I feel a bit unhappy with my boyfriend like he doesn't give me proper attention. I feel tempted to cheat on him, I don't have the courage to break up as of yet. What should I do?
So many thoughts
What do you mean by not proper attention?
Why are you feeling unhappy with your relationship, and why don't you feel he's giving you enough attention?
>tempted to cheat
>dont have courage to break up
ahahaha break up with him you fucking slut and go fuck a pack of feral niggers because that's all you're good for
You need to talk to him
your desire to cheat is some childish mindset
you dont get your way and you start looking for the next thing, he might be working on something important to him and you're not there to support him are you, its all about you and how much attention you get from your man
Do you understand what you're saying on here, you are acting like a child
How long have you been together?
Literal /a/swipes for taking this bait
We have been together for 3 years and I just feel like lately I am boring or annoying. I try to overlook it but it still affects me, there is a cute guy at work, I work as a receptionist and I feel extremely attracted to him and tempted to strike up something with him, I know I'd feel bad eventually but I just don't care as much
Okay, good. We've established that you're not my gf.
Now for the only advice you'll need.
Break up with him ASAP. Nothing good comes from cheating and you might even contribute to making him suicidal in the long run of he has strong feelings for you.
If you really don't want to be with him, you're just wasting both yours AND his time by staying.
On the other hand, if you whether or not you should stay with him, figure it out first and be sure in your decision. Make sure that your carnal desires aren't tricking you into thinking that you don't love him anymore.
I've been with my gf for 5 years now, and we've had our ups and downs, but no matter who I feel like fucking, I don't do it because I know I love her and that I shouldn't let my sexual drive screw up such a great thing.
You talk to him and be honest about what you are feeling
I can't tell him he will be so furious, he gets very upset.
>Break up with him ASAP. Nothing good comes from cheating and you might even contribute to making him suicidal in the long run of he has strong feelings for you.
True, only option is to break up
Shes beyond saving, she isn't loyal to anyone but herself and thinks because he is busy with something else its acceptable for her to go out and find another guy
shes not loyal and will continue living this way, best bet is to find a cuck bf who is cool with open relationships
If you filter out all the "slut" comments (way to be predictable, Jow Forums), you'll find that they have a valid point. Don't cheat, it won't make you feel better and it certainly won't make him give you the attention you feel you need. End it and move on.
Break up first
Get banged later.
I mean it's the least you could do for him.
I don't want to break up as of yet, I need to see how it goes, I won't cheat I haven't but I am tempted the other guy makes me feel so many emotions I get super excited and nervous around him I can barely breathe
>filter out x comments
Jow Forums isn't your safespace
Act like a slut and you'll get called one
You don't want to hurt him... is that why you don't wanna break up isn't it?
> the other guy makes me feel so many emotions I get super excited and nervous around him I can barely breathe
Lmao you already cheated if you're already talking to another guy
Typical whore already has a backup guy to run to in case the first guy isn't around anymore
I hope you get raped by a pack of dogs you miserable cunt
Uh huh. Thanks for proving the point.
What point? That anonymous posters on the internet aren't going to sugar coat bullshit to save some whore's feelings? Welcome to Jow Forums circa 2003
Stay away from that guy until you know where you are with your bf.
It's normal to feel like that when someone else gives you attention, especially if you find him attractive. However, that doesn't mean you would love him more than your current boyfriend.
Part of that feeling is also because you know you shouldn't do it, so your adrenaline starts pumping.
How old are you, if I may ask?
Well technically I'm not a slut I haven't done anything and I am not talking like that with the other guy. I'm too nervous. I can't tell my boyfriend he will be furious and won't understand me
I am 24 years old. I'm just very confused
>I feel tempted to cheat on him
>I don't have the courage to break up as of yet
how's it feel to be a spineless turd that cant handle being without someone?
OP, if you're serious then let's just talk about it like this.
Your boyfriend is focused on something else- his future, his xbox, who knows. You're focused on how you feel in this moment.
I've been cheated on more than once by people who just don't understand that people have goals. Frankly, he shouldn't be dating until he finds a big girl who can handle being on her own. If you guys have a date night once a week to make you feel special that would help. But you're getting off on the excitement of some guy who gets off on your excitement because it might get him laid.
Does he know you have a bf?
Cheat on him but don’t get caught
Yeah you're right, breaking up would surely go so much worse than cheating on him and then breaking up.
>i haven't done anything
You're entertaining the attention of another man because your boyfriend isn't giving you everything you want like a spoiled child. Don't play innocent, men can see through that bullshit.
>i cant tell him, he'll be mad!
Gee I can't imagine why
Don't automatically assume he won't understand you. He might even be experiencing the same issues.
Communication is number one in a relationship, you need to be able to talk about EVERYTHING. If he doesn't accept that you are having some confusing and natural thoughts that are essentially out of your control, and respect that you tell him about it, he's not worth it.
