"The Red Pill" is deep inside my mind and it's hard to get out. Should I even try to get it out? I read a lot of The Rational Male and TRP subrebbit over the past few years. I find myself looking at guys and constantly judging whether or not they get laid or have anyone. I'm obsessed with the concept of masculinity, even though I haven't changed all that much besides being more stoic and hiding my emotions because I fear looking "weak" and turning everyone off - not just women.
How much of that Red Pill stuff is actually true? Do you really have to build the perfect body, the perfect lifestyle, be confident non-stop and win some of the genetic lotto in order for women to ever take you seriously, respect you and see you as sex worthy? Is there room for error, if any? I just don't know.
get through puberty go back to redd.it cease posting
Jace Barnes
Thanks for the serious post but I'm actually 26 in a few weeks.
Adam Nguyen
The red pill isn’t the problem. You’re just a lazy cuck I found out about lookism 6 months ago. If you actually apply what they say you will get results. My acne cleared up, my face is brighter and lighter, I started working out a year ago and I have an “ok” body not insane. Did some basic facial and body posture adjustment. Recorded myself doing basic things around the house so I know what I look like. Basic clothing litterally just buy a bunch of blank color shirts hoodies crew necks and a few bomber jackets. You only need a few pants 3 jeans light,normal,black and some khakis. Buy a few shorts make sure they don’t look like shit. Fix your hair. Etc etc basic shit you should already be doing if anything TRP should make you narcissistic. If you feel like shit it’s on you. I’m not a “chad” I’ve only dated one girl in my life. Put in the effort and you will get the reward. You incels are so fucking delusional lol thinking women will just come to you
Zachary Fisher
>How much of that Red Pill stuff is actually true? A decent amount of it is true.
>Do you really have to build the perfect body, the perfect lifestyle, be confident non-stop and win some of the genetic lotto in order for women to ever take you seriously, respect you and see you as sex worthy?
No, all that matters is your sexual value compared to hers. Generally a guy that's funny with a good body will do better with women than a guy that ripped but as fun to talk to as a door. I say generally because some women only care about looks, and these kind are the ones you pump and dump. Very artificial and insecure people.
>Is there room for error, if any? I haven't been able to figure this one out either, and it causes me to be completely closed and stoic as you said.
Jaxon Campbell
>Do you really have to build the perfect body, the perfect lifestyle, be confident non-stop and win some of the genetic lotto in order for women to ever take you seriously, respect you and see you as sex worthy? I post this every few threads, but it’s true: I’m short, fat, and unemployed. But I have a law license. I have a skinny Asian gf. I’ve had other gfs. And I’m not a virgin. So if I’m any evidence, you certainly don’t need a perfect body or fabulous wealth.
John Martin
I get that being fun and interesting is important, but what do you do if you just get introverted and don't wanna talk to anyone? Do you have to force yourself to be funny and interesting all the time? Is this what women expect nowadays?
Cooper Hughes
>Do you have to force yourself to be funny and interesting all the time? No because that comes off as (surprise) forced. You learn to be naturally funny, retort occasionally, banter a little. If you’re way into the MBTI bullshit cult, you likely have heard about the idea of certain activities giving you energy while others are draining: introverts find social activity draining, extroverts find it energizing; while introverts find solitude energizing, and extroverts find it draining. Nonetheless, it’s part of life that you have to occasionally do the thing that takes energy. What happens as you get older is you learn how to mitigate the “drain”, kind of like how you build up muscle endurance from training.
Anyway that’s how MBTI nuts explain it. Me, I think you just need to practice being social and you’ll come to enjoy it more, and be more successful.
Hudson Davis
I think the fact that those who perpetuate Redpill are typically scared, withdrawn and insecure like you is proof enough that it isn't worth shit. I think so long as you continue to bombard yourself in shitty incel subreddits you won't improve anything. Think about it like this; Jim Jones convinced 900 people to kill themselves. 900 people killed themselves and their own children over some shit that a fat guy in aviators just made up while he was rambling drunk in the jungle. Humans are ready and willing to believe anything if you push them in the right direction and lead them to believe that they're in good company. Its not a coincidence that extremist/fringe groups are isolationists. Its not a coincidence that psychologically/emotionally compromised people who already suffer from some kind of depression/anxiety/mental illness are specifically drawn to Redpill ideology. Outside influence is the enemy of brainwashing. I think you need to leave the cult. I think you should actually make an effort to go out and personally observe their ideologies out and see for yourself that its all bullshit. This website and those subreddits you visit are the equivalent to Jonestown; a haven in the middle of the jungle where no outside influence is there to counteract the hive mentality. The deeper you go in the more your mind adjusts its reality to fit what it wants to believe. Toss your computer into a lake and never come back, OP.
