>everyone and his nig has a phone with a camera
>suddenly UFO """"sightings""" go down to 0
How do UFO truthers cope? This is definitive proof all UFO sightings were fabricated and that there are no UFOs.
>everyone and his nig has a phone with a camera
>suddenly UFO """"sightings""" go down to 0
How do UFO truthers cope? This is definitive proof all UFO sightings were fabricated and that there are no UFOs.
Other urls found in this thread:
Retard logic.
If UFOs were real you'd expect sightings to go up as more people have cameras. The opposite happened.
> Implying a civilisation advanced enough to easily beat gravity doesn't have the means to avoid being exposed.
Seen the ayys myself, they are real.
>Nogs caring about anything other than their feet and dick and the occasional oogabooga spree
They probably just assume they are planes.
go to ufostalker.com
Show us the statistics if they’ve gone down. Unless you meant to say that fewer hoaxes become high profile now?
This is misinformation, UFO sighting actually peaked in the 70s and have been on a slow steady downturn ever since. Sometime around that time they must have abandoned earth.
>Aliens are intelligent enough to not be seen
>But I've also seen them personally
Your two statements litterally contradict each other. 85 IQ logic
hardly anyone looks up, much less looks up from their phones
doesn't matter. Every time there is a happening, be sure the blind faggot filming it has his 300$ phone set on VGA quality or lower if possible, full zoom and a bad case of Parkinson
There are new UFO videos posted everyday on thousands of YouTube channels. People make a good living running channels that just play new UFO videos.
It's more of a hands off observatory role now. It's shitty and dead end and watching you guys all day gets annoying.
Probably because everyone with a phone now has their face buried in the damn thing and isn't looking at the sky anymore.
There's a metaphor in there...
My nigger doesn’t have a phone. He doesn’t get it until the fields are plowed
it's actually logics unlike yours
are you implying you cant be stupid and take shrooms at the same time?
Well, for such an advance race, perhaps they know about how far our technology has gotten so they are out less. Maybe they do not wish to announce their presence because they know the horrors we can inflict on them, Hiroshima, Nagasaki. They know about our nuclear capabilities so they are watching further away.
Be wise, don't rule out anything just yet.
there hasnt been a single true UFO video ever
you would think that there would be actual good 4k hd 60fps videos and shit but nothing but schizos and cgi shit is ever reported on
i now cringe at anyone who doesnt think all UFO sightings are just secret occult societies dicking around
>haven't bother to look for any recent ufo footage, crop circle or any ayy related stuff
Even Bluebook concluded that UFOs are psychic phenomenum m8? They hijack your perception of reality, and are quite photography-proof. When the entity manifests something physical, it's localized and short lived. Those can be handled, photographed and even analysed before they sublimate. This is the conclusion reached by the Ancients Egyptians investigating djinn, the Church in the medieval period investigating demons, the Enlightenment philosophers investigating faeries, and every official investigation into UFOs. It's not what the UFO cults want to hear though, they want littel green men from mars, so they scream coverup instead of researching the history of their own supposed field of interest.
Are you serious?
Thank you for this OP! No self respecting white man should believe in UFOs and/or a secret space program.
>Even Bluebook concluded that UFOs are psychic phenomenum
Going to call bullshit on that
They are too busy focusing on the evil white man
I would disagree with the remark on sightings going down. It is getting so bad or in this case so common place of an occurrence that it is showing up on your daily news channel unintended for crying out loud.
HINT the real ones captured on camera in these videos when viewed are not what you would exactly call breathtaking. Please keep the common denominator in mind though. Hovering / Floating O/R/B/S Fading in and Out. Do not be quick to discard these witnessed sightings due to the fact we are spoiled by movies and consumable media that put the thought in your mind that (when they show up) it is going to be so over the top that *everyone will know*.... They already are here and have been for a very long time. They intend to kill you twice through deception.
Have fun watching this channels vids, you will quickly see the real ones since they are all the same and behave the same.
You people have no idea the shit that is about to happen across the world. I'd suggest you go read the Book of Revelation as it (TIME) is very short and the best prep one can do is repent for the age of Grace is almost concluded.
Well, would you want to talk to a race of beings who kill one another over petty bullshit? Like that missionary that went on the island of tribal's.
Yes it would be different if whites dominated the planet and there weren't different breeds of less intelligent human. I'm sure we as well as the Asians would like to meet these beings rather than fight them.
Well, you're wrong? How else do you interpret their final press release? They flat out state that the phenomenum is ancient, cyclic, wilfully confusing, sometimes malicious, manifests in the minds of the observer, but is ultimately harmless and is not a national security risk? How are you interpreting that?
It mirrors the 1820s conclusion into faeries: their kingdoms are artifice, their revelry forced and joyless, like actors half heatedly performing a role, their magic insubstatial and their gifts sublimate within days. The faeries were fucking with us, for reasons unknown. Just like the new lick of paint that turned them into ufos.
>what is secureteam10
because everyone is too busy looking DOWN because of said phone.
>It's just a weather balloon
Maybe because aliens are more advanced than us, thus allowing them to be a step ahead of us at all time?
God you must be stupid. They know everybody now has the means of recording, so what do they do? They become more mindful of the possibility of exposure and increase their covertness.
This is child's logic. And the best thing of all, is that the aliens still fail at being unexposed.