Why are you afraid of telling him? Is he violent?
Thank you to the few who are being nice and actually trying to help me. You're right I am being childish and I shouldn't be selfish. I will be more thoughtful and just avoid the other guy. I am too shy to even talk to him except the few times I have it has been strictly professional.
AND to all the mean comments I'm legit laughing you guys are silly and your words humor me, I can sense the rage of hurt guys lol
He isn't violent but he gets so mad and irrational and does not care about me expressing myself. I get shot down and ignored instead so I have to suppress it
All you virgins who are being so condemning, how about you just stfu.
Try giving her some actual advive for the sake of the bf, or she'll just shrug it all off, because people don't take kindly to negative criticism, especially not females.
>I can sense the rage of hurt guys lol
You'll really sense something from your bf when you hurt him.
>ablublu im the victim
This is why we're "mean" to you
Your guy probably isn't even aware that you're talking to another guy and all you can think about is how you are feeling. You shouldn't be in a relationship at all if you're going to be this selfish
Tell him what you're feeling. If he just keeps shooting you down, tell him that his actions are making you consider breaking up.
If he isn't violent you shouldn't be afraid of talking with him.
What's he like?
Does he work?
Is he a gamer?
Does he drink, smoke, smoke weed or worse?
Does he have any mental issues?
You guys are silly I'm in no way "talking" with that guy at all. It is just attraction from my part, I haven't flirted with him whatsoever I did state temptation though
>anyone who talks down to a woman is a virgin
Actually it's more likely to be the opposite. Men with more experience with thots tend to think less of them because of threads like this. If she's going to shrug it off and fuck some dude over for a quick lay then she's clearly a selfish bitch not worth being nice to.
Sometimes people have to be insulted and talked down to to get the point across
I can't tell him what I'm feeling it will only cause a huge arguement and nothing will be achieved. He doesn't do drugs or smoke or etc.
Yeah, most woman haters are usually men who've learned to hate women because of personal experience.
My father and his best friend grew to despise and distrust women after their first wives. It took decades for my dad to chill, but even in his final years he wrote poems about the pain and suffering he endured at the hands of those he loved and trusted.
Then dump him you bitch. If you're not going to talk it out then at least do the right thing and end things before you decide to cheat on him
>buhuu women where mean to me, so now I speak shit to them because I know best
I see where you're coming from, but you're a fucking retard if you believe you can get a point across to anyone, especially a woman, by talking shit to them.
Now I'm doing it to and I apologize, but please understand, that I'm giving this advice to her, in an attempt to spare her bf for some unnecesary hurt
Everyone I just broke up with him so no one is getting cheated on. We can stop the hate and everything.
>spare the boyfriend
She's not listening to advice anyway, even the "nice" advice. You think this dumb thot came here to genuinely listen to someone about what she needs to do? No she came here looking for validation or someone to tell her "yas queen go cheat on him". She's going to hurt the guy no matter what we say, might as well not feed her ego and call her a slut before the thread 404's
>Everyone I just broke up with him so no one is getting cheated on
I don't buy it considering how much you were dreading breaking up.
I really did & since I was disappointed yet again. I was just ready to end things. I can do what I please now
>stop the hate
You know where you're at right? I still hate your guts but at least you finally did the right thing and set your guy free so he can find someone who is probably a better person than you
>I can do what I please now
This is like giving a kid keys to the candy store but in the end he develops diabetes.
Except instead of diabetes she'll get pregnant or STD's
I'm sure this guy will look back later and thank god for allowing him to dodge this bullet
Oh... Good for you, how'd he take it?
Like nothing as usual. Didn't say anything, doesn't really care so why should I be with someone like that? Instead I will end things he can find the right person for himself and myself too. No one got cheated on. Just not much to say
If you can't communicate then you should break up with him
> I will end things
That's future tense while before you said you'd already broken up with him. Get your story straight troll.
I guess you were wrong there huh, you fucking idiot.
Clearly you can't fucking readshe hasnt dumped him yet.
Yes guys I did break up with him, I was just stating in general.
He didn't care? Congrats! You're free.
this is prolly bait, but either way stop being a pussy and break up with him.
don't be another incel statistic, every time you do thot stuff it makes those virginal losers more likely to shoot up your school
> technically I'm not a slut
Yeah, you're only thinking of cheating on him. Definitely not a slut by any definition.
You truly are a stupid cunt, hope he fucks your best friend in front of you while calling you a worthless cow.
Who do you think youre even talking to?
Nice bait.
In actuality, there’s nothing really wrong about cheating. It’s just the consequences of damage that you “may” have to face from the other person. That’s up to you to assess. There is nothing wrong with seeking out your personal desire. AND if your partner doesn’t get it, find someone else who will. My buddy told to me to lick my gfs ass, cause if I don’t, he will.