do goyim even have complex thoughts? As a jew i know my place in the world is to rule over the goyim, just as my forfathers have but i always had some goyim friends who were cool and nice. but lately ive been realizing that the real red pill is that all goyim are literal NPCs. the npc meme is about every goyim no matter what their political ideology. they will never know what its like to think and feel anything other than their programed responses.
The final red pill
I am a gentile (of Greek and Italian descent) and I have complex thoughts myself. To be honest, when I speak to other gentiles, I am often let down. The vast majority of them are illiterate (even professionals) and socially very awkward.
I get along best with Jews...go figure
its not the same once you get red pilled...walking the streets knowing im just strolling through a stream of do I cope?
greeks are jews
>as a jew
>As a jew
Stopped there, Fuck you kike
You forget your history Schlomo
We both love money that’s for sure And our women are a pain in the ass
One only needs to look at the average IQ of the Ashkenazi and the hundreds of Jews in powerful positions to realize that we really are the superior race.
Of you’re so smart, tell me how to describe in a 2 coordinate format, how to describe a location on the surface of a torus.
Jew man, all I can tell you is that I "try" to have complex thoughts. I "try" to rise above my cognitive limits and all that. But regardless I'm just a fucking retard who keeps thinking he is on the path of progress only to find out the path was a dead end and I now have to find another one.
You do realize there's an infinite amount of ways to do this? Maybe you are looking for the common way to do this, in other words the rote learning NPC answer.
filthy joo
Name two methods then.
Kikes aren't more intelligent. Just more deceitful and have less qualms about preying on the kindness and good nature of their host civilizations.
It's like how a virus can't exist without a body to infest. It's not more complex or superior to it's victim. It's in fact quite inferior and completely dependent.
Beep boop, I am a golem.
Consciousness is not required to operate giftgas.
i have the most complex thoughts, get on my level. but in all seriousness woman and niggers lack complex thoughts.
As a Chang, my opinion is that while Jews tend to be smart, they're also blindsided by their need to "subjugate the masses". Like every other society, it eventually leads to your expulsion once the masses "wake up." It's very shortsighted thinking.
Why not just do it the Chinese way? Remain neutral unless provoked, that's it. It's the Chinese way to not meddle in foreigner's businesses, even the diaspora immigrants. Accepting someone else's business is accepting their consequences.
That's why I support EU cooperation with China before the US.
As a swamp jew I have this same feeling about longnose jews.
You cant, obviously . You even had minites to jewgle the answer.
THINK you faggot!
>remain neutral
only by face
Rhesus - (royal O- ) is the real redpill. Negatives are superior in every regard. The rest are barely human.
based nippon
>to rule over the goyim, just as my forfathers
Ok gay slide thread
Don't reply
The goyim follow a very predictable behavioural ecology i.e. they follow a set of patterns that manifest as sociology, and on an individual basis as psychology.
Just like you can map the pigeon or dog, the goyim too can be condensed into a summary following collected studies and knowledge on how they interact with each other and their environment.
If you know these patterns well then it is like pushing the buttons on your PlayStation controller to make a character do things in a game.
They are just animals after all. Red blooded lactating vertebrates that share a lineage with other animals going back hundreds of millions of years.
Then why did Jews come to Europe to steal our fucking genes?
This is the best thing I've ever read. The truth is magnificent. It all makes sense now. What I like about truth is how you have to hear it only once, you can't deny it and it immediately just sticks with you.
This is exactly why free speech is so important. (((Propaganda))) works only if you never hear the truth.
I've seen highly educated Jewish men grovel before the Angelo-Saxon Protestant. He knew he was scum user, and he said AND I QUOTE "It would be an honor even to be an underclass citizen in your ethnostate"
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, and he was a legit scholar
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Suck my angelo cock penny pincher.
>As a jew i know my place in the world is to rule over the goyim,
SAYING SHIT LIKE THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HATE YOUR KIND. You're not special or chosen, you're human just like everyone else, your shit stinks like everyone else's, stop being so goddamn arrogant.
Oh, the irony!
You are a Jew bro
This desu
I'm less than 1% ethnically Jewish, 0% culturally Jewish, yet have an IQ of 140 and have been doing calculus for the last 16 hours.
Get the fuck out of here. I have plenty of complex thoughts. I am not your cattle and not an npc.
You evolved to be perfect parasites.
You are essentially high functioning gypsies.
Good for you.
You lost your right to rule as God's chosen when your ancestors put Jesus to the cross. If I were you I'd repent and get ready you only have another 15 years of power at most before the Muslims and yourselves kill each other then Catholics will slip into control as they did rome to give rise to the son of perdition
Why do jews have such tiny little tables when they serve fish to 30 people?
It's not the goyim you have to worry about, fren. It is your fellow jew who is turning against you. Lel.
Your people have 70,000 years of unadulterated history to learn from. Most of us except for a handful know the truth. That is our biggest disadvantage, not knowing the truth of the world. And that is why whites will believe anything you say