Hi Jow Forums

Hi Jow Forums,

Let us say you have an ex with a victim complex, someone you insist on being solely friends with yet they insist you are the love of their life, even though they cheated an endless amount of times.

How do you deal with a victim like this? Someone who strongly believes others have wronged them even when they haven't? Let's say this person starts to blame you for things you didn't do to them? How do you avoid them smearing your name?

tl;dr what do you do with a crazy an abusive crazy ex who thinks their friends, family and you have somehow wronged them, they are full of rage and know your name and where you live??

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Go no contact and hope they don't try and kill you

>someone you insist on being solely friends with


Listen, you can't control what other people do. You can let your frineds know what's going on, but you can't make them believe you. You can ignore her texts and don't engage with her on the street, but you can't stop her from showing up at your place.

Just like with any other bully, all you can do is not give them any fodder and let it end on it's own.

It's a long distance thing and we have been talking for years, although her country is right next to mine so she could travel and find my address if she wanted to

She just posted "cant wait to go home and take a blood bath with my new knife", she cuts a lot but I have intervened for 4 years and have made her go to therapy now I dont know if I should intervene any more??

I am scared of the things she might say about me, of course she has no proof, but two days she claimed she had been raped by me online, after we talked she told me she had been "confused" and it was all "fuzzy"

I used to be so in love with her but now I dont want this crazy in my life. She posts things like "You're in my way and I'll have to run you over, sorry it's just how things are" and she also overdoses on pills.

Jesus... I wish I had never met her when I was still a teenager. I feel so trapped

She posts about how she wants us to get married to me even though we haven't been romantic for several years and she also gained online stardom for her nudes she posted recently and sexted every single person who responded to them. So basically like thousands of people at the same time

Cut all contact. Save the angry emails and voicemails. Screenshot the post about the new knife and any other violent, aggressive, suicidal ones. This can be used to undermine the credibility of anything she says to smear your name.

So ignore her then fsfs. If she dies

She dies

I know it makes me a bad person but I just really really want her to leave me alone at this point, I care more about my own self and reputation than whatever shit she does. I am trying to ignore her in the hopes that she will not cause turmoil in my personal life

This I will do, thank you. Although isnt cutting contact dangerous? If she goes into rage mode, she might come after me on my address, or make posts about me with my name

Her Reddit fanboys were writing things like "Oh, we are all dying to know who this guy is!" Imagine if she writes my name, Im basically dead then

Have you ever met? If you haven't, relax. If you have, how long since you last met?

As I said, you can't control what she does. You can't let her manipulate you into paying more attention to her.

Do as user above said and screenshot anything you can.

I screenshotted it but how can it be proven that it's her? Sure it has her face in the photo but

We met 2 years ago, for 6 days, we only slept together once and it was fully consensual. In fact, she sent me a video 2 days ago apologizing about lying for it and admitting that it wasn't rape because she was laughing afterwards??

It's fucking crazy, man. Everyone on the Internet was shocked by how insane she is, while I have to deal with her in my personal life. I should have never given her my real name all those years back......

> she sent me a video 2 days ago apologizing about lying

> We met 2 years ago

Dude, she is a bully on a screen, and clearly a bad one if she leaves recorded proof of her lying.

You don't have a problem here. I mean, I can tell your social life is clearly online-based and this sort of drama will do a lot of damage there. I sympathize and understand it's not fine for you.

But you are not in real danger. You will only have to work on online damage control.

So you think it won't go into my personal life or anything like that?
My mom met her 2 years ago that one time, she hated her so much she said she never wanted me to talk to that girl again, so I dont want her finding out either...

Thank you so much. You really comfort me a lot. Is she really a bully? I mean everyone online hates her
Why does her admitting to lying make her a bully, and does that help my case?

>Why does her admitting to lying make her a bully

She is a bully because hse is trying to threaten you into compliance (by saying she is gonna kill herself.)

> so I dont want her finding out either...

Dude, grow the fuck up.

> So you think it won't go into my personal life or anything like that?

She hasn't been a part of your personal life for 2 years, I doubt she will start now.

>I know it makes me a bad person
it doesn't
it only makes you a stupid and easily controllable person that you played along for all those years
>Her Reddit fanboys
are you fucking 14?
her reddit fanboys won't even be able to throw a proper shitstorm in her name

It doesn't really matter if she claims anything about you, really. Everyone who knows you irl will know that it's simply not true and will just undermine her own credibility.

just stop being a pussy and think about yourself from now on

Thanks so much, guys. It makes me good knowing this roastie cant hurt me. Thank you!

just tell me please, how old are you two?

I am 20 and she is 18

Why? Does it have some importance on the matter?

so you fell in love with her when she was twelve?
dude, just wake up
I was just curios

No, that cant be right, she was 15 and I was 17 when we first met but that was online only back then

oh, my bad. I was sure you wrote at some point you first got to know her 6 years ago.
it's all right, you are young. Now go and live and don't let bitches control your life.

Yeah I will do that! Thank you so much for your encouragement. And yeah it was 3-4 years ago so pretty long time

I was just so worried, you know in this age of allegations... but you're right, I shouldnt occupy my mind with her bullshit. I have no feelings for her anymore anyhow

Get a restraining order! Damn, dude.

Definately a restraining order and depending on the law where you live...a gun....and keep your phone handy too...record everything and call 911.

Again...get a restraining order on her before she does it to you...and leave her the fuck alone get a gun if you can...she sounds crazy...and I say again keep your phone handy...record EVERYTHING and call 911.

Based on what? And what evidence?I live in the northern part of Europe, not sure anyone would give me a restraining order on her? Besides, she has not been making threats about killing me

I know that if I tell her that I no longer want to be her friend, that this will be necessary. Truthfully, I feel like the conversations we have once a week are too much as well.

You guys have no idea how crazy this girl is. She even became famous on Leddit, posting about how she wants to kill herself, about not having showered in weeks... she writes about how she will "burst" and hurt people

I will definitely look into it, I have more than enough screenshots and videos. Thank you for the advice, I think even admitting on video that you said you were raped when you werent is kind of ehhhhh

She should be proud...(sarcasm)

Yeah, created a ton of drama. Now I'm definitely certain I dont want anything of a personal nature to do with her ever again, people posted and said all kinds of stuff about her and even sent her nudes to her own family

Now, a few days later she's still posting about how she bough a scalpel to cut. Pure insanity. To think I was so naive and young that I tried to actually help this individual