>going on a date with a girl
>there will be alcohol involved
>lots of sexual tension between us
My question is, how much alcohol is too much? I really don't intend on being labeled a rapist, and I don't want to become taking advantage of her. What is the appropriate amount of alcohol before sex?
Is buzzed ok? Actually drunk ok as long as she agrees?
Going on a date with a girl
What kind of date? If dinner just share a bottle of wine.
Don't go beyond buzzed.
>What is the appropriate amount of alcohol before sex?
Are you going to be drinking for her? I don't think you will. She is abig girl, let her drink whatever she wants, and if you feel uncomfortable with her state, walk away.
You don't have to have sex with her. Also, you can't control when it will happen (if it will happen) nor you can control her drinking. Don't plan, just be in the moment.
I take her hiking and then we hang out
>if you feel uncomfortable
And this is the part where I need to decide what that level is
>And this is the part where I need to decide what that level is
Decide when you see it. IF sexy time comes, make a choice there.
>make a choice there.
When I'm horny and inebriated is not the time I want to make these calls
I prefer to have my limits set now
FFS, Americans need to learn how to drink.
You need to get the different levels of drunk without having sex with anyone and then you can understand what is okay and what isn't.
I am a guy, so a glass of wine will not affect me, but 3 will get me buzzed, a bottle will get me in a super good mood, two bottles gets me drunk and while I drink the 3rd or 4th, I black out.
A good rule of thumb is half this for a woman.
If she downs a bottle of wine, maybe tonight isn't the night.
If she has a glass of wine, sure.
Signs that it isn't fine is slurring of words, trouble walking, falling in and out of consciousness etc.
If her head is bobbing like it is attached by a spring, you need to wait.
If she is dancing, singing and only a tiny bit clumsy, then she is drunk, but probably fine.
You should be careful at this stage.
As for anything between this and completely sober, you are fine.
There is nothing you are incapable of when you are buzzed. You react a bit slower and this is why you shouldn't drive, but you can obviously still consent to sex.
If you feel at any point she is too drunk to go through with what she says she wants to do, just hold her instead.
>I prefer to have my limits set now
I don't get it. If your judgement will be impaired, how can making a decision now help you? You will be too drunk to follow through, right?
Don't drink so much that you lose your judgement. After all, you don't want her to drink so much either.
OP, this is a legal question, not a social one. If she drinks any amount of alcohol and you have sex, it can be considered rape. You've been warned
>don't plan, just be in the moment.
Worst fucking legal advice ever
You aren't going on a date but laying a trap. You men are fucked in the head.
>Worst fucking legal advice ever
Good thing this is not a legal board.
> If she drinks any amount of alcohol and you have sex, it can be considered rape.
Just because you don't have fun doesn't mean others can't have fun.
Do you have a law degree from the Incel University?
He talks about how drunk he will get. I think he is just still in a "party" phase of his life with lots of alcohol. It sounds like a young confused man, not like a devilish manipulator.
no, he's laying a trap assuming sex with an inebriated girl and how to avoid her seeing it for what it is, rape.
date would be, hope she likes the place I have picked out for dinner, what do you guys think or should I dress up a bit or go casual or tips for a freeflow conversation and how to secure a second date.
Personally if its wine or any other drink stronger than 16% i would drink a glass or two. I wouldnt drink beer since it makes me go to pee each 10 min. And I dont want to interrupt the sexytime by going to the loo or be completely useless by having too much alcohol in my body.
He probably doesn't ha ng out with people without drinking. As I said, he is going to be drunk too, he is worried of his own decision making while drunk but doesn't even fathom the idea of not drinking.
I'm starting to thinkyou are the "legal advice" dude from above trying to prove hispoint by pretending to be an extremist. He did go suddenly silent, which is weird for such a beligerent type of person.
Don't mock him, a question of legality IS important
No, it's a date. I just want to know what is safe to do. There could very well be a situation where it would be moral to shoot down her advances.
Some might be different, but I am good at giving myself certain principles and adhering to them under circumstances like this.
OP here, essentially this, just that she wanted to share drinks, and it would be lame as hell to say no when it could be done.
>how much alcohol is too much? I really don't intend on being labeled a rapist
not the legal user but OP laid it right out there clearly.
I get it, wanting to get her panties off but don't pretend its a date or he gives a shit about her.
>Some might be different, but I am good at giving myself certain principles and adhering to them under circumstances like this.
So, you will be able to accurately gauge how drunk she is, and if it's over the line or not even while drunk, right?
In my humble opinion, if she is holding onto you for balance (for more than a moment), close to puking or saying inane things no one would say sober or even buzzed, that's too far.
If you want a concrete number, I think 1-3 drinks is ideal assuming you drink them over the course of two hours. Just because the sex will be better when you are both more sober, it's that place where you feel juuust a little buzzed to be alive. And no more than six consumptions in the course of two hours. Obviously this is a rule of thumb because I don't know how long you have and how much of a lightweight she is or isn't.
Also imo if she's really notably drunk (aka: the bartender or other people respond differently to her than they would sober, people go for that "hmhmm yeah okay babydoll" voice) it's not really appropriate for you to initiate if you are much more sober. Leave it to her then in case she wants action. But best is to just know when to quit and quit while you're ahead, before getting flat out wasted.
I'm looking more for on the consensus on what is acceptable m8
She has said when she drinks she gets all over the guy she's with. Consider that this might not be some dastardly attempt to nail her in a state by which she wouldn't say no when she otherwise would, but that I might be in a position to be morally obliged to shoot down her advances.
I want to know what the rule of thumb for that is.
Have you ever gone out for drinks with people? I'm really asking. People drink. Your responsibility is backing away when they are hammered. Unless she jumps on his dick and fucks herself, it's up to OP to make a judgement call.
He is just too much of a coward to face that, so he is trying to get us to tell him what he should do, to get us to set rules for him.
His attitude is not good, but not in the way you make it out to be.
> I'm looking more for on the consensus on what is acceptable m8
No, you are not. When I said you should make a call in the moemnt you said you'd be to hammered to do that. Well, that's the thing. If you are not too hammered to follow the concensus, you are not too hammered to make a choice yourself.
Sorry, from the greentext down it was for OP, not the other user.
>girl literally asks you out for drinks
>a bunch of retards call you a predator
This is the world we live in.
You know what to do
>Have you ever gone out for drinks with people?
Yes, but with friends where nobody gave a damn how drunk they are
I get what you're saying though, and what is being said it's what makes sense to me, that if she's anything beyond slightly buzzed, it's simply wrong. Not only should I not make any advance in that situation, I ought to reject hers.
I should also furthermore limit my own consumption to be right-headed myself.
Just don't drink...!?
It's off to Reddit with you
If ya'llare gonna have sex, just don't drink...or just one.