Honestly, i never saw a quality post

honestly, i never saw a quality post

Attached: download (1).png (212x159, 2K)

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Come again?

Attached: 6e421049e9cef8f9e48f29d1ce248b61--justin-trudeau-prime-minister.jpg (564x746, 38K)

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you think were gunna frickken take this !

Attached: mzywautq68a21.jpg (780x439, 50K)

I cum so much my balls are sore

I know a few Leafs personally.
They're nice enough people but god damn are they easily butthurt when you mock their little step brother of a nation.


It's the Quebecois. You don't understand, there's nothing more troll-y than a Frenchman who can hide his accent.
Give them their own flag and see that the leafs were really les fleurs

Attached: 1415178202320.jpg (259x188, 19K)

Quality post
Bottom text

Hurts so good though