Is there an essential work by Carl Jung that should be read by all Aryans and nazi-larpers?
I'm interesting in theories of the mind, but not theories perpetuated by the likes of jews like Freud. Thanks inb4 delete
Ayden Miller
Colton Richardson
Man and His Symbols
Jacob Martinez
Bentley Torres
Not by him, but Jungian and red pilled as fuck
Ian Perry
Jow Forums delivers
Brandon Brooks
unironically the red book
Alexander Young
Wotan, Aeon, Synchronicity are all I've read.
Noah Carter
thanks bruder
Leo Ross
He’s the Aryan antithesis of psychoanalysis to Freud. He went off the plantation, and Freud was very disappointed in his brightest follower. Their takes on the human mind are irreconcilable.
Watch Jordon Peterson’s Lion King lecture, and take your Myers-Briggs test.
Juan Green
>Oy vey, you want to sleep with your parents
>btw my nephew will write the book on propaganda
I don't understand the problem with being the antithesis of Freud. It's a shame, but predictable, that Freud became the household name.