around my eyes that make me look like perpetually tired/recovering from a dark eye.

This never went away. It can also allegedly molt the bone plates and prevent any additional further growth you would have normally experienced if you're a teen taking it, and might have a host of mental side effects. It's a very powerful drug and I regret ever taking it and not just making my dietary and hygiene habits strict.

I didn't
I just got older and it went away naturally
My biggest therapy when I did have it was to wrap a different clean towel around my pillow every night. You wouldn't believe how nasty your pillow case/sheets get after even a week of sleeping on it

check your dermo, see if it ain't something worse than normal acne

No soda, no fast food, go outside alot