This is how the LGBT were normalized.
This is the most sickening thing
His parents are sick fucks
Do you find it Me either...guess its not normal huh
He looked like a little faggot back then too.
How the fuck is this not child sexualiation? I know he ain't naked, but just look at this shit? If this doesn't make you want to cleanse this country of these libshits, then nothing will, at least not until we're the NuSSR and you're in a fuckieng gulag.
>would someone please think of the children
you drumpfters are just jealous of her glamour at this young image, can you imagine in 10 years, she will be a full diva, and you will be a bald incel eating cheetos
stay mad cucks
It's obvious he's being raped by faggots.
DOTR soon.
I can't wait for all these faggot kids to die of aids.
>seething jealousy
i bet you were a godawful kid that nobody paid attention to, thats why you hate
thats some pedo shit brah
feel sorry for the kid