Colton Scott
Makes sense, thanks. Though I have no idea what MBTI even means.
Still, if you're introverted, is that legitimately a turn off for people? Are women more likely to get bored or annoyed with you if you're not "on" all the time?
That does help as a response, though I wonder if you're being truthful about yourself. By that I mean, I wonder if you're being too hard on yourself. There must be something about you to make you likable.
Kayden Jones
Jeez, I was just reading up on Jonestown the other day. How about that shit?
Josiah Lewis
Your biggest error is in assuming that women are a group and are all attracted to one kind of guy. Each woman is a person with her own personality and compatibility. The more you obsess about The Red Pill, the further from reality you will go. Women have enough crazy, hyper-masculine guys with mood swings from their forced stoicism in their lives. Be a real person. Figure out who you are, develop confidence from that not from an ideal you're forcing, figure out the kind of person you want to hook up with, and go from there.
Jace Ortiz
This is a very fair point. But for the past several months I've been on a Red Pill "detox", I don't watch the videos, browse that subreddit or read any more "manosphere" blogs. However, when I look around me, I tend to see what I've already read online: women like men taller than them, women like athletic guys, women get hung up on dudes who are emotionally distant and seem to care about her much less than she cares about. Maybe not in every case, but it happens often enough that I get insecure, thinking that maybe the women who don't have the "alphas" aren't as happy as they could be and are more likely to cheat.
Colton Thomas
>By that I mean, I wonder if you're being too hard on yourself. There must be something about you to make you likable. Oh, subjectively, sure, there’s plenty to like. But if you look at me through an objective lens, which is how the whole redpill thing at least purports itself to work, I’m subhuman except for the fact that I have a law license. Sometimes people who I tell this latch onto that as being some high class sign of superiority. And, I’ll admit, being a professional sounds cool, and it does get you a leg up with women. But it doesn’t seal the deal. At best, it makes up the difference between short, fat me and tall, fit nonlaywers. And that’s at best. My point in the end honestly is that you don’t have to have some unobtainable trait just to get a girlfriend. Confidence is a big part of it, to be sure, but how you get there isn’t through shit you don’t have. If anything, focusing on what you can’t get, or can only get by changing yourself fundamentally, is going to destroy your confidence.
Samuel Richardson
>Still, if you're introverted, is that legitimately a turn off for people? Are women more likely to get bored or annoyed with you if you're not "on" all the time? Not really. You know women can be introverted too? If you follow the “energy” theory it stands to reason they’ll want time to themselves. That ought to suck for extroverts who are “on” all the time, right?
The funny thing is, as an introvert, I’ve tended to have more luck with extroverts. I think they like that I’m a good sounding board for ideas and theories. Like that I’ll just listen, think, and give a thoughtful response. And they don’t get that with extroverted men.
Joseph Mitchell
>or can only get by changing yourself fundamentally, is going to destroy your confidence What if the fundamental changes are necessary to get what you want? Do you resign yourself to being a dateless virgin?
Brayden Allen
Agreed. Don't force it because it's not you. Surely you have some sort of humor. Personally for me I'm sarcastic, but it's a very dry sarcasm so most people I meet can't ever tell if I'm serious or not without getting to know me more. Usually this causes most people to not be interested in me, which is fine, because I know that it's a good filter to find people I can get along with much better. There's no reason to be everyones friend or try to sleep with every woman you find attractive. I'm also an introvert, and I'm happy having a few meaningful friendships than having a bunch of people I call friends but can't count on. The people in my life also know how introverted I am so it's nothing personal if I turn them down or don't talk to them for a while. I think the core idea of redpill gets lost. I understand it to be the pursuit of a fruitful life through self-improvement. It seems that so many people get hung up on the women aspect of it, but I think the crux of it is that these men that get cheated on and divorced raped wouldn't be with the women they're with if they had a very fulfilling life. They wouldn't put up with the bullshit their wives/gfs throw at them, and they wouldn't lose the respect of their woman or be seen as easy to walk all over.
Blake Scott
If we’re just talking about a gf, wife, romantic success, etc., odds are you don’t need fundamental changes. If you’re talking about winning over a particular woman who has rejected you, then you would have better luck finding someone else.
