Say it with me, Prime Minister Singh

I love my Country

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sikhs are bro tier my nigga

Jackmeat is a total cuck though

Shitskins are shitskins

>I love my Country
Good news. You will die for your country.

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He has an approval rating of like 15% he'll never win.
Although I am super excited for all the "WE ARE RACIST" articles once he loses.

So have Can cucks accepted that Trudeau is a failure?

This, I have no problems with Sikhs but Singh is a complete cuck, like Trudeau tier cuck almost.

You are delusional. Indians are horrible at leadership and also awful people to be around. Sikhs should stay in India to improve their country.

His party's poll numbers are about 15% and the NDP did awful last election with 19% of the vote. He would be lucky to keep the number of seats the NDP currently have in parliament. Tbh it might be better if he did win, perhaps his radical anti-white agenda would finally cause Canadians to wake up. But I suppose if Trudeau didn't then maybe nothing will.