Woah this is awesome
It's an alien dance party that's playing Axel F
Go outside and take pictures of airplanes at night with your phone. Remember, you can't plan to take photos by setting up the exposure. Just whip it out when you see a plane, which exists, and take a photo of it.
Are you white?
Fake and Gay.
sauce on the fairy stuff?
I like this whole theory, though, the Keel/Vallee hypothesis. or are you getting it from somewhere/someone else?
Conclusion of Project Blue Book's final release:
the probability that any of the UNKNOWNS considered in this
study are "flying saucers" is concluded to be extremely small, since the
most complete and reliable reports from the present data, when isolated
and studied, conclusively failed to reveal even a rough model, and since
the data as a whole failed to reveal any marked patterns or trends.
Therefore, on the basis of this evaluation of the information, it is
considered to be highly improbable that any of the reports of unidentified
aerial objects examined in this study represent observations of technologi-
cal developments outside the range of present-day scientific knowledge."
Nothing about djinn or faeries or w/e.
It's just that in your post it looks like you're saying that aliens are afraid of humanity's nuclear weapons
Now I see that I misunderstood it
Yeah, I wouldn't want to deal with a race like that if I was a part of civilization that surpassed these methods. Like I don't want to talk to tribal niggers or north south american cannibals
*triangulates your position*
*bumps satellite*
Nothing personell kid
I hate how absolutely useless most people are at taking decent photos or recording non-shit video. I shouldn't be this autisticly angry, but here I am.
The first one is definitely birds in a flock flying in the sun.
fake and gay
Theres like 5 every week you gyppo cunt. Just because (((media))) do not report them when they happen.
Bookmark a few "Sightings" sites.
>UFOs know people have more cameras
>start gong invisible
wtf are you talking about
There are plenty of videos out there. A quick google search and boom a plethora of videos of UFOs
You are one those types that will not pay attention to anything unless CNN or Fox covers it. MSM can run a cellphone UFO story everyday they just dont
>muh rods
You niggers are dumb as shit
I have photos of UFOs from just taking random pictures. My friend took a video of UFOs a few years ago
They're usually malach(angels) not military craft or aliums
oh and both groups in both videos sound QUINTESSENTIALLY BRITISH
>first one is dumb chavs
>second is a sandnigger family
papas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianaspapas adrianas
I've seen one before cell phones were a thing, dont care what you think, maybe it was a secret aircraft, dunno about ayys but I know what I saw.
>>suddenly UFO """"sightings""" go down to 0
No they haven't. UFO sightings are up.
Maybe because we're too busy looking down instead of looking up
This. Although I've seen strange lights myself take random turns and do batcrazy shit several times, most of the time it was through a window, and far off reflections can happen, even when there's no traffic or obvious causes nearby.
this argument pisses me off because I saw one up close and I wasn't even thinking about filming it, also had shitty flip phone at the time. maybe the gov. has scaled back testing
What if UFOs have been making appearances but you didn't realize it?
I get abducted from time to time, AMA
is your butt sore
People started finding out the truth about the jews, and diverted attention towards that.
Any idea why? How are you sure you aren't just crazy?
based secure team poster
No, but i fuck hot ass alien hos when I’m on board. They do take genetic material tho whether that be flesh or cum. Also, I set off metal detectors wherever I go
theres videos posted constantly around the internet, what exactly does this shilling accomplish? there are official government videos of ufos that have been disclosed at this point
>everyone and his nig has a phone with a camera
>suddenly UFO """"sightings""" go down to 0
>everybody has phones
>nobody see's things in the sky
I have no idea why that could be m8
Idk but this poster is in every one of these threads with the same avatar posting misleading disinformation. xd
Am I crazy? It’s possible. I have latent psychic “powers” tho, Future sight, remote viewing, spirit walking, and telepathy. The more you use them the crazier you get however and I got to a mental breaking point where I just didn’t want to do it anymore for my own health
It’s almosr as if our technology made it unsafe for them so they split
can you tell us anything about this image?
the rate of sighting has gone through the roof. wtf are you talking about....
Looks like a drone ship and another in a hyper state
I knew it! Big Foot is a JEW!
Nice. I really like Secure Team. They put in work.
Holy shit that is one rare merchant!
Why don’t you take the medication that the psychiatrist prescribed?
I saw a ufo above a sketchers store in middle school but I had a shitty flip phone with a potato camera
>no lab gloves
Regardless of whether it’s real or fake, this pic is funny as fuck
But then the aliums go away
They finally perfected the stealth tech on them. Also most are from schizophrenia
Next time you go outside and see a plane going overhead in the sky, take your phone out and try taking a recording of it --you'll find that despite you seeing it fine, the video footage will be shit.
There is your answer.
It's only been 2019 for 13 days.
Everyone had a phone with a camera last year, go take a look at the pictures from then while you wait for the 2019 sightings to roll in.
That's not true though. There are loads of sightings documented with cell phone cameras.
I'm more interested in hearing from mostly isolated populations on the subject. The lack of ufo reports from North Koreans is pretty telling. It more or less shows that ufos are a western delusion that happens to bleed into other societies that are influenced by western culture.
Pogo pope pogo pope pope pogo pope pope pogo pope pope pogo pope pope pogo pope pope pogo pope
>"for 13 days"
>posts on the 14th
It's still the 13th here
>someone knew what I was talking bout
it's just like my animes
Alright. Fair enough. Kudos friend.