Grayson Jenkins
You're seeing what you want to believe, OP. Yes, these women exist but you're living with blinders on. All you see are the women that embody the true essence of your insecurity and meanwhile, outside of the scope of your ideals there are millions upon millions of regular, average people in meaningful relationships. I'm sure you understand on some level that MOST people aren't athletic or tall or rich. Most people, user, are just like you; half-assing their way through this life just trying to eek out a living and find some kind of fulfillment in the process. You seem to think that all of these people have something you don't yet what you don't realize is that everybody, on some level, is insecure about something that they don't think they have. The women you're talking about a very specific kind of woman. You're completely missing the forest of the trees. You're focusing in on a specific population of people and nothing else. I understand this is difficult for you to grasp, especially as you have no point of reference to compare your experience to but I can promise you that outside the confines of Redpill test groups there people living their lives completely unaware and unphased by the patterns that you speak of.
Andrew Price
>All you see are the women that embody the true essence of your insecurity and meanwhile, outside of the scope of your ideals there are millions upon millions of regular, average people in meaningful relationships. I'm sure you understand on some level that MOST people aren't athletic or tall or rich. This is what fucked me up for YEARS. The funny part was when I reached my late 20s, I finally got my unicorn girl: Smart, graduate degree, sexually freaky in the ways I wanted, would have many kids, came from money and had a successful career, and above all loved me. She was a fucking wreck of a person. I realized how silly I’d been, chasing that all along. I found a much more normal girl later and have been happy as a clam since.
Samuel Gonzalez
Yeah, I can make people laugh among other things, I've even had women show interest, it's just that it never lasts, and I feel like something must be wrong with me for them to lose interest so quickly. Last woman I was seeing for weeks before she went ghost. Oh well.
I agree with substance over quanitity.
This is true
I wanted to think this was true hence why I made the thread. It definitely feels like I'm seeing things through a "red pill lens" which is supposed to be good for me, but it's not. The other user is right, it's just fucking me up because I have pre-existing anxiety and insecurity.
Jack Wilson
The red pill is a cozy lie enacted by cowards who refuse to improve and accept failure as that process.
Lucas Anderson
this. work on yourself and youll be better than at least 70% of men.
work out, eat right, stand up straight and you can push yourself to a 7-8/10 from a 5 or 6
Parker Evans
>I find myself looking at guys and constantly judging whether or not they get laid or have anyone.
that's not red pill to care about other guys.
most of TRP is just basic self improvement and things that are obvious to non-aspergers normies, like women desiring guys who take care of themselves, are confident, and show leadership qualities. also that the world is competitive and will try to chew you up and spit you out.
people are confusing black pill with red pill ITT. black pill is the one that basically you can't improve and you're born with your looks and you can't change your conditions. red pill is very improvement and goal oriented
Jacob Williams
>All Women Are Hypergamous Whores that only care about looks money and status
To many people that's the true red pill. I'm not saying it's right but that's how many of them view things. Whether or not you can improve doesnt matter if the whole outlook is that you have to be perfect before anyone likes you.
Mason Hughes
Your pre existing anxiety and insecurity is precisely what attracts you to this ideology, user. I can promise you that. The greatest, most deeply ingrained human fear is being unworthy of love; being alone. Your fear of this drives you. Your entire life; your habits, your mannerisms, your beliefs and anxieties revolve solely around you being terrified of not being worthy of love. Obviously, the only thing worse in your mind than not being worthy is finding that love then having it taken away from you. I think you're slowly coming to the realization that you can't let fear run your life; you can't live with blinders on and avoid the real issue. I think you and I both know the real issue isn't women. You and I both know that women aren't what triggered your anxiety. Women are merely a surrogate for that anxiety. Women and the role they play in your life merely represent everything you fear and everything you dislike about yourself. You look at a woman and look at her life and the only thing you can see is the things that you lack. This redpill lens has done more harm to you than good. You know this. Now that you know this I think its time to do something about it. I'm not promising that at the end of this road is a 10/10 blone, virgin supermodel. All I can say with a fair amount of confidence is that most of the population has the same exact fears you do. Most people, men and women, just want to be loved. The just want the same things you do and if you can manage to break down the barriers that has been preventing you from seeing that everyone else's innards are roughly the same as yours you might find someone you really connect with.
Jace Wright
Thanks for the long post user, really appreciate you taking the time for it.