Go out

>go out
>negroes everywhere

10 years ago we only had a few turks in my town. I knew blacks only from music videos on tv. Now my town looks like planet of the ape.
How do these fuckers even get in here?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190114-054227_Gallery.jpg (1080x912, 146K)

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Urban white progressives

Know you know how us Americans feel German brother


Attached: 1543378010751.jpg (676x1410, 115K)

What's the chance of niggers and roaches culling each other?

your fault, for living someplace where nogs can afford housing

You're not paying attention. Nigs can afford what government can afford, and that is a lot. Someone owning a nice comfy place in a postcard town suddenly gets surrounded by niggers. Lose a life-time of work and investments.

What flag is that ?


Fucking niggers actually drive up rent prices here because there are like 5 of them in each apartment